Ella and NYC.

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A/N: Holy fuck, I just felt like writing non-stop today. Enjoy this one, and watch out for the steamy ending. It's just a taste of more to come. Vote and Comment as usual. 

Hailee's POV

It's been a dull week. Josh has been busy with training and travelling for his games and with Ella and Y/N gone, I have been struggling to find people to spend time with. I keep calling Griffin over to hang out and tonight's the fourth time I have called him over in as many days. He seems fed up with me, but I am his sister, so he has to deal with it. I am sitting on my sofa when I heard the bell ring. I hopped off, and sprinted to the door, opening it to see not just Griffin but my two puppies Martini and Brando. "Oh my god, aren't the two of you a sight for sore eyes?" I said as Griffin handed them over to me. I carried them, one in each hand, into the backyard, before putting them down. As soon as their tiny feet hit the floor they darted away as fast their legs could manage, running circles around the backyard. "Mom and Dad just got back from their vacation and when I mentioned how bored you were getting, they decided to return your pups to you. At least until your Hawkeye premiere and press tour take off. When is that?" Griffin asked. "It's from the day after." I sighed, realising the pups would be gone faster than they came. "Oh, that is unfortunate, but at least you won't be bugging me for a while." he teased, which was met with a loud slap on his back. He flinched, his arm reaching around to his back soothing the red mark that slap would have left under his t-shirt. "Okay, cranky much Hailee. Looks like Y/N's departure has gotten to you." he teased. "Him and Ella," I replied, still annoyed by how much fun he was having teasing me. "But mainly him right? Go ahead, you regret letting him go don't you?" he asked. "No, no. Why would I have to let him go? He said he was leaving with Ella and just dipped." I replied, confused by his line of questioning. "Wait, that's all he told you before he left." "Yes, that's all he told me before he left. Which was two days before he left. He didn't even see me the day of his flight, even Ella dropped by my place before she left. I mean she did have to pick up her suitcase." I answered, seeing my answer had left Griffin shocked.

Griffin's POV

It looks like he didn't go see about that girl after all, he didn't tell her anything before he left. I looked at Hailee, who was confused by my questions. "Nevermind," I said, Y/N must have had his reasons to leave, and me telling Hailee wasn't the right way to go about things. "Wait up. You are going to interrogate me and then not even tell me why you are doing it." "Nope, I am not," I replied, standing my ground. "Okay, I don't have the energy to squeeze it out of you. I will find out later," she replied, as she chased after the dogs. I walked back into the house, opening the fridge to grab a beer, before I returned outside to sit and watch Hailee play with the pups. 

The dogs tired Hailee out, despite the size of their legs, they hobbled around pretty quickly. She took a seat next to me, elbowing me on the side of my arm and said "It's bugging me now. Why did you ask whether I had talked to Y/N before he left." Her tone was far more sincere than our last talk, "You will have to ask him, I have no idea. He met me for lunch that day and told me he wanted to talk to you." I lied through my teeth, hoping Hailee would accept my incomplete answer. "Okay, I am going to call him right now," she said, pulling out her phone and finding Y/N's contact and clicking on it. She turned the speaker on, as the phone rang. The call rang once, before going to voicemail. "That's weird," she said, her eyes darting between my face and the phone. She called his number once again, and the same thing repeated. It then dawned on me, I knew exactly what Y/N had pulled off. He had blocked Hailee, his way of getting over her. I didn't have the guts in me to tell Hailee what was happening, so I sat by watching her figure out why she couldn't call him. Five minutes later she gave up and called Ella instead. 

Ella's POV

Y/N had dragged me to Central Park today for a picnic, and was I glad I had come. He had prepared a lovely feast and brought my favourite wine as well. We spent the entire evening chatting and eating. My first week back in NYC has been busy, I haven't had the opportunity to spend time with Y/N, who has been forced to keep himself occupied with other things. I haven't even called Hailee since we left LA. It was getting late, and I had my last day of work tomorrow before me and Y/N could enjoy his trip to NYC, so we started to pack up and head back home. As we were exiting Central Park, my phone rang. I picked it up, without even seeing the caller ID.

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