Chapter 6 ↴

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As I approached him, my footsteps echoed softly in the room, creating a sense of anticipation. With hesitant movements, I settled down beside him on the bed, feeling a mix of nervousness and vulnerability. My hands trembled slightly, their restless energy manifesting in the form of fiddling my fingers. The room was bathed in a warm, gentle light, casting soft shadows that danced upon the walls, adding an intimate touch to the scene.

In my anxious state, I accidentally let my blanket and pillow slip from my grasp, their weight causing them to tumble onto the floor, creating a soft thud. They lay there, forgotten for the moment, as my focus remained on the person beside me, the one who held my attention and stirred emotions within me that I struggled to contain.

With bated breath, I awaited his response, my heart pounding in my chest like a rhythmic drum. Time seemed to stretch out, each passing second filled with heightened anticipation. The air felt charged with an electric tension, crackling with unspoken words and uncharted emotions.

As I gazed at him, my eyes traced the contours of his face, mapping the lines and expressions that revealed a myriad of thoughts. His eyes, like deep pools of brown mystery, held a flicker of something indescribable. Would he offer words of comfort, understanding, or perhaps something more?

"You know..there's something called knocking." He pointed out, eyeing me.

His words sliced through the air, interrupting the fragile stillness that enveloped us. The sound of his voice startled me, causing my body to tense momentarily. His pointed remark pierced my consciousness.

"Oh, really? I had no idea! Thank you for enlightening me with such groundbreaking information." I said extremely sarcastically.

He ignored me.

"Your nightmares." He spoke. "Is it about your family?"

As I gazed up, captivated by his presence, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his striking features. His eyes, deep pools of mystery, held a hint of sorrow. While his unkempt hair added an intriguing touch of wildness to his appearance. Lost in his own thoughts, he remained unaware of me sneaking glances, his attention fixated on his hands, perhaps contemplating the words he spoke.

"Yes," I whispered softly, my voice barely audible. Surprisingly, this seemed to be the most ordinary and genuine conversation I had ever shared with him. No hidden agendas, no pretenses—just two souls connecting in a moment of simple, unguarded interaction. It felt refreshing, like a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of our usual encounters.

I watched as he let out a weary sigh, his hands seeking solace by covering his face. The weight of his burdens seemed to push him down, as he fell back laying on his bed, seeking a momentary escape. "How do you make them go away?" he asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

As I witnessed his vulnerability and heard the desperation in his voice, a wave of helplessness washed over me. It was a familiar feeling of being unable to provide the answers or solutions he sought. 

In an act of compassion, I gently draped my blanket over his slouched figure, carefully tucking it around him. His gaze met mine as I picked up my pillow from the floor, signaling my departure. "I don't know how to make them stop," I admitted softly, my voice filled with a mix of sympathy and regret. With a heavy heart, I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm.

As I glanced back at him, anticipation filling the air, his eyes scanned my face in search of something. "Mierda.." he finally uttered in Spanish, releasing his grip on my arm. I glanced at him, making my way out of his room.

. . . . . ╰──╮

The gentle rays of the sun filtered through my windows, casting a warm glow that bathed the room in a soft morning light. As I stirred from my slumber, the sound of Miguel's voice pierced the air, his voice carrying a mixture of exasperation and concern. The muffled echoes of his words reached my ears, reaching through the closed door and urging me to wake from my comfortable cocoon.

With a groggy reluctance, I slowly emerged from beneath the cozy embrace of my blankets, the remnants of sleep clinging to me like a fading dream. Miguel's persistent knocking resonated in the room, a rhythmic reminder that the world awaited beyond my sanctuary of solitude. I couldn't help but offer a sleepy yet amused smile.

With my hair in a delightful state of disarray, I shuffled towards the door, still in the clutches of sleep's lingering embrace. As I swung it open, the bright light spilled into the room, causing me to squint and reflexively rub my tired eyes. My voice, heavy with drowsiness, managed to mumble out a somewhat grumpy question. "What do you want?"

He looked at me wide eyed, and then turned away before looking at me again. "Hurry up and get out of bed, and change into your suit." he said, he looked me up and down again in my sleepwear before I could utter a single remark he slammed the door shut on my face.

As I cautiously entered the room, I found him immersed in his personal domain, surrounded by an array of screens flickering with information. He stood near a platform resembling an elevator, strangely stationed on the ground. His back was turned, oblivious to my presence.

"Miguel," I called out softly, my steps deliberate and measured, my hands hidden discreetly behind my back.

"What," he responded curtly, his attention still riveted on the screens before him, his back stubbornly facing me.

As I stood behind him, my voice made a request "Actually, um... I was thinking," I began, my words trailing off for a moment as I gathered my thoughts, "I could take the day off today?" The air in the room seemed to hang with anticipation as I awaited his response, still unable to see his face.

"Take the day off?" With my request finally registering in his mind, he shifted his attention from the screens and turned around to face me. His gaze, now fixed upon me, seemed to analyze my presence.

As his eyes pierced into mine, a flicker of frustration crossed his face, and his voice carried a hint of anger. "You know," he retorted sharply, his words laden with disappointment, "I let you join, not for you to slouch off and do your own thing." The weight of his disappointment hung in the air.

I mustered the courage to continue, my voice softening. "But... there's a special festival on my Earth," I began, my words delicately weaving a tale of personal significance. "It's called Halloween. I can't afford to miss it. I celebrate it with my Aunt. She's the only thing I have left," I confided, my voice tinged with a mix of longing and affection. I hoped that by sharing this heartfelt reason, he would understand the importance of granting me the day off and allow me to partake in a cherished tradition with my loved one. The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his response, hoping for empathy and a glimmer of understanding.

His gaze lingered on me, his hand instinctively rising to rest on his forehead, a gesture of contemplation. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, carrying a mix of exasperation and resignation. With a deep breath, he locked eyes with me once more. The weight of his decision seemed to hang in the air as he opened his mouth, hesitated, and then finally uttered the word, "Fine."

My elation mixed with a lingering resentment as his agreement echoed in the room. Riding the waves of victory, I couldn't help but let a hint of bitterness slip through my words. "Yes!" I exclaimed, "Well, you do owe me for making me leave my Aunt last time," I added, my tone sharpening with a hint of accusation.

A smirk crept across his face, an enigmatic expression that left me puzzled, my mind racing to unravel its meaning. Before I could even form a coherent response to his earlier statement, he swiftly intervened with his next revelation. "Don't jump to conclusions so fast, hot stuff," he taunted. "I'm coming with you, to keep you out of trouble."

(Here's the next chapter you all have been waiting for. 🤭❤️)

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