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After that Tuesday afternoon my life has been going downwards. I thought maybe shit will get better for me since Caden lives his dad and I have rectified my mistakes but who was I kidding, cause the only thing I have know in my whole 32 years of life is pain and suffering. So here I am getting dressed as a cleaner to spy on the Rose family and you think that I have a death wish but i am simply protecting Caden to keep him safe from the torture I have endured for the past six days, I will do anything just to keep Caden safe. Don't worry if you are confused here is what happened that Tuesday afternoon.

As I was walking out of Caden's school I saw two black cars parked on the sides of my car and four tall muscular men standing on the sides. The first though that came to my head was to turn back and hide in hopes that they would leave after waiting for a long time but it has been a long horrible day so maybe death sounded like a better option. I will just have to accept that I was not meant for happiness and nothing could ruin my day more than the humiliation I just went though. So will calmness in my heart I walked to my car and everything after that was a blur. When the bodyguard opened the door I thought I will be seeing Axel but it turns out I was wrong it was actually a man named Patrick Cross one of Axel Rose enemies. Turns out he found out about Caden and the morron actually believes the story about Caden's birth.

"So what do you want from me because I have no relationship with the Rose family?" I asked with a bored tone,I simply did not understand what was this ambush about and I was tired as hell. This fool had the audacity to laugh like I just told him a joke. "Its because your Caden's mother who is the next king of the Rose Empire." He said smiling like he discovered gold. "I still don't get how your feud with Axel includes me in the middle and if you ever hurt or touch Caden I will kill you mysel-" I was cut off by him pressing my cheeks together with his chubby dry hands. " You talk to much and I won't touch your precious son I am not one of those men that bring kids into business. I need you to get me information about a new project tat Axel is busy with. It's rumoured take their mafia empire to the top and I can't have because it means that my business will suffer now that Axel is a partner with the Nerezza clan" the rest was just a blur as my mind was just processing the fact that this fat smelly man with bad breath was expecting me to set myself up for an early death.

I just stared at him because is this man mad or maybe he is a fool after all. How I am going to find all this information about a project that has nothing to do with me. "Why would I help you Mr Cross with your mission to kill the father of my child" I asked because I don't get why I am being dragged into this mess for the love of God. "You know I have though about how to kill the people you love so I did a background check on you and turns out your dad died when you were ten and your mom kicked you out when you turned sixteen and I thought damn life did not favour you. No parents only your kid, babydaddy dipped and married the first blonde birch the could find." he said in a hard voice "So I did a much deeper dive because you can't believe what's on the surface because even if your seems black and white it was far to easy to get this information so I checked everything that you have touched,looked and loved."he continued.

I was just sweating bullets at this point because I know I have kept secrets and I have a handful of people that I knew and who have helped me navigate this disaster of a life. "Shall I still all the beans now or would you like the honours " I busted turned my head away in silence and let this crazy man tell me what he will take from my life if I don't tell him the truth. "So I started with any family member that has not turned their back on you and I was not surprised when I found out that your father's mother has been in contact with you for the past 22 years and she has visited you many many times after Caden was born and you seem to be have a good relationship with her,right. So I dived deeper tell me why your hospital records show that you had twins right but only Caden is the only child that you live with" he asked in a creepy voice . Chills and sadness just went down my spine at the thought of someone knowing about Colton. "So you had two sons and one died and one lived. Such a sad heartbreaking story a 16 year old boy have the most painful birth a baby coming out with an ambicul chord wrapped around his neck no heart beat such an sa-" I interrupted him with a painful son "please stop just stop" I had the memories of that that day still yeah in my mind .

Colton Kader Theron born just 3 min apart from my first loud son Caden Bedisa Theron , he was born as a stillborn and nothing could make the bad memories away I still remember his red skin covered in blood and the silence in the room that accompanied his his life taken set away from him. It was hard burying him all alone in the rain with nobody to carry the pain with me with only the rain to comfort me and hide my tears. I cried for such a long time as Patrick rubbed my back completely abandoned his cruel persona and decided to comfort me." Ahh shh don't cry your son is still alive he was stolen from you and replaced with a dead baby" I stopped crying and turned my body to fully face this man that is claim such outrageous things , I buried my son with my own hands.

He then proceeded to show me pictures of the baby I buried and the ones of my alive son and I was even more confused. "So I looked at the hospital reports of the day the the twins were born and it turned out a women had lost her son and while Colton was rushed to the operating room the women had saw him and she bribed the nurse to give you the dead infant while she waits patiently for Colton to recover" I opened my mouth to ask questions but he held his finger up and continued "I will give you all the information once you give me the information about the project Axel is working on" and just like that I had a deal with the devil.

As I we went our separate ways I was numb and confused everything was just a blur but yesterday I received a call from Patrick explain the plan to me and so here I am getting ready in my cleaning uniform to pose as cleaner for this company that cleans the Rose home. After spending my whole life fighting and living for Caden I will now fight to find Colton.

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