Chapter IV

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Two years later

Music blasted from the background as I danced in a red velvet swimsuit in a room full of horny perverted men that payed a lot of money to see me shake my ass. Kehlani's voice filled the room as her song Water played in the background.

My face was covered in a mask while my hair was in a high ponytail. I couldn't wait for this to be over so I could go back home and be with Caden. Loud applause could be heard in the club as I finished my dance with a split.

I hurried of the stage after collecting all the money thrown on the stage.Wore my red coat and made my exit out of the club to my car when a hand grabbed me I turned to kick that person but stopped when I saw Sam the club manager looked at me amused"Can we go grab some coffee before you go"it's been a while since he's been asking me out but I don't want to date anyone,"I am sorry I can't the babysitter called Caden is having a high fever so I need to go"I said lying through my teeth yanking my hand away.

You could see the irritation in his face Sam liked to say I should give Caden to his father so I could start a family with him and be happy.What kind of a mother will I be if I were to abounded my child to be with another man.

I walked to my car cause I couldn't wait for Sam to tell me how I should put myself first cause he doesn't understand that Caden is my number one priority."Bye Sam I will see you at work tomorrow"with that I drove away.

Arriving at the house I parked my car and jogged to the door to see my angel.Caden was asleep in the couch with his thumb in his mouth. Tracy was in the kitchen making dinner."Hey Trace you can go now thank you for looking after Caden I will pay you next week"

"Its ok Mr H I don't mind staying with Caden he is sweet"she said walking to the door passing at the sofa to kiss Caden"Bye Snowflake and Mr H you looked beautiful in red by the way"I blushed ever since I left home I started an acne treatment which helped me with my bad acne so now I look better than I have in my whole intire life.

Tracy is only fifteen but she insisted to call me Mr H although I am only three years older than her having Caden at sixteen was hard cause I didn't have a stable job at the time moving from store to store and having an old house as shelter was very hard cause the roof looked like it would fall any minute now and the dust was too much for Caden little lungs but I used all of my savings buying baby clothes and a bed for the both of us.

I painted the house my self and Tracy's father repaired the roof for me and when I got the job at the club I made Tracy my babysitter because Caden seven months and was drinking formula than breastmilk it was easy.

Being a dancer at the club is hard cause I want Caden to be proud of his mommy when he is older which is why I am going to quit when he is five because I want a stable job to be able to take care of us and when he is older he can know his father who is now a billionaire at the age of twenty with his first baby on the the way with his highschool sweetheart Emily.

Emily lost their first baby in an car eccident and in the news you could see how heartbroken Axel was when he was interviewed not that I keep tabs on him it's just that Tracy was watching her man crush Axel Rose being interviewed by the news in my house while babysitting Caden.

Caden stirred in the couch before opening his oceon blue eyes he got from me but he still has his father's features."Mama"blink with glossy eyes I cooed at him his first words were mama."Hey angel mama here baby don't cry"
He sucked his thumb as he hid at the crook of my neck showing he is still tired "sleep baby mommy is here ok"I coax him back to sleep.
I am living for Caden.

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