Shes alive

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All i remember was me being rushed to the tsahìk.
"you need ti let her see you" tero said.
I nodded.
"dont let anyone see her skin or hair or eyes other than me" he said to her.
He uncovered me and she gasped im not sure if it was because of the wounds or my skin tone.

"dont tell anyone shes alive til shes completely healed" he instructed her.
"but what about your parents" ronal asked.
"they can wait" tero said
Ronal began tending to my wounds. My face was not really hurt it was just covered in dirt and blood from my hands. Tero was smiling, i have a feeling he thought i rose from the dead. Ronal gasped again when she saw my face all cleaned up.

"why would you ever cover up? You my dear are one of the mose beautiful girls i have seen"
"i dont want people to know im different" i said.
"whats wrong with different" ronal asked.
I can see tero wishing he asked that question, but way sonner. I sat there and was just thinking.
"im the useless kind of different" i said.
Teros face screwed up in sadness from my comment.
"elaborate please" ronal says.
"well i look like i could be this powerful being, but no im just white" i say defeatedly.
"maybe you have not discovered your strenght yet" ronal says wisely.
"hmm?" i asked.
"all na'vi are strong in their own way, some are physically strong others may be mentally strong, some people are really good at things that others may not be and you will be better at things they are not. Those are our strenghts" ronal says looking into my eyes.
"then would mine be, sneaking off" i asked jokingly.
"probably" she replied smiling.

I basically just needed to rest for the entire day. Tero came to visit quite often. He tild me about how he almost ended his own life to be with me and how neteyam saved him. If it wernt for neteyam tero would be gone, i need to remember to thank him later. If i ever heal, its taking forever. Laying in bed is boring, so i have a plan. And i knkw you are probably thinking, y/n remember what happened last time. I wont go by the ocean, i will go into the forest.

Ronal came in to say good night and check on my wounds.
"good night y/n" she said and then left.
My ankle had a proper cast on it now so i could properly walk. I stood up and it hurt a little but i was fine. I walked around the teneti whakaora. I was not walking as fast as i usually did but thats ok because i was hurt and if i walked fast i could get more hurt.

I slowly walked out of the tenti whakaora, and made my way to the forest. Im not wearing a covering because i dint have any with me. I walked into the forest it was beautiful, so i started humming. My pattern started glowing i totally matched my suroundings. It was calming. I focused on a glowing flower and it poped out of the ground. Then i thought about it coming over to me, it did. As if it was moving on light, beautiful. It was probably a gift from eywa, the welcome me back to the village. It was so pretty yet also so dangerous out in the forest. Glowing creatures moving around.

I was laying in the grass when i fell asleep.
A woman was walking towards me.
"ko koe te marama o eywa" she said.
"what does that even mean?" i asked.
"you will find out in time" she said ten walked away.

Why do i keep having that dream its so random? What does she even mean? Were the questions running through my mind. I also wondered if it was a dream that meant something or she was a made up character in my mind. Maybe i was going mad but i hope not.

I stood up and walked into the beautiful forest. It was kind of scary having no weapons and having nobody else along with me. But im a strong girl i can take it. But around now is when i heard someone calling my name.
I heard another voice.
"tero bro i know you miss her but whoever this is its not her" it was neteyam.
"yeah its me, i have been in tenti wakaora all day" i said.
I could hear his body fall to the ground in shock, he was whispering small things to tero.
"c-c-can i see you" he studdered.
"no im not wearing a covering" i said trying to sound sorry.
"please" he said softly.
"no, but if you leave right now so my brother can take me back i will do anything" i begged.
"anything? Like anything at all" he asked.
"yeah, anything at all" i have no clue where hes going with this.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now