Chapter 13 - Meeting the pastor

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"Don't let Mr. Price's lack of manners get to you," Kiyoko said. "We're not the bad guys."

They were on the walkway again. Strawberries in her wheelchair, as Kiyoko pushed her onto the last metal bridge that connected the Hospital to Isa. Beneath lay the world of Lincoln, of prominent people busy with their own affairs.

"I know," Strawberries replied. "You're not as mean and grumpy."

Kiyoko giggled. Her lovely face showing less wear and tear than the younger Strawberries. It reminded her they had lived very different lives.

"Depends who you ask," Kiyoko said. "My husband might say so. He tells me I should be sweeter. I tell him to find a different woman."

Strawberries chuckled. She had been listening to Kiyoko talk for weeks now, but never actually paid attention. The teenager had been occupied with herself only. How to make it back home. How to find Shelby.

"You're a wife?"

"And a mother." Kiyoko said. "Three beautiful little boys. All waiting for me when we finish here."

"You mean when the Pastor's done with me?"

"The Pastor will treat you fine."

"That's not what I meant."

Kiyoko smiled. "I know what you meant."

They turned the corner, and she could see the church in all its awe-inspiring glory. Towering pillars of brick. Trees with vines wrapping the bars on the windows, crawling up the tall staircase leading to the doors at the top. Candles and glass to keep the sanctuary bright and dignified. It stood above all other buildings in the dome, in all of H-City, as a beacon of hope, and of faith.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Kiyoko said as she and Strawberries gazed up at the monument, honoring a god Strawberries had feared all her life.

"It is..."

Two figures came walking down the stairs. One was a young man, his head shaven bald. He had a black cross painted on his forehead and a robe hiding his muscular figure. The other man was also bald, but by destiny. He was stocky, dressed in an expensive tailored suit.

"Good afternoon, Miss Strawberries!" The stocky man joyfully sang. "We've been looking forward to seeing you!"

The other one bowed. "My name is Lon." He said. "And this is Mr. Jonathan Juarez."

Strawberries thought of the others. Were they ok? Lost out there in the tunnels.

"Miss Strawberries?" Juarez said. "Are you there?" He waved his hand in-front of her.

She realised she had been staring at his face for too long.


"Good." Juarez continued. "I don't usually do this, but the council has asked me to witness this meeting. To make sure you are being taken care of."

Strawberries turned her head to Kiyoko, who winked back. At that very second, Lon grabbed her wheelchair and, by brute force, begun carrying her up the long and steep staircase. She held on tight and prayed that he wouldn't drop her.

"Don't worry," He said with ease in his voice. "I've carried many people up these stairs before."

His powerful arms and the fluency with which he took every step comforted her. Mr. Juarez and Kiyoko were following close behind, talking about the terrible war and the increase of soldiers.

"Are you hungry?" The Pastor said.

It was the first words he chose upon meeting her. Lon had placed her down in-front of the entrance and Kiyoko had wheeled her in. Now she was face to face with the religious leader. He sported the same bald head as Lon, and both of them were tall figures. But where Lon was a statue of a man, The Pastor was lanky and worn. His eyes drooped, his hands were leathery, and his body, thin and frail.

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