Chapter 20 - The General cometh

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Lon peeked through the slot in the door.

"Do you see the guard?" Shelby asked.


"Is he dead?"


Three men lay slain in the wake of the jail-break in Emerald: One man at the front gate. Another next to them in the hallway, and lastly, the man guarding Cassiel. Impressively shot by Lon through an open latch behind a locked door.

"Anyone else?"

"The angel." Lon replied. "Not sure if it's still alive."

"Fucking great," Shelby said. "And now we're locked out."

"We have to be quick. Before the troops arrive."

Shelby searched the dead guard in the hallway. No keys. This break-in had been a disaster from the start. They had arrived expecting to find soldiers loyal to the Council. They were instead met by an armed maniac who had shot Shelby in his oversized helmet, successfully rendering it obsolete. Lon had returned fire and saved his sorry ass. Another reminder that he was getting too slow, too old.

"Hello." Lon whispered. "Are you there?"

A moment of silence.

"Who calls upon me?" Cassiel answered. His voice, weak and feeble.

"That's angel boy, alright." Shelby stripped the guard of ammunition. "possessed by Shakespeare."

"—Don't move." Lon interrupted. "Please pass me those explosives."

Shelby looked down to realise he had found two hand-grenades on the corpse.

"Now, please move away from the door."

Shelby ran down the corridor and slipped cross the corner, grabbing his ears as he jumped behind the counter.

Lon zip-tied the two grenades onto the lock on the iron door, pulled the pins, and followed his trail.


The blast filled the hall with dust and smoke. Shelby gagged. His eyes burned. If he could, he would have cursed Lon for being reckless. Then himself for not thinking of it first.

They grabbed their bandanas and covered their mouths. It was not soaked in water; but it would have to do.

Lon got up and moved towards the opening. The light from the cell shone through the smoke, guiding them in. He grabbed the handle and slowly pushed the heavy, broken plate to the side.

"Honey!" Shelby announced. "I'm home!"

"Hurry." Lon grunted as he held the door open. "Time's running out."

Cassiel greeted them with a nod.

"Mark Edward Shelby," He said. "and Lon The Third. I'm forever grateful."

"Save the chitchat." Shelby replied. "We gotta get you outta these chains! The entire military's around the corner."

Cassiel struggled to his feet.

"Do not trouble yourself with it."

"What do you mean?"

"Hell has caught up to us," Cassiel said. "An army of thirty-thousand, marching under General Byleth, is at the gates of the city. I believe every capable human has been diverted to defend it."

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