The Pulverizer Returns!

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Pepper stood on the roof, looking out into the city. It was just as lively as a night in New York could new. Cars zooming by and honking at other drivers, everyone constantly running for their destination--that was good. The people would be distracted.

She'd been there for only 10 minutes, but it felt like much longer. Hopefully it wouldn't be any longer, she was starting to get impatient. Her tail swished as she pulled out her T-Phone, seeing the time read 8:09. 

She's late. She put her phone back. She told me to be here at 8 o'clock sharp. Huffing, she shook her head. I swear, if she's not here in 2 minutes, I'm leaving.

As soon as the thought crossed her mind, her ears twitched at a noise from behind. Soft and subtle, like someone or something trying to be quiet on purpose. She took a deep breath and turned. Nyx stood just a few feet away, smirking.

"I see you got my message," she said. "Funny. I almost expected you not to show up."

"After the stunt Karai pulled with April, would you have blamed me?"

"No, but we're not here about that, are we?"

She shook her head. "What have you got?"

"First, you tell me what happened the other day. Karai told us the entire story. Surprised you came to save O'Neil alone. Expected the turtles would be with you, they just love saving her."

Pepper's eyes narrowed. She'd had a feeling something like this would happen. She'd told herself that if Lucian or his sisters ever questioned her like this, she'd be careful of what she said, and make sure she only did say was was relevant only in their deal.

"The Kraang," she said. "We found out they were trying to turn our water supply into the water on their home planet."

Nyx raised a brow. "And that's bad because...?"

"Their water's practically acid. It destroys anything it touches, including people. The guys found the facility converting the water. They went after it and destroyed it."

"Converting the water, huh?" Nyx muttered to herself. "That makes sense then..."

"How does that make sense?"

Nyx watched her a moment before saying, "Raya snuck off the other night to go see if she could find any Kraang stuff going on. She found a few of those droids at a boathouse near the docks of the East River. If what you tell me is true, then they're probably still messing around with the water."

"You sure?"

Nyx smirked again. "Why don't we both go check it out and see what they're up to?"

Pepper eyed her suspiciously. "How do I know this isn't a trap?"

"Can't you tell I'm not lying?"

"Yes, but I could also just be going crazy." Pepper eyed her a little more, then sighed. "Alright. Let's go." Nyx nodded. She stepped aside and gestured for Pepper to lead the way. Pepper folded her arms and shook her head. "I'm not stupid enough to turn my back on you."

"Aw, I'm hurt," she said in mock surprise, before turning and leading the way. Pepper followed. "You still think we're trying to trap you?"

"Just because I made a deal with you lot, doesn't mean I trust you with my life," Pepper said seriously.

They stopped at the edge of the roof. Pepper turned her head to look down at Nyx, to see the fox watching her with an unreadable expression.

"Funny," the brunette said. "I was thinking the same thing."

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