Chapter VI

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I thought about the Caden situation with his dad,I realised that I am being selfish instead of giving him the life he deserves his getting less.So here I am in front of a mansion that is owned by Axel Rose at his black tall gate speaking to the security."Hello can I speak to Axel Rose it's a emergency"the security guard just looked at me with disguist.

"Look here whore Mr Rose is not here,go bother someone else with those rags" I know my clothes aren't the best and are worn out but the new apartment and school fees are expensive and the savings for Caden's car all my earnings go to it leaving only grocery and allowance money for him."Thank you but I think I am going to wait for him right here"I said point at a the sidewalk.He just scoffed and went inside and made a call.

I have been sitting outside for three hours and that's when I saw a figure coming from inside and as I stood up I saw that it was Axel looking pissed as hell "Tim you can't  get rid of beggers
that you had to call me I was in a fucking meeting for crying out loud"his voice was deep and silky smooth,his shirt was left two buttons undone leaving his muscular chest on display a silver chain dangling there. His toned tall body was hugged by the Armani dark blue suit he was wearing,his jaw clenched and dark eyes narrowed at the security guard."I don't have the time where is he?"

Tim just pointed at my direction looking like he was about to piss his pants.

He walked over if looks could kill I would be six feet under "Talk bitch"he demanded.I was scared talking to the father of my son that didn't even know exist so I was quite nervous so I stuttered "You h...have a..a s..seventeen y..year old son" he looked at me bored "Listen you are pissing me of right now so leave before I shot you".He turned to leave I spoke louder since he was on the other side of the gate "MY NAME IS HOPE THERON WE WERE IN THE SAME SENIOR CLASS,AT YOUR WIFE'S PARTY WE HAD SEX IN THE BATHROOM AND I GOT PREGNANT WITH CADEN" I saw his face twist in anger to disgust back to anger.

He opened the gate taking long strides towards me and grabbed my wrist so painfully and with his voice so dark"LISTEN HERE BITCH IF YOU WANT MONEY YOU BETTER LEAVE CAUSE YOUR NOT GONNA GET ANY!!"he screamed at my face.

With shaking hand I grabbed a picture of Caden in my back pocket,"Here this is him please just look at it" I said whimpering. The picture was snatched by force and my wrist was let go.
I blinked back my tears and looked up to him starring at the picture of a seventeen year old Caden playing basketball in his highschool uniform.

I feel a stinging sensation in my left side of the my face"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!"he spat with so much venom."YOU FUCKING PHOTOSHOPPED MY PICTURES AND CAME HERE TO SCAM ME I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO MESS WITH A ROSE",he dragged me away while I was crying.

He pushed me inside the house I was meet with maids that looked at me with disguist and he continued to push me into the basement with this scary big man. They all looked at me with confusion as I was pushed into the ground and kicked on the side by a leather shoe. "TEACH THIS BITCH A LESSON"he commanded.

I laid in a fetus position as I was kicked and punched in all directions and I took it because I was doing this for him,I had to think about him the life he deserves. I silently cried as the pain was too much."That's enough ",he spoke in a cold voice "So you have something else to say slut cause speak now or forever hold your peace". I stood up with shaking legs and pulled out my phone I felt liquid ruining down my nose and I knew that  I was looking horrible. I took out my phone and I thanked God it was not broken and video called him. The room fell silent as the men were confused and Axel was still looking at me coldly.

After two minutes he picked up the phone call,"Hope I am busy bruh speak"he said sounding pissed and without looking at the screen. With tears in my eyes I was hurting psychically and emotionally in low voice I responded "Caden meet your father",I turned the phone to Axel and heard murmuring around and my phone was snatched. Axel looked at Caden with a clenched jaw I could hear Canden's quick breathing in the other side. "Dad is that you?"he asked in a soft tone .

"Please tell me this is no joke Hope cause I swear to God bruh that would be messed up",he said. Axel just stared at him with unblinking eyes,"What is your name?" he asked in a cold voice. "Caden sir" came a reply. "Come home Caden now",he said before hanging up and typing furiously on the phone I am guessing his address and threw my phone back at me and lower to my level and grabbed my jaw painfully so "Leave and never come back. My son will stay with me from now onwards with his siblings and mother",he sneered looking at me with hate. Letting go of my jaw and pulled me up and dragged me away from the awe struck men.

On the stairs stood a older version of Axel sneering at my presence and an older softer looking women who I realised was Axel's mother,Emily was there too but with a little girl holding her arm and a tall boy that looked a little younger than Caden they looked at me with disguist and Emily was literally murdering me with her brown eyes.

I was dragged outside of the gate and thrown out,"Leave and never come back" with that he left me there and turned his back on me. I dragged my body to my car and steading myself thinking that finally Caden will be happy.

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