Part 5:Why Celestia possesses Genesis consciousness,Celestia & Cloud meet Marco

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Summary of part 4: After speaking with the conciousness of Angeal and Genesis inside Celestia due to her " special power " and Cloud discovers the consequences that come with that power, unsure what to think after being told he's the only one who can help Celestia not forget who she is or destroy herself due to the consequences of her power, Celestia  then tries to help Cloud understand her power more, and after a jelous and angry Tifa knocks on the door to the vacant slum they wondered into, Celestia apologies to Tifa who's surprised to see they are actully in the Slum Cloud will be staying in, Tifa then shows Celestia to her slum witch is 2 doors down from Cloud's, as she sees a hallucination of Sephiroth that quickly disappears, once in her room Celestia has another mental breakdown where she sees a memory of the consciousnesses of Genesis and Angeal within her where Genesis is fighting Sephiroth, as the memory plays out in her mind, Sephiroth then appears to Celestia again in her slum, and Celestia to tired to argue from being drained due to seeing Genesis is memory crashs (falls asleep) on her bed only sharing a few words with the Sephiroth who then enters her mind, breaks through her " special power " and places his consciousness within Celestis along with Angeal and Genesis is consciousnesses, Celestia  then wakes back up and asks Sephiroth who's still in her slum what he did to her, Sephiroth tells her he has just made Celestia his last rement as Angeal predicted as he then disappears back into the lifestream, Celestia unaware how he did so decides to worry about that when the time comes, as she was too tired to worry about it, she dismisses the thought and falls asleep.
Beginning of part 5
Celestia is asleep on her bed drained from loosing control over her " astral blood " power (this is what we will call her " special power " from now on) when she has another dream about her past in the dream she see's herself in her slum from when she was in crisis core sitting on the bed looking out the window when a wounded Genesis enters " is this my memory, or Genesis's, I can't even tell anymore " Celestia sadly thinks to herself *past Celestia, in the dream* " Genesis what are you doing here, is everything ok " Celestia asks Genesis concerned " everythings fine, despite a minor wound is all " Genesis tells Celestia bluntly as he puts a hand to his shoulder " who did you fight this time " Celestia asks Genesis unsurprised and disappointed " Sephiroth" Gensis then tells Celestia disappointing her " Genesis, I know you just want to prove your stronger then him, but you have got to quit trying to fight Sephiroth, we both know it will always end the same " Celestia then tells Genesis sadly " I don't care, I want stop until im stronger then him " Genesis then tells Celestia irritated " why come to me then, im a good fighter, but not a strong one, us anciants are only powerful spiritully, why do you think I depend on my magic more " Celestia  then says asking and telling Genesis bluntly " because I want you to lend me your spiritual powers, my magic isn't near as strong as yours, you can control any element you want, and even heal people " Genesis then says telling Celestia complementing her " want me to lend you my powers how, by fighting Sephiroth with you, I can't give others my powers you know " Celestia then says telling Genesis calmy " maybe not, but you can heal others with your powers right " Genesis then says telling and asking Celestia bluntly " well, yes I can but im still no match for Sephiroth and where partners, I won't betray him " Celestia then says telling Genesis bitterly " right, I forgot you and Sephiroth where partners, thats why I hate you both, because your both stronger then me, you in magic, and him in combat " Genesis then annoyely says telling Celestia " theres no need to be bitter about it, all you have to do is get stronger, and im sure you could overpower us " Celestia then says trying to encourage Genesis with a smile as he just laughs " jeez Celestia, no matter what I do, I just can't figure you out, your loyal to Sephiroth yet you still want to help someone who considers him an enemy " Genesis then says telling Celestia with a smile " yeah, well, unlike him I don't try to make enemies " Celestia then sternly says to Genesis with a smile " and thats why I also admire you, I knew you wouldn't betray him all I want is for you to heal me " Genesis then tells Celestia with a smile " you said your wound isn't healing like it should sounds to me like your cells are deteriorating, the wound should be healing by now " Celestia then tells Genesis as she walks over to him " yeah with your special power you can heal me from the inside, I can't die yet if I do ill never defeat Sephiroth " Genesis then asks Celestia curious " thats true if I use my spiritual  powers combined with my jenova enhancements I can control you from the inside and use that to enter your conciousness and check the cells, it want be painful, but it would cause you to fall unconscious until I finish, if your ok with that " Celestia then explains to Genesis surprising him " you have that kind of power, cetra can't even do that, so how can you " Genesis asks Celestia amazed " too be honest with you I don't know how the power was created, I assume its because of my jenova cells but as long as I can use it to help others, it doesn't matter " Celestia then says telling Genesis with a smile " ill do anything if its to help me survive long enough to defeat Sephiroth, how long would it take " Genesis then says telling and asking Celestia " it depends, but I will be as quick as possible, I can heal you from within with the power of the lifestream, it won't stop the deteriorating but it will slow it, its almost nightfall so you came at the perfect time " Celestia explains to Genesis, then tells him happily " yeah, I agree, best to do it at night, when everyone's asleep " Genesis then agrees with Celestia as she closes the door and locks it confusing Genesis " Uh, why did you lock the door " Genesis then asks Celestia uncomfortable " relax, Genesis, its so no one will come in during the process, can you imagine what they would think if someone found us both unconscious " Celestia then kindly tells Genesis with a smile laughing then asks him bluntly " yeah, I guess that would be bad, we don't want any misunderstandings " Genesis then says agreeing with Celestia bluntly " so have you done this with anyone else before " Genesis then asks Celestia " only Angeal, everyone else just wants me to heal them with materia, its embarrassing really, but don't worry its not difficult " Celestia  then tells Genesis sarcastically with a smile " I see, so what do I need to do " Genesis then asks Celestia unsure this was a good idea " too late to turn back now, maybe it will work in my favor in the future " Genesis thinks to himself pushing his doubts aside " all you need to do is lay down, ill do the rest, that way you want get hurt when you fall unconscious, you can use the bed, ill be fine " Celestia then says telling Genesis, as he does just that " right I forgot how uncomfortable this was, but I need to help Genesis " Celestia thinks to herself as she teleports her spiritual self inside Genesis is unconscious and the dream changes to the inside of Genesis is consciousness witch is all red " I see so this is Genesis's is soul color now to find those cells " Celestia thinks to herself immediately overwhelmed by the passion she feels inside of him " he's got a passionate spirit, bodies with a spirit like his are difficult for me to stay in too long, so I need to make this fast " Celestia then thinks to herself as her astral body walks through the inside of his body *time skip to when she arrives at cells, so it want get too disturbing for anyone* " here is the source of his deteriorating cells " Celestia then thinks to herself as she sees his cells decaying ine my one fairly fast " this doesn't look good, I need to slow this process down now, or by the time I finish his physical body will begin succumbing to it " Celestia says aloud to herself as a green aura glows around her, and mako energy begins entering Genesis is body coming from the lifestream and Celestia telekinetically controls it too form protective shields around all the cells within Genesis is body then uses her own magic to connect the shilds she created with Genesis is blood by letting his blood flow through her from within his body as the blood and mako energy become one healing the once deteriorated cells back to full helth " there that is done, now his cells want deteriorate as fast, his wound should be able to heal now, if it doesn't ill heal it myself back in reality " Celestia thinks to herself as she falls unconscious inside Genesis is body and her astral body returns to his subconscious " Celestia, you ok " She hears genesis is voice and wakes up realizing shes still in his subconscious to see Genesis standing over her " yes, im fine, after using my astral blood power, before I can return to my body, I first enter into the subconscious of who's body im in " Celestia in her astral form says telling Genesis standing up " I see so this power combines your spiritual and magic powers, no wonder your such a strong cetra, have you fixed me " Genesis tells then asks Celestia bluntly " all I could do was slow down the deterioration process with my magic and spiritual powers, but it should help you survive longer, this also creates a spiritual blood link between us " Celestia then explains to and tells Genesis " spiritual blood link ? " Genesis asks Celestia confused " it means I have a spiritual connection to you blood, it means where both spiritually connected now and have each others blood flowing through us " Celestia then tells Genesis surprising him " so basically where like ancestors " Genesis then says bluntly " precisely, that and we will always have a spiritual connection as well " Celestia then bluntly tells Genesis as her Astral form dsingrates and she returns to her own body *end of dream, waking up, back in reality* " so thats the name of my power and what it does, that explains a lot, but still doesn't explain why it connected me with Cloud before Zack's death " Celestia  says aloud to herself waking up to see its morning, only to find Cloud leaning against the wall next to her bed looking down distracted as always " C-Cloud, no it can't be, he wouldn't be in here, right " Celestia  thinks to herself rubbing her eyes thinking she's seeing things " get it together Celestia, your just seeing things, Cloud isn't really in here " Celestia thinks to herself as she rubs her eyes hoping its just a illusion as she immediately gets a headache and who she sees before her turns into Sephiroth who looks up at her evily sending shivers down her spine as she puts a hand to her head and shakes it hoping to break what she believes is a hallucination " Cloud, Sephiroth, or another hallucination, I can't even tell anymore, this is bad " Celestia  then thinks to herself again as a gentle hand grabs her arm and she looks up too see Cloud looking at her concerned " its only me Celestia, don't worry " Cloud gently tells Celestia  who sighs in relief as she removes her hand from her head " thank goodness, I thought I was hallucinating again, but uh why are you here " Celestia  replies to Cloud taking a breath as he lets go of her arm then tells and asks him " I was afraid of that, something happened last night didn't it " Cloud replies to Celestia sadly then asks and tells her bluntly as she shakes her head yes and sits up in bed her arm on her knee as she looks down " last night was like a nightmare, what about you " Celestia then tells Cloud sitting up on the other side of the bed putting her head in her hands then asks Cloud with her back turned to him " not much better, what made your night such a nightmare " Cloud bluntly replies to Celestia, then asks her " I saw 1 of Genesis is memories, he was fighting Sephiroth who also decided to show up again, he did something to me, what I don't know, all I know is like Angeal said Sephiroth made me his rement somehow he also managed to overcome my special power, then I had a dream about how Genesis is conscious is still inside me " Celestia  explains to Cloud her night not surprising him " I knew we should of stuck together, I was worried Sephiroth might try something with you being alone, I knew something was wrong when you thought I was a hallucination " Cloud then tells Celestia bluntly and sadly feeling guilty " don't let it bother you too much, you had no way of knowing for sure, I just wish I knew exacally how he made me his remnant and overcame my special power, whatever it was, it's made the hallucinations worse " Celestia then reassures Cloud then sadly tells him " however he did it, will face it together, im not leaving you alone and vulnerable again " Cloud then confidently replies to Celestia " at least he hasn't changed, im lucky to have him to protect me and help me through this, but I'm not the only one who needs protecting and help, he does too, but with the way I am now, theres no way I can be a good protecter " Celestia then thinks to herself feeling useless " don't worry about me Celestia, I can handle myself, its you im worried about " Cloud then says reassuring Celestia  surprising her " how did you " Celestia begins saying " know what you where thinking, honestly I don't know " Cloud then says finishing Celestia's sentance " could this have to do with my power, he knows what im thinking without me even telling him, even tho where not facing each other " Celestia then thinks to herself confused " maybe when you entered my subconscious then, it gave us some sort of telepathic connection " Cloud then says reading Celestia's mind again making her uncomfortable " thats possible, but this is just strange " Celestia the replies to Cloud who silently agrees with her as they hear loud moaning coming from somewhere " what the hell, wheres that coming from " Celestia then asks Cloud as she stands up and looks back at him " again, thats another reason I came in here, its coming from the room next to mine, I wanted to check but had to check on you first " Cloud then calmly tells Celestia " im so glad he trusts me enough to be honest with me " Celestia then thinks to herself again with a smile as she grabs her sword and puts it on her back " thanks Cloud, and sense you came to check on me first now we can check it out together, lets go " Celestia sincerly thanks Cloud then sarcastically tells him as she begins walking to the door and he follows behind and they arrive at Marco's door immediately making both of them nervous " here goes nothing, we have no idea what will find behind this door, im getting nervous just standing here, something feels uncomfortableabout it " Celestia  then tells Cloud trying to sound confident " yeah, I get the same feeling, but lets not try to think about it " Cloud then bluntly  replies to Celestia " don't think about it, right, like thats a good idea but is better then letting my fear get the better of me" Celestia tells Cloud annoyed then thinks to herself as he puts his hand on the door knob " coming in " Cloud warns they person on the other side both of them getting a bad feeling as he opens the door and they see Marco on the floor seemingly calling for help concerning them both " is it me or does he seem to need hel- " Celestia  begins saying as both her and Cloud sense a change in the energy of the room, this energy a lot more sinister as they step into the room " don't tell me is this Seph- " Celestia  thinks to herself again but the thought is interrupted as Marco turns into Sephiroth " this is a Sephiroth clone, that explains why I thought I saw him yeterday " Celestia then thinks to herself again as Sephiroth working through Marco stands up and walks towards a frustrated Cloud who grabs his sword from his back and perpares to attack as Celestia just stands there hoping this will stop soon " Celestia you could help to you know, we both see him, don't we" Cloud then sternly says to Celestia " im sorry Cloud, I don't know why, but I can't bring myself to hurt him, maybe its because im worried its another hallucination, or maybe its because of what he did to me last night, but I don't know what to truly believe anymore " Celestia then sadly and desperately tells Cloud as she collapses to her knees and Sephiroth knocks down Cloud " Cloud ! Leave him alone Sephiroth please " Celestia then begs Sephiroth " it seems what I did to you last night was a success after all " Sephiroth then tells Celestia calmly with an evil smile " Yeah about that tell me how did you make me your rement " Celestia then asks Sephiroth as she stands back up angry as he tries to choke Cloud but Celestia pushes him off Cloud with all her strength and pins him against the wall or sword at his neck as Cloud stands back up walking in the room his sword at the ready " ill ask again Sephiroth, what did you do to me, or ill use my powers to cast your spirit back into the life stream where you belong, it will only knock your clone unconscious, but for your spirit it will be painful" Celestia sternly says asking Sephiroth fury in her eyes as she glares daggers at him " my, my, it seems even by placing my will and consciousness into you through your Jenova cells it still doesn't stop you from fighting my control over those same Jenova cells, I should've guessed, we where partners after all " Sephiroth tells Celestia who removes her sword from his neck as he turns back into Marco as Tifa comes running in worried as Marco grabs Celestia's leg causing a brief headache " Reunion, Reunion " is all he says before letting go as Celestia and Cloud back away dazed " Celestia, Cloud, what are you doing to Marco, I said to let me know if he needed something " Tifa then says to Celestia and Cloud as a vision of Sephiroth appears in Celestia's head, and she puts her hand to her head irritated using the other to grab onto a nearby wall bracing herself trying to keep her balance due to the brief light headness she feels " the reunion draws near partner, soon you will join me along side your brothers " the Sephiroth in her vision says as it disappears just as quickly as it appeared and Celestia  removes her hand from her head and the other from the wall and sees Tifa looking at her and Cloud " sorry Tifa, we should have told you instead of coming in here ourselves without permission, it want happen again " Celestia then says apologizing to Tifa for her and Cloud as she puts her sword back in its sheath " it better not, I want tolerate threating other residents " Tifa then sternly says repling to Celestia " why are you here anyway Tifa " Cloud then bluntly asks her as he puts his sword back on his back " well, I came to check on Marco, can I ask you guys to do the same without threating him " Tifa then bluntly tells Celestia and Cloud then asks them sternly " sure " Cloud bluntly tells Tifa who stands back up as they all walk out the door and Tifa closes it " do you have our payment yet " Cloud then asks Tifa bluntly " yes, here it is " Tifa replies holding out only 50 dollars with a guilty smile " is this a joke, where's the rest " Celestia then asks Tifa " yeah, sorry, thats all I can give you right now, but ill be collecting money for filters today so I should be able to get the rest for you in a day, in the meantime you could do some jobs around here to get more money " Tifa then nervously says repling to Celestia and telling her " it's fine, don't worry about it, sticking around a bit longer want make any difference " Cloud then says reassuring Tifa bluntly as Celestia just looks down still feeling bad for what just happened " thanks Cloud your the best, and Celestia its fine, no one got hurt thats all that matters, now lets go back to 7th heaven, it is morning after all " Tifa then happily replies to Cloud as he put's the money away, then puts her hand on Celestia's shoulder and reassures Celestia surprising her, and tells both Cloud and Celestia happily as she walks in the direction of the bar, and Cloud and Celestia  follow.
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