» Epilogue: Sweet hell

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The next day, I woke up in Mikoto's arms, my head resting on his bare torso, his warmth surrounding me. We haven't been apart since then.

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"Where are we going?"

"We are almost there. Just wait a little bit," Mikoto answers me. I can't see him because of the blindfold covering my eyes, but I can tell he's smiling. He's been happier than usual today. With careful steps, I keep walking where Mikoto directs me even though I know I shouldn't worry. He won't let anything happen to me.

Several minutes later, Mikoto uncovers my eyes, and I open my mouth in surprise to see the HOMRA guys holding a banner that says 'Congratulations'. Around them, a bunch of balloons and decorations. But... As far as I know, it's not my birthday.

"Come on, open the presents," Mikoto encourages me before I can get them out of their mistake.

I can see that they have put a lot of effort into it, so I decide to keep quiet and accept the gift that Anna offers me. Strangely, I discover that they are red baby booties, and I look at her confused. She smiles broadly at me.

"It's a boy!"

A boy? What? How? When? Why? I look at Mikoto, waiting for an explanation, but it never comes. He just smiles like a child while looking at me. He doesn't even look surprised.

"A boy?"

He nods and I don't know what else to say. We're having a baby. I can't believe it. Mikoto hugs me and I begin to react.

"We're going to be parents!" I exclaimed, returning the hug.

"Mini-Mikoto is on his way!" adds Yata.

I thought I couldn't be happier than when Shiro told us that Mikoto's sword could be stabilized if it was inactive for some time. However, now I know I was wrong.

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"Mikoto, can I ask you something?"

He nods while still caringsing my belly. He is more excited about the idea of being a father than I could have thought.

"You never answered me, so... why did it take you so long to come after me when I left HOMRA?"

He sighs before resting his head on my neck.

"Look at me," he orders, holding my chin. "I am a demon, woman. I destroy everything I touch, and when you left.... I thought it would be better if you could move on without me."

"What changed your mind?"

"The dark circles under your eyes," I look at him puzzled. "When I saw you that day outside HOMRA, I realized that you were not fine. I had convinced myself that if you didn't come back, it was because you had gotten over me. Still, it was Anna who convinced me to come looking for you. She says my red is less red when you're not there."

"Mikoto, of course you're a demon. My golden-eyed demon. But that doesn't matter, I also love that about you" I answer, kissing him.

Mikoto hugs me again as he makes me lie down on the bed next to him.

"I hope so, woman. Because I'm not going to let you or my little boy get away from me ever again."

"Tatara. Suoh Tatara" I say, smiling. I think it's the best name our son could have.

Mikoto nods before passionately kissing me again.

If this is hell, I don't mind burning forever next to him.

Love is a strange thing. It comes into your life when you least expect it and turns everything upside down. It makes you laugh and cry. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes you feel like it's the most wonderful thing in the world.

I cried a lot thinking that I could lose Mikoto, and I cried even more when I had to make the decision to part with him. However, I wouldn't change a single moment of our story because we might not be here if it weren't for that. I have no regrets.

Have I sinned? Plenty. But it was worth it.

This golden-eyed demon is the best thing that could have happened to me.

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❝two ideas that sprout at the same time;
two kisses that burst at once;
two echoes that blend together:
these are our two souls❞

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