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Unknown #1

Who are you?

Unknown #1
oh wow didnt expect u to actually respond

Should I ignore you then?? Also you havent responded to my question.

Unknown #1
im a friend
im here to tell u smth

Go on then. I still have to head back home.

Unknown #1
abt the fire

Are you here to harass me?

Unknown #1
itwas an accident
wait nononono
that's not what i meant!

How the hell can a whole fire be an accident?

Unknown #1
the one who did it didnt mean to frame it on u

And you know this how?

Unknown #1
i know the one who did it vry well
i sweaer they would never!!

Ok, then have them own up to it.

Unknown #1
they cant

Why not?

Unknown #1
becoz they meant to get revenge on smn else and they did have malicious intentions so if they own up theyll get in trouble instead

So why did you even bother telling me?
Shoving into my face that I'm getting punished for someone else's crime?
Also who is this person they're getting revenge from? Kunikuzushi?

Unknown #1

Shouldn't have dragged me into it then?
Did they ever think of that maybe?

Unknown #1

Let's meet up and sort this out.
I'm sure we can come up with something that will help us both.
I'm not that unreasonable. I know Kunikuzushi tends to make lots of enemies.

You know it's rude to start a conversation with someone and just end it without another word right?
Alright then.


Unknown #2

Who is this?

Unknown #2
A friend

I see. Which one?

Unknown #2
Just... Someone in your class. Sorry, I don't feel comfortable revealing myself yet.
I just wanted to say that I believe you, and I know someone who has proof to help your case.
I just need to convince them to hand them in.

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