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He wondered if the door could creak any louder as he stood outside Lumine's bedroom door, attempting to enter the room without disturbing its sleeping occupant. He held a wooden caddy in hand, each compartment containing medicine, food, and water.

"I've woken up already, don't worry about it."

Aether sighed in relief as he entered the room completely. After remembering her disastrous state from the day before, he was afraid he had unsettled the girl's peaceful rest. It was difficult for him to move around with the recuperating wound on his shoulder, but still, he believed he could have done better in maintaining silence.

"Sorry, did my movement wake you up?" The blond boy bowed his head apologetically as he placed the caddy on the bedside table. "It's early, you should go back to sleep."

For a moment, the girl did not utter a word— he suspected she was looking at him in utter disbelief.

"You're moving around despite your wound not having fully healed?" She questioned.

"Yeah, but it's okay. It doesn't bother me that much." He smiled. "You're the one in need of nursing right now."

"I am, but I shouldn't be taken care of someone who's in the process of recovering."

"(Y/n), it's fine. I'm fine." Aether sighed, pulling down his sleeve to show her his bandaged wound. "See, no more bleeding."

(Y/n) opened her mouth in an attempt to retort when Lumine's piercing voice clamored throughout their home. "Aether! I got news from the school!"

Aether sighed in disappointment upon the realization that silence would have been short-lived regardless of the success of his attempt to keep quiet.

The enthusiastic blonde girl burst into the room, holding up her phone in her eagerness to share the news.

"Heizou cleared out your name!"

Both Aether and (Y/n) looked at each other in surprise. How was it possible that Heizou cleared out her name so easily despite how messy the situation was? What evidence did he even have to support the claim of her innocence?

"Really? That's great!" A big smile made its way onto Aether's face as he threw himself into Lumine's arms to celebrate.

Lumine tossed her phone onto the bed before accepting the hug. Then, she rushed over to (Y/n) and placed her hands into hers.

"It's over, (Y/n). You don't have to suffer anymore." She smiled.

She did not know if it was because of the way she said it or the relief dawning on her, but she started sobbing uncontrollably.

For the first time in a while, she shed tears of happiness.

"It's over... After all that, it's finally over..."

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her humped being, bundling her up in a warm embrace. He hummed a sweet melody under his breath as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"Yes, it's over, (Y/n). Keep crying, let it all out." He rubbed her back comfortingly. "You of all people deserve to rest."

Lumine— despite her sympathy towards (Y/n)— was very perplexed by her twin's choice of action. She held a hand up, wanting to, perhaps, participate in the comforting, when her phone began to vibrate enthusiastically.

She picked her phone back up— still showing Heizou's message of good news— and answered the call which was from him.

"Hello?... Okay, we'll be there." The call was brief and concise, simply informing Lumine of a meeting that the detective would like to hold.

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