Chapter 3

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Having discussed what they knew among themselves, the pair decided to investigate further, before they could come up with a plan.
Walking around the building, she stopped at a young man's desk to pick up an empty cup. He was one of the few workers without sunglasses. As she was about to leave, the man grabbed her wrist. She quickly pulled her hand away and turned around to face him.
'Yes?' she asked, a fake smile plastered on her face.
'Meet me at the bottom floor at 2PM, when everyone is at lunch. I know what you're here for and I want to help you,' he whispered.
'Do you honestly expect me to trust you?' she whispered back.
'Look, I promise I'm only trying to help. Those monsters are threatening me. I need you to get rid of them,'
After a short pause, she obliged.
'You wanted to talk, Kocho?'
'One of the workers asked me to meet him in thirty minutes so he could tell me what he knows about the incidents. He said the demons were threatening him, though he didn't know what they were. I don't know whether we can trust him though,'
'Perhaps I should come with you,'
She felt warm at that, but she refused to smile.
'I don't think he's going to speak freely if he sees you there. You do have that effect on people,'
'Maybe I should wait at the door and come in if you need help,'
Shinobu entered the building again and descended the stairs to the bottom floor, where she found the same man.
'You're here,' he said, surprised.
'That, I am,' she replied. She looked around. 'There are no cameras here, right?'
'None at all. Nobody ever comes here,'
'Alright. So, what do you know?'
'All of the people in blue suits are pawns. The ones with the sunglasses are monsters,'
Thinking back on her experience, she remembered that all of the workers with sunglasses wore crimson suits.
'I see. Who's the leader, then?'
'He's not here. He's never here,'
Maybe he's talking about Kibutsuji.
'Alright. Do you know where they'll strike next? Any idea where they're keeping the people who have disappeared? Or have they killed those civilians?'
'They don't strike anywhere. They just pick a random worker and eat them. The rest of us can't say anything, as they're threatening us with the lives of our children,'
'I see,' she said, barely containing her anger at the demons, 'So we're going to need your help,'
'Yes, I've been partnered up with someone for this mission,'
'Oh, ok. Of course I'll help you, I'd do anything to get out of this,' he looked around, wary, as though the walls could hear him, 'What exactly do you want me to do?'
'I want you to tell them that there's an emergency down here, that the police are investigating inside the building. You'll also tell them that there are Demon Slayers accompanying them. If they ask how you know, say that you recognize the uniform, because you've been saved by one of us earlier in your life. Lead as many as you can down here and we'll take care of them.'
'I understand. Should I do it now?'
'No, not today. I'll notify you,'
'Thank you!'
'You as well.'
She smiled.
'Tomioka, we can go now,'
Without responding, he followed her out of the building.
'No need to repeat anything, I heard it all,' Tomioka declared dismissively.
'Great,' she answered.
'Kocho...' he began again, with a softer tone.
'Yes?' she asked curiously.
'I'm sorry,' he said, looking down.
'About what?' she asked again.
'For acting that way at the meeting. I know you were only trying to help me,'
She sighed.
'It's fine. I know you don't like to talk much. I shouldn't have egged you on,' her tone went back to normal.
He nodded.
'So, who do you think he meant by 'the leader'?'
'I think he was talking about Muzan Kibutsuji,'
'Probably. I mean, what kind of demon would say no to eating that many humans? Obviously, someone who could get that amount tripled in the blink of an eye!'

When the stars align for usNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ