Part 12: Reuniting with Elmyra, the truth begins becoming clear

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After an evenful evening and reuniting with Aerith Celestia, Aerith, and Cloud finally make there way to Aerith's house, they are now in front of Aerith's house "here we are, and ive decided on something" Aerith says out of no where breaking the aquward silence "Aerith, what could you have come up with this time" Celestia says putting a hand to her head annoyed as they stand right outside Aerith's house "Celestia, you protected me all those years ago, now you deserve the same, as long as you guys are here Cloud, will you be our bodyguard" Aerith tells Celestia and asks Cloud as Celestia removes her hand from her head "Aerith, that's very nice of you, but in a way Cloud is already that to me, even tho I can protect myself easily" Celestia replies to Aerith smiling "oh really, you always where confident in yourself but does that mean Cloud is like your boyfriend or something" Aerith asks Celestia jokingly "or something, where-" Celestia bluntly tells Aerith who interupts her "but you like him don't you" Aerith replies asking Celestia as she blushes and looks away "where partners, and close friends" Cloud bluntly tells Aerith for Celestia disappointing her a bit "After leaving shinra and solider, Cloud and I are all each other has left, and well you know what happened to him" Celestia sincerly tells Aerith making sure not to mention Zack's name for Cloud's sake as Aerith looks down sadly "yeah I know, in that case you want mind if I repay Cloud with a date" Aerith replies sadly and tells Celestia happily "a what" Celestia bluntly asks Aerith a bit jelous "it's because of what happened back at the Church while you where unconcious" Cloud tells Celestia "oh I see, that makes sense" Celestia replies to Cloud sadly "but, Aerith just so you know, im not leaving Celestia's side" Cloud sternly tells Aerith "I think we can make that work, it's a deal then" Aerith happily replies to Cloud giving him a thumbs up as Celestia's sadness quickly fades "you too really are close aren't you, Zack did always have a way of bringing people together" Aerith asks Cloud and Celestia a minor dizziness overcoming Cloud at the mention of Zacks name "Aerith can I talk to you for a minute, alone" Celestia sternly asks Aerith "now that's the Celestia I remember, of course" Aerith happily replies "ill just be over here then" Cloud says as he puts some space between him and Celestia "whats up Celestia" Aerith asks her "it's best we don't mention Zack's name around Cloud, both of us where there when he died, but Cloud, well, mentioning Zack's name triggers the memory for him, except he's to traumatized by it to remember" Celestia explains to Aerith "and you know this how" Aerith asks Celestia "because back at the Church, I saw it inside Cloud's mind, you may not believe this but somehow Cloud and I can read and peer into each others minds, but we can't control when it happens" Celestia continues explaining to Aerith as she turns away from her looking down as 2 tears fall from her eyes and puts a hand to her head "it's just like Zack told me, I wasnt sure rather to believe it or not because it doesn't make sense" Aerith replies to Celetsia sympathically shocking her "Zack told you, when" Celestia turns back to Aerith asking her as she removes her hand from her head "or well his ghost did at least, back at the Church when you and Cloud spaced out" Aerith continues "I see, so you connected with his spirit, then you know he still lives inside Cloud" Celestia replies unsurprised "yeah, it's all so sad, im so sorry Celestia, I know it can't be easy sharing a conciousness with someone as broken as Cloud who also has Zacks spirit acting as his guide" Aerith sadly tells Celestia apolizing to her "sharing a conciousness, your not the first person to tell me that, the spirit of another friend of mine from solider said the same thing" Celestia replies unsurprised "Zack was the one who told me, it was only a guess, but theres clearly something special about your friendship with Cloud and he thinks you might have known each other somehow even before you met" Aerith reassures Celestia Cloud unable to ignore the conversation any longer "something special about Celestia's friendship with me, we might have already known each other somehow, what could that mean" Cloud thinks to himself curious as he walks back to Celestia and Aerith "yeah, I just wish I knew what it meant, it's all so confusing" Celestia sadly replies looking down "are the 2 of you done chatting" Cloud bluntly asks them "yeah" is all Celestia replies before Aerith opens the door to her house "mom, im home, and we have guests" Aerith calls to her mother "I thought I heard voices, welcome back, im in here sweetie, but who are these guests you speak of" Elmyra calls back from the kitchen as Aerith leads Celestia and Cloud inside "come in, ill introduce you to my mother, and reintroduce Celestia" Aerith happily tells them "gee, thanks, no need to remind me" Celestia replies to Aerith annoyed as they walk into the kitchen "mom, this is our bodyguard Cloud, and well you already know Celestia" Aerith tells her mom as they enter the kitchen Elmyra freezing at the mention of Celestia's name "did you just say Celestia" Elmyra asks Aerith as she looks at them her eyes immediately landing on Celestia making her uneasy "uh, it's good to see you again miss Gainsborgh" Celestia nervously tells Elmyra "it really is you Celestia, I thought id never see you again, thanks for protecting your sister all those years ago" Elmyra tells Celestia shocked but Happy to see her again "of course, I wasnt going to let shinra lay a hand on Aerith, but uh sister" Celestia happily replies to Elmyra then asks her confused "you mean you don't remember" Elmyra replies to Celestia surprised "she has amnesia mom" Aerith explains to her mom "oh I see, sorry about that Celestia" Elmyra replies to Aerith then apolizes to Celestia "that's ok, sorry I can't remember you miss Gainsbourgh" Celestia apolizes to Elmyra "please you can just call me mom, and no need to apolize" Elmyra tells Celestia making her uncomfortable "thanks, but ill just call you miss Gainsbourgh, if thats ok it doesn't feel right to call you mom when I don't remember you" Celestia tells Elmyra apolizing to her again "oh, that's ok, Shinra must have brainwashed you, and you must be Cloud there bodyguard" Elmyria tells Celestia happily annoyed at shinra for what they did to Celestia then looks and says to Cloud "mom, sister, just who where they to me truly all those years ago" Celestia thinks to herself as she gets slighty dizzy "bodyguard and a friend of Celestia's" Cloud bluntly tells Elmyra "a guy with an attitude huh, Aerith, what have you gotton yourself into this time" Elmyra scolds Cloud and Aerith "he may seem that way, but deep down he's just as caring as Celestia" Aerith tells her mom as Celestia grabs a nearby wall for support her dizziness turning into a minor headache"Celestia dear, are you ok" Elmyra asks her concerned "im fine, but can I sit down somewhere" Celestia reassures Elmyra and asks her "of course Celestia, the sofa is just over there" Elmyra replies pointing to th sofa in the other room "thanks" Celestia says as she walks over to the sofa leaning her sword againest the arm and puts a hand to her head "here we go again, I knew this would only get worse after reuniting with Aerith" Celestia thinks to herself knowing this feeling all to well as Cloud looks at her concerned "if you want, you can join her, I can tell she's special to you" Elmyra tells Cloud happily noticing his concern for Celestia as she begins washing dishes again "yeah she is and only I can help her" Cloud replies then thinks to himself remembering what Angeal told them as he walks over to the sofa sitting next to Celestia not even thanking Elmyra "well that's rude, not even a thank you, Aerith are you sure you want someone like him as a bodyguard, can't Celestia protect you just as well as Cloud" Elmyra says annoyed then asks Aerith "it's fine mother, besides there inseperable" Aerith reassures her mom "if you say so, just don't let him influence you, I don't like his attitude" Elmyra replies "I know that, you don't need to tell me" Aerith sassily replies to her mother "don't sass me missy, Celestia is a lot more mature then you and far too stubborn to let someone like that Cloud influence her, in the meantime how about you help me out" Elmyra sternly tells Aerith who lisens staying silent "please Celestia you have to get yourself together, you are so much more stronger then me" Cloud tells Celestia empathetically trying his hardest not to break down too at the sight of Celestia's suffering as he puts a hand on her shoulder already knowing what's about to happen "ill try, but please Cloud, you shouldnt be touching me or it will-" Celestia tries to warn Cloud but it's too late there jenova cells are already connecting there minds as another fragment of memory comes back to Celestia witch Cloud can also see causing him to feel dizzy as he removes his hand from Celestia's shoulder and puts it to his head *in this memory* A 14 year old Celestia wakes up in her homeland all alone to see flames burning what once was the promised land her and Cloud both tearing up in reality "our land, my people, theres nothing left but ruin, who even has the heart to do this" young Celestia says shocked "is this Celestia's memory, but why am I seeing it, could this be what she was trying to warn me about" Cloud thinks to himself realizing he's seeing what Celestia is "sorry young cetra, but I can't create my ideal world without destroying yours" Celestia hears and all to farmiler blunt voice "Sephiroth" Celestia and Cloud think to themselves in perfect unision as he descends from the sky "but why is he in my memory, this cannot be good" Celestia thinks to herself shocked and worried "just who do you think you are, was it you who destroyed our land" young Celestia says in the flashback angry breathing heavily overwhelmed by the heat as she glares at Sephiroth "you catch on fast young anciant, that's right, but it's seems you survived somehow, how interesting, might you be the one the prophecy spoke of" Sephiroth tells and asks young Celestia as she stands up refusing to give into her suffering "I don't know anything about a prophecy, but you, you're no anciant, so just who are you" young Celestia asks Sephiroth bitterly "me, I will soon be the new ruler of your beloved planet, it's my birthright" Sephiroth replies to young Celestia sternly "what kind of nonsense is that, your insane" young Celestia sternly replies to Sephiroth as a green aura appears around her and she floats in midair now completly unaffected by whats going on around her as flames rise more and more all around her "you may have destroyed our promised land and my people, but you want destroy me, I want let you leave here alive, someone has to protect the thousands of other life's you'll take to make your apathic wish come true" young Celestia tells Sephiroth as darkness surrounds them casting away the flames that once surrounded them "I admire your confidence, passion, and determination but your only a child, your to weak to kill someone as powerful as me" Sephiroth boasts to Celestia "your right I am only a child, ill give you that, but do you really think I would have survived if I was ordinary Anciant" Celestia tells and asks Sephiroth confidently "now that you mention it no, so just what kind of Anciant are you" Sephiroth asks Celestia "to be honest with you, I don't know myself, what I do know is despite it im still an anciant, and a special one at that, it would be wise not to underestimate me" Celestia bitterly tells Sephiroth as black materia appears floating freely above her hand "impossible, Anciants can't use tainted life energy it would kill them" Sephiroth says shocked as young Celestia smashs the materia into pieces and darkness within it surrounds her as Spehiroth realizes she is indeed the prophsized cetra "im sorry my people, but in order to stop the extincion of all life, I will give myself up to the darkness, even if I forget who and what I am" young Celestia says as the tainted life enrgy seeps inside her and she immediately falls unconcious *end of flashback* "even then I didn't know why im so special but at least had awarness of it, and why didn't that tainted life energy kill me, is that why im so unsure of who I am now, can I even be called an anciant anymore, did that tainted life energy poison me too" Celestia says to herself shocked a million questions running through her mind "all ive remembered thus far has been nothing but bits and pieces of myself, and shattered memories I can't put together" Celestia says to herself frustrated facepalming "hey, Celestia, it will be ok, will work it out together, don't forget im just as unsure of who I am as you, and remember what Angeal told us, you need me" Cloud tells Celestia hugging her as she looks up shocked "Cloud, I" Celestia begins saying but can't find the right words as she hugs back letting a few tears fall "you don't need to say anything, I already know" Cloud tells Celestia as he breaks the hug feeling the greatest sympathy for her and Celestia wipes her tears "but Celestia why could I see your memory" Cloud asks Celetsia "I guess theres no use in hiding it anymore, so to put it simply, Cloud, you and I we somehow share 1 conciousness, it's why you could see my memory, the same thing happened to me back at the Church when we where outside, I saw inside your mind tho it was only what seemed to be somethingyou can't remember" Celestia explains to Cloud "that explains how you appeared in my conciousness after the bombing incident too" Cloud replies as Celestia just sighs "I guess even with my cloaking ability I can't hide from you even if it's in your mind" Celestia replies unsurprised "but what about your special power couldn't that have something to do with it, and didn't you say the same thing happened with Genesis" Cloud asks Celestia as she shakes her head no "im begining to think that was nothing more then my own confusion about my past that Sephiroth twisted using his influence over the jenova cells within me, after what we saw just now, I have no doubt my special power is something much more sinister and dark, it would also explain the growing darkness within me" Celestia explains to Cloud "maybe Sephiroth did something to you back then you where unaware of" Cloud suggests to Celestia "perhaps, only time will tell" Celestia replies wondering "glad your ok Celestia" she suddenly hears Aerith scaring both her and Cloud as they look to see her behind them "Uh, Aerith how long have been standing there" Celestia asks her a bit nervous "long enough to hear you tell Cloud about your shared conciousness" Aerith happily replies to Celestia's relief "thank goodness, if she saw me and Cloud hugging, she would have picked on us about it" Celestia thinks to herself relieved "anyway, im glad you told him, he deserves to know with how close you are" Aerith tells them sitting on the chair next to sofa "yeah your right, im sorry I hid from you so long Cloud, but even I can't grasp why" Celestia replies to Aerith then apolizes to Cloud "it's no big deal, I understand, where still new to this friendship thing anyway" Cloud reassures Celestia bluntly "that's for sure, but I feel like where even closer now" Celestia replies happily as Cloud silently agrees "you always where sentimental Celestia, im glad to see that hasn't changed and you always make sure to protect everything and everyone dear to you, your sacrifice back then, and for me meant a lot to our people" Aerith jokes then sincerly tells Celestia "am I that legendary among our people" Celestia replies embaressed "yes, tho where the only 2 left and after the destruction of the promised land we went extint, after shinra took you away our ancesters told me all about you the prophsized hero that would go beyond the limits of life and become more powerful then all Cetra" Aerith tells Celestia surprising her as a pulse of energy goes through her "prophsized hero, go beyond the limits of life, Sephiroth said the same thing back then" Celestia begins thinking to herself "is that why im still alive and Sephiroth is after me, but what about Cloud, how does he fit into all this I wonder" Celestia continues thinking to herself "your friend Cloud, he will be the one who saves you" Celestia hears a voice in her head "just like Angeal told me, but from what, why want you tell me" Celestia thinks to herself growing angry with her ancesters "they may be my ancesters, but they sure aren't much help" Celestia thinks to herself again "whatever, I don't need there guidence anyway, ill discover it for myself without there help" Celestia thinks to herself angry "well, it's getting late, time for bed" Aerith says knocking Celestia out of her thoughts "oh right, so much has happened today I completly forgot" Celestia thinks to herself again "so where exactly are we going to sleep anyway" Celestia asks Aerith "right here, but someones going to have to sleep on the sofa, we only have one extra bed" Aerith says happily pointing to the bed in the room "that's a rather odd place for a bed in an actual house" Celestia replies as Aerith just laughs "maybe, but we have it specifically for guests, as the last of the anciants, people have there way of finding us" Aerith tells Celestia and Cloud not surprising Celestia at all "so anyway, who's taking the sofa, and who's taking the extra bed" Aerith then jokes asking Celestia and Cloud "ill take the sofa, Celestia you can have the bed" Cloud bluntly tells Celestia as she stands up, grabs her sword and walks over to the bed "thanks Cloud" Celestia tells Cloud placing her sword againest the wall as she sits on the bed "well, at least your respectful, maybe your not so bad after all Cloud" Elmyra enters the room and says Cloud not bothering to reply "well goodnight everyone, Celestia remember tommarow you and Cloud are helping me out" Aerith jokegly reminds them "yeah, yeah, we know, goodnight everyone" Celestia says as she lays on the bed facing away from everyone "maybe I can sleep peacefully for once tonight" Celestia thinks to herself as she and Cloud fall asleep and Elmyra and Aerith just laugh "rougth day for them huh" Elmyra quietly asks Aerith "yeah, with what there going through, they need it, goodnight mom" Aerith quietly replies as she heads to her bed "ok goodnight sweetie" Elmyra quietly replies "what there going through, poor things, I can't begin to imagine what shinra must have put them through" Elmyra thinks to herself as she returns to the kitchen to finish up a little something before she goes to bed.
T͢o͢o͢ b͢e͢ c͢o͢n͢t͢i͢n͢u͢e͢d͢...

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