Chapter 21 - Battle of the Scorched

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"Let's go," Lon said.

The smoke in the hallway curled in front of them.

Cassiel groaned as he tried to stand. "Someone is coming...."

"I thought you said we were safe." Shelby muttered as he threw him over his shoulder.

Time was running out. Even without the might of the army, this little jail in Emerald was in the spotlight of anyone nearby. Lon pulled open the broken cell door. "We have to leave now."

A shot rang out as if in response. Lon's expression turned into one of shock. A blot of blood appeared on his chest.

"Oh, Lord." he cried and stumbled back into Shelby, sending the three of them crashing to the ground.

"Get..." Lon moaned. "Get.. the.. gun.."

Shelby looked at Cassiel, who had passed out. The gun was nowhere to be seen. He had to make quick life-saving decisions, but all he could do was sit there like a fucking idiot.

"Throw down your weapons," a voice barked from beyond the smoke. "Or we will shoot!"

Shelby blinked in response. This was supposed to be his shining moment. Rescue the angel, get Strawberries to safety. Do something good for a change. Now he had fucked it all up.

Four guards stormed into the room, and before he knew what was happening, his face hit the ceramic floor. His hands were forced behind his back and handcuffed. Unconscious Cassiel was an easy match for them, too. They shackled his hands and feet and threw a bag over his head.

"Ya lucky we don't put a bullet in ya head." One of the guards said and pressed his knee into Shelby's neck. "Ya butchered our friends."

Shelby said nothing. No quick comeback. No clever joke. Instead, he closed his eyes and cursed himself for failing so miserably.

"Get this scum outta here." The guard said. "Lock down the depot, take 'em back to HQ. The Field Marshal will know whatta do with 'em."

Shelby turned his head just in time to see Lon's dead eyes staring out accusingly as the smoke settled behind them.


Strawberries and the Pastor had been so lucky to have a seat in the war room. Both of them were tied to a bench, preventing them from doing much. Officers ran in and out with papers to sign and information to relay. Pawns were moved across a large map laid down on a table. Strawberries saw the words, THE SCORCHED written on it.

"Daniel, this is the Lord's doing." The Pastor said. "For the mockery you've brought upon his holy angel."

"I would hate to have to shove a sock in your mouth," Price replied. "You're here because you're a traitor."

"We're here 'cause you don't trust your men!" Strawberries snarled. Her hands were bound, and her wheelchair was nowhere to be seen.

"Little crippled girls should not run their big mouths." He said. "I need the Pastor alive. Not you."

Major Oberst ran in. "They're on their way with the angel, sir."

Price's bushy eyebrows furled. "And it's subdued?"

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