Part 13: A new friend and the growing darkness inside

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After arriving at Aerith's house, and a rough day, Cloud and Celestia are staying at Aerith's for the night, everyone has fallen asleep now as she awaken with a cave "so much for a peaceful night, what could it possibly be this time" Celestia thinks to herself as she looks to see she's no longer in Aerith's house "what in the world, where am I" Celestia says aloud to herself looking around to see she's in the middle of a clearing white trees surrounding her "good to see you again big sister, take a good look around, it will be your final resting place soon enough" Celestia hears and all to farmiler voice as she looks to see non other then her brother Kadaj as she immediately grabs her sword "Kadaj, wheres the others" Celestia begins taughting Kadaj as she ludges at him her sword ready to strike only to be blocked by Loz "now, now Celestia, that's no way to greet your siblings "Loz tells her as she jumps back netheir of them daring to break there glares at each other as Yazoo appears behind Kadaj "even if you are, I will never accept it, your all too much like Sephiroth" Celestia coldly tells the brothers as she flips over Loz and tries to attack Kadaj but he easily blocks the attack with his double bladed sword "oh big sister, your so much like us, can't you see that" Kadaj tells Celestia insanity in his tone angering her even more "don't you dare compare me to the likes of you, ill never be as corrupted and deranged as the 3 of you, your all just as insane as him" Celestia tells Kadaj refering to Sephiroth her words sharp as a knife as she tries to attack him again but he and the brothers disappear and Aerith appears where Kadaj just was "woah, Celestia, calm down, it's only me" her bitterness quickly turning to regret as she lowers her sword and recognizes Aerith's terrified voice "Aerith, what are you doing here, and what is this place" Celestia asks Aerith putting her sword away "im here to help you, and this place its a pond of water in the middle of the city, you and I used to visit here all the time tho you could never step foot in the water" Aerith tells Celestia laughing as she looks down to see a pool of tainted water "why is the water black and tainted" Celestia asks Aerith bluntly confusing her "what are you talking about it's pure and clear" Aerith replies as the blackness disappears and the water clears up making Celestia dizzy as she almost collapses but Aerith catchs her "woah Celestia, stay with me" Aerith tells Celestia "where did this come from all of the sudden and why" Celestia thinks to herself "yeah, you should probely get to solid ground, this water for some reason seems to knock you out, if your in it that is" Aerith tells Celestia who doesn't hesitate to do so as she levitates ever so smoothly to the solid ground as the dizziness fades "better" Aerith asks her "much, why does the water affect me like this" Celestia replies and asks Aerith casually "maybe because your not pure, water is meant to clense" Aerith tells Celestia worring her "no longer pure, meant to clense so that tainted life energy is still inside me, this pool can sense it" Celestia says to herself "afraid so, I felt it inside you the very moment we met but you could never tell me why that was" Aerith explains to Celestia "that, well, it must be because, I gave myself up to the darkness all those years ago in hopes of saving all life from extincion" Celestia sadly tells Aerith confuseing her "what are you talking about you nor I was there when the promised land was destroyed" Aerith asks Celestia as she walks over to her "so that was a false memory he showed me, I should've guessed, all he wants to do is confuse me" Celestia thinks to herself "maybe your right Aerith because water is meant to clense once this water sensed the tainted energy inside me, it tryed to clense that except, it can't be clensed by anything" Celestia replies to Aerith as Celestia sits down on the ground putting a hand on her right knee  "if you knew I had tainted life energy inside me, why would you be my friend, and what did your mom mean by sisters, aren't the anciants suppossed to avoid becoming tainted" Celestia asks Aerith sadly who sits next to her "yeah, but thats a stupid rule, if I hadn't had found you 5 Years ago, you would still be trapped here, you where young and in a eternal slumber, after I told mom about finding you, she insisted I awaken you, so I did, and well she kinda adopted you but that still doesn'texplain why your tainted" Aerith explains to Celestia shocking her as a women in crystal appears before them to Celestia's shock "can you see it to, who is she" Celestia asks Aerith who looks at the crystalized women "oh her, I never met her, she died years ago, occasionally she will appear her but I don't know her name" Aerith replies and explains to Celestia "her name is Lucrecia" Celestia hears a farmiler voice and looks to see Vincent leaning against a tree "Vincent, it's you, so she's the one you mentioned back at 7th heaven" Celestia tells Vincent shocked to see him again "I knew you where connected to her, but I didn't expect this" Vincent bluntly replies as he stands up and walks over to Celestia sitting next to her where Aerith was confusing Celestia "wait, where did Aerith go" Celestia asks Vincent "she was only here to tell you half the story" Vincent tells Celestia bluntly "half the story, so your here to tell me the rest" Celestia replies "you may be messed up Celestia but your smart" Vincent tells Celestia sarcastically annoying her "yeah, like I need to be reminded of that again" Celestia bluntly replies as she sighs "he's worse then Cloud, what is with me and cold hearted people" Celestia thinks to herself annoyed "I like you Celestia, that's why ill tell what I can but this is only a dream so I don't have much time" Vincent happily tells Celestia finally looking up at her "I was wondering about that, thanks for the clarification" Celestia tells Vincent "no problem, anyway I know everything that goes on in the city and all of Shinra's secrets, if im not with avalance, this is where you'll find me, Lucrcia may have died, but this water is special   these waters have life saving  powers but those with darkness in them like us, if we step foot in the water, will immediately be put to sleep" (not sure how true this is but for my story it will be) Vincent begins telling Celestia making her feel stupid as the crystalized Lucrcia disappears "of course it does, didn't Aerith just tell me that" Celestia replies putting a hand to her head annoyed at herself "don't beat yourself up over it, Shinra's experiments always damage people mentally, I know your messed up because of what they did to you, I was once a victim of there experiments too, and it was there experiments that killed Lucrcia as well" Vincent says calmy but Celestia can sense his anger toward Shinra "figures, so that's why you joined Avalanche, but what does all this have to do with me" Celestia replies finally understanding why Vincent is the way he is and asks him "your wondering why you and Cloud are so messed up, it's all because of those Jenova cells within you, Sephiroth has them too" Vincent tells Celestia anger in his voice "I kinda guessed, but who brought me here and why" Celestia bluntly tells Vincent and asks him "Lucrcia herself did through the power of the lifestream, after you where first infused with Jenova cells she knew her son would be after you, but couldn't stop him, after the first infusion of the jenova cells within you, you nearly died, but Lucrcia wanted to save you because she knew someday her son would return and someone matching him in power would be needed to stop him, and being a cetra she knew that person would be you, the prophsized cetra who would go beyond the limits of al cetra and humans alike" Vincent explains to Celestia shocking her "Yeah, that's me, im apparently just as famous as Sephiroth, but I didn't realize just how much someone like me meant to our world" Celestia replies to Vincent unsurprised "it's always the heroes in a story that have the biggest burdens to bare, and I understand that far too well, the thing inside me is called Choas and it was created by shinra" Vincent sympathically tells Celestia "Choas, but isn't that-" Celestia begins saying "a monster shinra created, yes, im ashamed of it, I was also once a turk but I did a lot of bad things I can never forgive myself for" Vincent finishs Celestia's sentance and tells her shocking her saddened at the thought of his past "wow, Vincent I had no idea, im so sorry you have to live with all those regrets" Celestia replies sympathically to Vincent "your kind Celestia thank you, so I can understand you more then you know, I also know what it's like to have a dark power inside you constantly trying to tempt you to the darkside terrifing you" Vincent reassures Celestia clitching his fist "yeah, im beginning to understand that feeling all to well, im glad there's someone I can share that fear with even if it's not a good thing, you may understand me even better then Cloud" Celestia sincerly tells Vincent relieved to find someone else who can understand her "if you ever need someone to talk to about it, just find me here, I know all of Shinra's secrets" Vincent reassures Celestia as he disappers and Celestia begins feeling herself wake up "just when I think im getting closer to the truth, an answer just turns into more questions" Celestia thinks to herself as she wakes up clitching her fist "and Vincent, under all the toughness lays a kindness and compassion thats not easy to find, now I want to know more about his mysterious past" Celestia thinks to herself again unballing her fist "but what did Kadaj mean when he said the pool of water would be my final resting place, just what does fate have in store for me and is it all part of Sephiroth's plan" Celestia continues thinking to herself angry Cloud hearing her thoughts this time "alright, Celestia, what are you worried about now" Cloud suddenly sits on her bed and asks her bluntly scaring her out of her thoughts "geez, Cloud, where did you come from, let me guess you heard my thoughts like before" Celestia sternly asks Cloud as she quickly stands up who simply shakes his head yes "it's my brothers again, they must have used my jenova cells to enter my dream last night, and Kadaj hinted they would kill me" Celestia sighs and tells Cloud immediately angering him "damn those guys, I don't like them one bit there just other versions of Sephiroth, but don't worry Celestia, I want let them kill you" Cloud coldly tells Celestia "well your both very chatty this morning, sleep must have been just what you needed after the events of yesterday" Aerith happily says to Cloud and Celestia annoying them both "is she always this peppy" Cloud asks Celestia bluntly "what are you asking me for, you know I can't answer that" Celestia replies to Cloud bluntly "alright you 2 stop bickering, theres food waiting for everyone in the kitchen and I do hope you all slept well" Elmyra sternly tells Cloud and Celestia as they just sigh annoyed "great, today is already off to a bad start, what other challenges will today bring" Celestia thinks to herself frustrated at everything but the smell of her favorite food immediately makes her feel better "you didn't have to do that miss Gainsbourgh" Celestia happily tells Elmyra "it's the least I could do to celebrate your return Celestia even if it may not necessarily be a breakfast food" Elmyra happily tells Celestia laughing as she hurries to the kitchen not realizing her powers are showing as green lightning flashs around her shocking Elmyra and annoying Cloud "it's good to see her so happy this morning, but when did she get super speed" Elmyra says to herself with a smile "Celestia's gotton a lot more powerful sense she was taken by shinra" Aerith tells her mom happily "well at least something good came out of working for shinra" Elmyra says smiling "if you ask me, she's to powerful for her own good" Cloud bluntly states standing up as he walks to the kitchen "theres that attitude of his again" Elmyra annoydly says to herself "Celestia, you have got to learn to control your powers, you've seen how others react to them" Cloud walks into the kitchen and sternly tells Celestia who's about to sit down at the table freezing at Cloud's words as she puts a hand to her head annoyed at herself "Celestia, what is wrong with you, depending on your powers all the time, losing control of them, it's a danger to others" Celestia mentally scolds herself as Cloud just sighs "you may be to powerful for your own good, but if I even had 1 of your powers, id want to use it all the time to" Cloud reassures Celestia looking down as she removes her hand from her head "thanks Cloud, of all people, im glad it's you who knows of all my powers" Celstia happily replies thanking Cloud "my goodness, you both really are chatty this morning compared to last night" Elmyra says laughing as her and Aerith come walking in the kitchen "your powers will be your downfall Celestia, they may be strong, but the growing darkness within you will take control of you soon enough and you will be forever changed" Celestia and Cloud suddenly hear Sephiroth's taughting voice immediately angering them both "think what you want Sephiroth but leave me alone, I will defy destiny without your help or my ancestros, this is my life, and no one else will ever control it again" Celestia telepathically replies to Sephiroth sternly Cloud able to hear her thoughts but no reply comes not surprising Celestia "figured you wouldn't reply anyway bastard" Celestia then thinks to herself as she sits down and begins eating everyone else doing the same.
***E͙n͙d͙ o͙f͙ p͙a͙r͙t͙ 13***
T͢o͢o͢ b͢e͢ c͢o͢n͢t͢i͢n͢u͢e͢d͢...

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