Part 10: A bombing mission goes wrong, reuniting with Aerith

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After arriving in avalance is underground meeting place a 7th heven, Celestia and Cloud see some familer faces "well, it's seems everyones here" Celestia begins saying "yeah everyone but Vincent of course like always" Biggs finishs Celestia sentance annoyed "great to have our 2 best bombers joining us" Wedge happily says as Celestia just laughs "yeah, not important, what's the plan this time, send us by ourselves on a mission again" Cloud coldly says to everyone asking them "nope, not this time, will be helping you" Jessie happily replies "so what reactor are we blowing up this tiem" Celestia asks happily to Jessie's amusment "I like this new Celestia, she enjoys a little action" Jessie happily tells Celestia smacking her back as a sign of friendship "yo bro, I love your sword, it must be powerful" Wedge tells Cloud confusing him "uh, thanks, it's special" Cloud replies as he grabs his head feeling dizzy "you ok Cloud" Celestia asks him as he removes his hand from his head "I'm fine, so what's the plan" Cloud replies bluntly "ah yes the plan, well first you need to know what reactor where blowing up this time" Biggs and Jessie reply "it's reactor 6 this time, shouldn't be to difficult, it's nearby" Barret tells Celestia and Cloud "alright, and exactly where do we come in with all this, and why are you helping us this time, we can do it just as well on our own you said yourself we where the best bombers you ever met" Celestia asks everyone curious "ill keep it short, setting and placing the bomb will be you and Cloud's job Tifa" Biggs continues explaining the plan "where coming with this time because after that last monster attack, we know there will be more" Jessie tells Celestia and Cloud "so your just back up then" Cloud asks "yeah and only me, Barret, and Jessie will be coming with" Tifa tells them "is that really necasarry wouldn't 3 of us be enough" Celestia asks Tifa "yeah but you never know, it's always good to have backup" Tifa continues saying "this is the bomb, now come on team, let's go" Barrret says holding up the bomb worring Celestia a bit "woah, Barret, is it really ok to be carring that thing around, it's dangerous" Celestia asks Barret "it's probely unarmed and not activated yet" Cloud reassures Celestia "yeah that's right, Tifa is our tech expert she will activate it when we place it in the reactor" Barret tells Celestia agreeing with Cloud "I see, alright then, what are we waiting for, let's head there now and get this over with" Celestia tells everyone bluntly "where did that exciment go all of sudden, geez Celestia changes her mind easily or maybe shes just moody" Jessie thinks to herself disappointed she can no longer share the joy of bombing with Celestia "good luck everyone, we can't wait to see the results" Biggs tells them winking with a thumbs up smiling annoying both Clous and Celestia "thanks, not like we need it, this will be easy" Celestia coldly tells Biggs crossing her arms "see you later guys" Wedge says waving goodbye as they walk out the door connected to the underground hideout "some planing session that was, it's all so simple" Celestia thinks to herself as they begin walking to reactor 6 "just so you know, I still don't trust the 2 of you" Barret sternly tells Celestia and Ccloud not fazing them at all as Tifa just sighs "at least there not fighting" Tifa thinks to herself looking down "it's there attitudes Barret doesn't like, don't worry about it too much Tifa" Jessie reassures Tifa "I guess that makes sense" Tifa replies as they continue walking to the reactor "Tifa, how do you even know people with such bad attitudes" Jessie asks Tifa curious "Cloud was always cold, but he used to be a lot less negative, and Celestia, well, you would have to ask Cloud, I only just met her not too long ago" Tifa tells Jessie Cloud and Celestia hearing them "yeah, well, being in solider will change a person" Cloud bluntly tells Tifa and Jessie "yeah, when all you see in violence, feelings are only a weakness, you have to be tough" Celestia agrees with Cloud and tells Tifa and Jessie "well, Celestia, despite how we met, you haven't changed much at all" Jessie tells Celestia as she just looks down "this conversation is pointless, why does it even matter" Cloud bluntly says "jeez, loosen up a bit, im just trying to break the ice and get to know the both of you better" Jessie replies annoyed "yeah, and hows that working out for you" Barret asks Jessie sarcastically "if you must know, there making it very difficult, ive never met someone as stubborn as them" Jessie tells Barret annoyed "everybody, just calm down, arguing want get us anywhere so suck it up" Tifa sternly tells everyone "fine" Barret says "yeah sorry Tifa" Celestia apolizes to her "your right" Jessie says but Cloud stays silent "and you Cloud" Tifa asks him "I could care less" Cloud replies bluntly "good then, now let's just all try to get along" Tifa tells everyone as they arrive at the reactor "here we are, everyone ready" Jessie says smiling "already, that was fast, they wherent kidding when they said it was nearby" Celestia says then thinks to herself "well with all your bikering, you didn't even realize it, serously, your all being childish" Tifa coldly tells everyone as they head inside the reactor, Celestia a bit hestant to enter as she stops outside "whats the matter, Celestia, scared already, where did the confidence of yours go" Barret taughts Celestia "scared, me, of course not, im coming" Celestia boldly says hiding her fear annoyed at his words as everyone but Cloud walks deeper into the reactor "you can't hide what your feeling from me Celestia, your afraid the mako will affect you again aren't you" Cloud asks Celestia gently who shakes her head yes "it's not just that, what if he returns, and what if I lose control of my powers again, I don't want to hurt anyone" Celestia tells Cloud looking down "I want let that happen, and if he does, will face him together" Cloud reassures Celestia "hey, are you 2 coming or what" they hear Barret call from somewhere in the reactor "coming" Celestia calls back as she follows Cloud deeper into the reactor and looks around paranoid "calm down, Celestia, Cloud is here, everything will be fine" Celestia tells herself queitly as they arrive where the others are only to come face to face with a monster Celestia's fear turning into rage in a instant "Another monster huh, I will chop into a million tiny pieces" Celestia boldly  says grabbing her sword "as we thought, this always happens" Jessie says as everyone perpares to fight "take this you ugly thing" Barret says using his arm cannon to fire the first shot weakening the alien like monster but only making more angry "yeah, I think you just made it worse Barret" Celestia tells Barret "yeah, so what, the sooner we take this thing out, the sooner we can complete the bombing, Tifa you know what to do, Cloud help her out, we got this" Barret tells Tifa and Cloud throwing Tifa the bomb as the run deeper into the reactor to place the bomb as Celestia realizes this is no ordinary monster "don't tell me it's" Celestia begins thinking to herself as the monster appears as Sephiroth for a split second "I knew it, its you isnt it Sephiroth, you created this monster" Celestia speaks to him telepathically "that's right, I told you I'd be back, but wheres your new partner" Sephiroth telepathically replies to Celestia his voice now taughting her "with Tifa, placing the bomb to turn this reactor to ashes just like you did to there hometown years ago" Celestia telepathically taughts Sephiroth back as she suddenly senses his presence  behind her giving her a headache no one noticing "no, not this time, I want let you control me" Celestia sternly tells Sephiroth aloud "who are you talking to, monsters over here" Barret asks and tells Celestia as Sephiroth disappears and her headache fades "it's nothing, let's take this thing out Celestia replies as Barret and Jessie just shoot at the monster with there Guns annoying Celestia "both of you are useless" Celestia says putting a hand to her head shaking it annoyed "what was that" Barret tells Celestia annoyed not fazing her at all as she removes her hand from her head and sighs "shooting want take this monster out, just stand back and let me handle this, ill slice it to bits" Celestia tells Barret and Jessie bluntly as Tifa and Cloud return "is it ready" Barret asks them "yeah, we have 1 minute to get out of here before it goes off" Tifa replies "think you can take this thing out in a minute Celestia" Barret then asks her "easily, the rest of you get out of here while you can" Celestia replies confidently as everyone heads for the exit except Cloud not surprising her "heh, I figured you wouldn't lisen, so how about helping me take this thing out instead" Celestia tells Cloud sarcastically as he grabs his sword and stands side my side with Celestia "by the way, this monster is Sephiroth's creation" Celestia quickly tells Cloud "figures" Cloud replies as a green aura appears around Celestia's sword and a indigo aura appears around Cloud's as they jump in the air and begin slicing the monster to bits easily but it keeps regenrating annoying them both "damn it, of course Sephiroth wouldn't make this easy for us, how the hell are we supposed to take this thing out if it keeps regenrating" Celestia bitterly says "theres got to be some way, everything has a weakness" Cloud replies frustrated "damn, and we don't have time to dwell on it eitheir" Celestia replies as the others come running back in "you guys have to get out of here now, forget the monster, the bomb will go off in 10 seconds" Tifa sternly tells Celestia and Cloud frustrating them both "damn, she's right, Sephiroth this isnt over" Celestia replies to Tifa then tells the monster as it blocks there path "you really think id let you get away that easily, I want allow an explosion to kill eitheir of you" Celestia and Cloud hear Sephiroth's voice in there minds just as the bomb goes off and flames begin to feel the reactor, the fire burning the platform beneath Cloud and Celestia and there only way out "Cloud, Celestia" Tifa calls frantically as  Cloud grabs the edge of another platform and Celestia uses her wings to keep from falling "this isnt the end for you or us, take Tifa and get out of here" Cloud sternly calls back as he let's go of the platforms edge, and the fire burns off Celestia's fragile wings as they fall downward and Barret grabs Tifa and runs out of the reactor entrance carring her and Celestia reaches for Clouds hand witch he immediately takes as darkness surrounds them knocking them unconcious and they get thrown into the life stream "where are we now" Celestia wakes up realizing her and Cloud have been thrown into the lifestream as she looks to see Cloud still unconcious and them no longer holding hands "so thats why Cloud didn't wake up, he's not a Cetra like me, he wouldn't be able to stay concious here, as long as he's ok, but how did we end up here" Celestia says to herself knowing Cloud can't hear her "take a guess" Celestia suddenly hears Sephiroth's voice echo around her "I should of known you said yourself you wouldn't let us die easily, but why keep us alive, will never join you" Celestia sternly tells Sephiroth as he disappers from sight not even answering her question as she floats in the lifestream freely "what a jerk, not even going to answer my question, how annoying" Celestia tells herself crossing her arms as a sense of dread overtakes her immediately worring her "oh no, here I can't protect myself from my ancestros raff or the darkness" Celestia says to herself uncrossing her arms as blackness comes flying right at her and she tries to use her telekinesis to knock it back but it doesn't work "whats going on, why want my powers work" Celestia worriedly says looking at her hands as hands reach out from the blackness and grab her "is this my ancestros raff or something else, here I can't protect myself from anything" Celestia says as the blackness invelops her whole body and knocks her unconcious once again just as they crash into the roof of the abandend Church in the sector 5 slums right on top of Aerith's flower bed side by side "Celestia, Cloud, how did they get here" Aerith wonders as Celestia wakes up whiteness surrounding her, the only people she sees are Cloud and Zack as Zack smiles at her happily then begins speaking to Cloud "it seems im inside Clouds mind just like that time, but why" Celestia sadly thinks to herself "hey buddy, are you ok" Zack's voice echos within Clouds mind "I'm fine" Cloud replies "whats this about, don't tell me is Zack still alive inside Cloud" Celestia thinks to herself bored "at this point, I don't care anymore, but I have only to wonder how this is possible" Celestia continues thinking to herself, the pain of loosing Zack overwhelming her as she puts a hand to her hand annoyed making sure to stay calm "still, Cloud can't know im here, I have to hide my presence" Celestia quietly says to herself using her cloaking power to hide her presence as Zack and Cloud continue talking "made it with only a few bruises back then" Zack tells Cloud "have we" is all Cloud replies "move something, anything" Zack tells Cloud as he opens his eyes not even looking at Zack "who are you" Cloud asks as Sephiroth appears in Zacks place, his presence dispealing Celestia's cloaking ability but she stays quiet  hoping Cloud want sense her presence "he dispealed my own power, how is that possible" Celestia thinks to herself looking at her hands feeling her power weaken Cloud hearing her thoughts as Celestia fades from Clouds mind "I am your everything" is the last thing Celestia hears as her powers reach there limit, she falls unconcious within Clouds mindscape and wakes up in reality the pain from falling suddenly overtaking her "guess that didn't stop me from feeling the aftermath of that fall" Celestia says waking up taking a breath as she stands up her vision still a bit blurry "where have we been thrown to now" Celestia says to herself as her vision clears up and surroundings become clear  confusing her "an abanded Church" Celestia thinks to herself "hello in there" Celestia hears a farmiler voice and turns to see Aerith looking at a still unconcious Cloud as he wakes up "good your awake" Aerith replies to Cloud "where am I, and wheres Celestia, she was just with me" Cloud asks Aerith "she's right over there" Aerith points to Celestia who's looking around at the Church "this place, it feels familiar somehow" Celestia says to herself "I should hope so, you used to help me with my flowers" Aerith tells Celestia catching her off guard "when, ive never been-" Celestia begins saying as a fragment of memory comes back to her and she puts her hand to her head concerning Aerith and upsetting Cloud a bit as he looks down *in Celestia's memory* she and Aerith are in the same abanded Church using there cetra powers to keep the flowers alive "thanks Celestia, im glad I wasnt the last Cetra alive after all, together it's easier to take care of my flowers" Aerith happily tells Celestia "of course Aerith, anything for a friend" Celestia replies to Aerith "your more then a friend Celestia, your like a big sister to me" Aerith tells Celestia smiling happily as the memory fades away and Celestia takes a breath and removes her hand from her head "are you ok" Aerith asks Celestia standing right in front of her staring her directly in the eyes as Celestia quickly backs away "who are you anyway" Cloud interrupts the moment asking Aerith "you don't remember, what about the flowers" Aerith turns away from Celestia and back to Cloud as Celestia sighs in relief "oh the flower girl, and your name is" Cloud replies "thank goodness Cloud stole Aerith's attention away from me, I don't do up close and personal like that" Celestia thinks to herself as she walks to Cloud's side "Aerith, any idea how we got here, one minute where in the lifestream the next where here, I just don't understand it" Celestia asks Aerith "so that's your name" Cloud says to Aerith "that's right, as for how you got here, I have no idea both of you came crashing right through the roof" Aerith tells Celestia and Cloud pointing up "you fell right into my flower bed, im surprised you didn't realize it Celestia" Aerith tells them as they notice there standing right in the middle of her flower bed "sorry, we didn't mean too" Cloud apolizes to Aerith "yeah, I was a bit distracted" Celestia agrees with Cloud and tells Aerith "that's ok, nothing can kill them anyway, oh by the way Cloud you dropped this" Aerith replies as she holds out the materia Celestia created for him "I'm guessing you created this Celestia" Aerith tells Cloud handing the materia back to him then asks Celestia "yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to have just in case I have my own-" Celestia replies to Aerith looking for her materia only to find it's missing "wait, where is it I thought I had it" Celestia checks every possible place it could be on her but can't find it as she laughs guiltilly "it's seems I lost mi-" Celestia begins saying but is cut off by Aerith "no worries, I have it right here, yours fell out too when you guys crashed through the roof" Aerith happily tells Celestia not surprising her as Aerith throws it too her "I should have guessed, thanks" Celestia replies sighing "I have one too ya know" Aerith begins telling them "oh yeah, where is it" Cloud replies "somewhere around, but it's not good for anything at all, someone dear gave it to me before he died" Aerith explains to them as Cloud immediately feels dizzy and puts a hand to his head as Celestia looks down sadly "anyway, im glad you finally remember me Celestia, I knew you would eventully, theres no way you could have forgotton everything, and memories have there ways of coming back" Aerith happily tells Celestia as she grabs her hands "im so glad to have my sister back" Aerith says embracing Celestia in a hug who hugs back as Cloud removes his hand from his head "so you do know each other, but really sisters" Cloud tells and asks them as they end the hug "not exactly, my only siblings are the rements of Sephiroth Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, oh how I hate them" Celestia explains to Cloud growing angry "who are they, and isn't Sephiroth that war hero that died years ago" Aerith asks Celestia curious "it's not important, Aerith and I are only like sisters, where both Cetra as well" Celestia dodges Aerith's question and tells Cloud as they hear someone else come in the church worring Aerith and annoying Celestia as cloud just waits.
E͙n͙d͙ o͙f͙ p͙a͙r͙t͙ 10
T͢o͢o͢ b͢e͢ c͢o͢n͢t͢i͢n͢u͢e͢d͢...

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