Not a Chapter (Please Read)

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Okay. So, I know seeing this is probably gonna be a big disappointment because you've been waiting for...what, three months? For a new chapter and then you get the notification that I updated and it turns out to be an author's note. I'm sorry, but I just needed to post this because I couldn't leave you guys hanging for any longer without explanation.

Theoretically, I should have been publishing a whole bunch of chapters lately considering that school ended in May, and I've been trying, I swear, but I just can't get the motivation. I struggled to get the motivation to write this, to be honest.

The last months of school were...rough. Between state tests and finals and a 6 week World War II project worth, like, 300 points, and a Civil Rights Movement term paper and all its subsequent parts worth, like, probably 200 something points that could have sent me to summer school, and concerns about the fact that I was basically failing geometry the entire semester because probability freaking sucks, it was just not a very good time for me academically. It stressed me out so bad and triggered my already severe anxiety into overdrive and I honestly really mentally struggled.

Add all that stress into the concerns I have about my sophomore year (mostly chemistry) and the concerns that my friend group feels like it's basically falling apart and my mental health feels like it plummeted.

My best friend and cousin broke up last semester and now there's all this tension between them, and my cousin is struggling with his mom's death and I'm really concerned for his mental health honestly. And one of my friends that I've hung out with since second grade has turned into a huge jerk who vapes and is being really discriminatory toward my best friend because she's a cosplayer and a therian.

Also, random thing, but I feel like I might be falling in love with my best friend, which I really don't know how to handle because she's made jokes about it before but I can't tell if she's serious or not. And I also have a boyfriend and they sorta don't really like each other, so how would I ever broach the topic of a polyamorous relationship where I dated both of them?? God, why are relationships so hard?!?

Anyway, in short, it was rough and took a toll, and I feel like I'm blowing all of this out of proportion, especially because I'm still struggling with it almost a month later, and I really should be over it by now. But I'm not, honestly, and I feel so bad that's it preventing me from working on this story, but I just can't push myself to work on it. I've tried, I really have, and I just can't.

So, I'm really sorry, but for the sake of my mental health, I need a break from this story. I feel like pushing myself to work on it has not been helping myself any, so I just need to put this on hiatus for a while longer while I sort myself out. I'll try to update sometime in July, but to be honest, you might not get another chapter until August, maybe longer. I just had to put this out there to let you know that 1) I'm not dead, and 2) what the short-term plan is for this book.

Again, I'm so sorry that my stupid school problems are affecting this story so much, and that I haven't updated since March, and for the long rant that you probably had no interest in. I just can't work on this right now.

I promise it will not be abandoned! I will pick it up in a month or two. I just need to figure myself out. Again, I'm really sorry.

P.S: Happy Pride Month!!

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