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Levi Petrov's Pov

I've been here a week and Chaos doesn't speak to me unless it have something to do with titi. Titi was amazing she was super smart like her mother. She was out spoken and headstrong. Tough, super smart and fearless. I love her she was perfection to me in form.

Now if only I can get Chaos to take me back. She won't even let me touch her. Knocking on her room door opening it to see her putting on some underwear . "What's up?" She asked me I cleared my throat. "I have a few things to do and I wanted to take Titi with me," I said and she nod. "Okay she's allergic to seafood," she said walking out her room to titi's.

"Titi go take a shower baby," she said. Looking though her clothes. Before pulling out an outfit for her. Titi came out the bathroom in a robe. Chaos hand her some underwear I turn my back. Not knowing how Chaos would react if I saw our daughter naked. "You can look," Chaos said.

Titi was in her robe as Chaos puts styled her braids half up and down. She put left the diamond studs in her ears putting on a gold butterfly necklace. Around her neck and gold bracelets. Then letting titi put on her clothes.

"Get the lotion baby," Chaos said and I just stared at how beautiful she is

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"Get the lotion baby," Chaos said and I just stared at how beautiful she is. How sorry I am that I missed five years of her life. Sighing I watched as Chaos lotion her body then give her a small black purse. Then hand me a black backpack.

"Her EpiPen is in her purse along with some money. This has her tablet, phone, a change of underwear and a sweater. Along with some snacks and water bottle. Make sure to ask her to pee she'll get so excited and hold it in the entire day," she said. Then looked at titi.

Kissing her cheek "be a good girl don't forget you manners," she said titi nod holding my hand. Looking at Chaos "I don't get a kiss?" I asked. "I'll tell you what you can kiss," she said and I chuckled. "I've been trying to," she rolled her eyes. Walking away Titi and I rode to where they were building the hotel and casino.

She held my two fingers tightly getting there Lewis looked at me and frown. "Hey I know you," titi said and he frown. "Your my brother what mommy said your name was. I think Jackass," she said and the construction workers laughed.

"But she also said that was bad word," she said thinking to herself. "It's okay honey we'll keep that one away from mama okay?" I asked her eyes widen and she shook her head no.

"No can do mommy we don't keep secrets they are dangerous. No matter who asked me to keep them," she said and I sighed. It's a good rule but also bad for me," she said. Lewis looked at her then me "Ona byla beremenna?" He asked and I nod.
(She was pregnant?)

"Ty uveren, chto ona tvoya?" He asked my ears rang. "What you just.." I took a step towards him but was cut off my "YA bol'she pokhozh na svoyego ottsa, chem ty," Titi said with her hand on her hip.
(Are you sure she's your?) (I look more like my dad then you do)

His eyes widen we both looked down at her. "And don't be talking about my mama like that," she added with her head on her hip her head tilt to the side. Looking like her mother I picked her up "alright little one relax," I told her and she huff.

Making me chuckle "yes she is mine I have to doubt in my mind that she belongs to me. Your going to make me lose my temper," I said as we walked around the site. Double checking that everything was in the right place.

"Daddy why don't you add a play room," titi said and I looked at her. "What do you mean baby?" I answered. "I mean like a room just for kids so the adults can do what the wants. Charge like twenty dollars per kid or something. With games and computers adding a few chaperones," she said and I smiled.

"I like that baby I like that a lot," I said looking at the contractors "make it happen," I said they nod. "Daddy I can walk you know," she said making me laugh "you are your mothers child," I said putting her down. "You can look around stay in my eye sight. I told her she nod asking for her phone so she can take pictures.

Looking at Lewis "I let a lot of shit pass with you because you are my son. That is your sister I don't care how you feel about Chaos. But Letitia is a Petrov we protect and love our own. If I dream that your mistreating her. In anyway I will strip you naked and put you in the basement for a month. Treat your sister with love and respect," I said looking him in his eyes.

"Yes father." He said

Lewis Petrov's Pov

Watching my father play with Letitia she does look like us. Sighing I didn't hate Chaos or disliked her because of the relationship with my father. To be honest my father could had dated anyone and I wouldn't flinch.

But he chose her I've been going to the club for two years. Trying to get her to notice me every-time I'd complement her. I'd give her thousand dollars tips but nothing. Then one night it only took him one night to win her over.

I was jealous and angry I took it out on her. I knew she was nice person I literally watched her give someone the shirt off her back. She was working the club and this girl got so drunk throwing up on herself. Her friends left her home alone and she couldn't get a cab. Because her shirt was covered in it.

Chaos stripped on the street taking off that girl top. Putting hers on her body then paying for the cab home. I knew then I wanted her but I never claimed her. I guess I felt like she cheated on me with my dad. But that's not the case they have a child together.

I have to apologize and get my father to trust me again. Rubbing my hand down my face this is going to be some work. I hate apologizing I never learned to do that.

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