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Levi Petrov's Pov

We ended up staying pass the three weeks. We've been here two months and Chaos happy. Lewis is barely over so their not in each other space. That ends all the tension between the two. I fired everyone and hired new staff.

She's now in the kitchen making lasagna. Because she's been craving it and I miss her cooking. I'm in my office going over some things adding money to Chaos accounts. She doesn't even argue anymore especially after the spanking I give her last time.

She tried sending the money back but failed. Then she got her first spanking from me. Which ended in a night full of sex. I get hard just thinking about it I push my hard on down.  When she walked in my office smiling with the food.

My face lights up I moved my things out her way. She rest the tray in the middle giving me my plate while she took here. "I made that lemonade from scratch with strawberries and mint," she said looking excited.

"This looks amazing baby," I told her. Eating it telling her how good it was. As we spoke about the little things. "So I was thinking about getting a job," she said and I hmm. "It could be here if this we're going to be here for a while. Maybe a waitress at one of your restaurants. Or a bartender maybe I can teach English at the school?" She said looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Baby you don't have to work I send you money every week," I told her. "Yes and it is a lot of money but I also like making my own money. I'm also bored most of the time," she said with a slight pout. "Can you let me think about it. Let's see what's left on the agenda and how long we're going to be here first," I told her and she smiled. "Thank you daddy," she said when my office door opened.

Looking at Lewis who's eating some lasagna. "Father this is good your chief must give mines the recipe," he said and chaos didn't even look at him. "Chaos made it," I said and his face dropped. "Good job," he said still eating it.

But she didn't respond she does that when she's upset with someone. Ignoring them as if their not alive or even exist. I hated the first two times she did it to me. But she haven't since so that's good. "Father we have a meeting in about an hour," Lewis said and I hmm. "You gone be okay here alone baby?" I asked Chaos she nod yes.

I stood up peaking her lips "I'll see you baby thank you for the food," I told her making her smile. "Be safe," she told me and as she cleaned up my desk. We both walked out "you leave her in your office?" Lewis asked me and I nod. As we got out "what if she steals something?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"She's been alone in this house many times," I said and Lewis hmm "I'm just saying you..." he stopped when I glared at him. Getting to the car I drove this time. Going to the meeting it was long and boring.

Sighing when my phone went off frowning looking at him. I smirked when I saw Chaos sending me nudes. God this woman is trying to kill me. Then opening the video I almost drop my phone.

As she sit in front of our mirror her legs wide open using the bullet vibrator. Licking my lips I shook my head with a smile on my face. Lord this woman trying to take me out.

Going back to listening to the meeting and everyone is looking at me weird. "What?" I asked. "Why your face doing that?" One of my colleagues asked. "What is it doing?" I asked. "Your smiling you never smile," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I got something to smile about," I said and Lewis rolled his eyes. "His girlfriend," Lewis added and I froze because why the fuck would tell them that shit. "You have a girlfriend?" Jackson asked and I rolled my eyes. "We'll love to met her," Miguel started "no," I said. "Why?" They asked and I huff "she doesn't know," they both laughed at me. "She doesn't know your Don?" They asked.

"I'm just a rich business man it will stay will like that," I said and everyone around the table laughed. "Ooh man what is she going to do when she find out?" Miguel asked. "She's not going to find out she not the snooping type. She doesn't even look through my phone," I said and they nod still laughing at me a bit.

Shaking my head I looked at Lewis he looked down at his papers.

After the meeting we got in the car and I back head him. "You keep fucking with me Lewis I don't why you want me to show my ass. But your really asking for me to get mad!" Before pulling off.

"Those people aren't our friends we don't tell them personal business. You know that but you put fucking Chaos in it. And if this how you do business by being stupid and petty. Your going to get killed in this world," I said seething.

I have to get Chaos out of here it's only a matter of time before people notice who she is. Their going to try and use her against me. We already have a fucking leak. I've been doing so good with keeping her out of that part of my life. Punching the steering wheel "fuck!" I yelled.

Getting home I didn't wait for him to get out the car. I went upstairs calling my pilot "Have the jet ready in two hours," I said walking in my room. To her laying on my bed naked. "Hey daddy," she said and I packed her clothes. "What are you doing?" She asked and i through her a dress. "Get dress," I said. "Baby what's wrong?" She asked.

"Your leaving," I told her not looking at her face. "Wh-what baby what are they you talking about?" She asked. "Your leaving your going back home and your going to forget about me!" I said

"Baby what are you talking about it," she said grabbing my arm I snatched it from her. I looked at her face and the tears were just flowing. "I bought you an apartment in the same building you live in. It's bigger you bills are paid up for the next three years. I'll be sending you some money don't contact me ever again", I said handing her bags.

"Levi," she whispered and I couldn't look at her face. My back was to hers "I love you baby please talk to me. We can fix it I promise," she cried. "A car is waiting to take you the airport," I said.

I heard my door closed and I trashed my entire room. Going to my office doing some work I can't let them find out who she is. So I have to stay away fucking stupid Lewis!

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