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Continuing from the very end of the last book

3rd person pov

"Cheers." One of the two men said. They were older adults. Between their 30s and 40s. Their beers clinked, and they took a sip. The fire in front of them cackled while the wind blew. They had just hammered their tent down so it wouldn't blow away.

"God Jack, It's crazy how long it's been." The same one said.

"Almost 12", he was cut off by a rustling in the woods. Both the men looked behind them into the darkness. The two men, Jack and Zachery, had been to this forest every year for a camping trip. This was their 12th year being here. It was a yearly camping trip. It's odd. They had never seen an animal or other person out here. Especially with how close it was to the actual highway.

"You hear that?" Jack said.

Zach grunted, "It's probably nothing." he said they turned back around.

"So- '' they were again interrupted by rustling in the bushes. This time, it was a lot louder.

"Who's there!" Jack said loudly while they looked behind them.

"Grab a flashlight," Zach said. Jack stood up and went to the tent, grabbed a flashlight, and shined it on the spot, making noise. There was nothing there. They heard the rustling now to the left side of them. They both turned. They could tell there was fear in both of them.

"What the hell," Jack said. Something ran into the view of the flashlight. It looked like a figure of a bear. The light then disappeared, and a scream was heard. Zach looked around. His friend was gone. Completely disappeared. Just his flashlight on the ground.

Zach picked it up in fear. He shined the flashlight and still saw the animal. Then, with all he had, he ran. He ran through the forest way opposite the animal.

He kept running, glancing back until he hit somebody. He fell back and dropped the flashlight. Immediately assuming it was his friend, he asked, "Jack?"

There were a few seconds of silence. "I'm not Jack." A voice said. It wasn't. It did sound like him. It sounded like a young adult. He searched for the flashlight but couldn't find it. He was on the ground, in the dark, with some random 20-year-old, being chased by what he assumed was an animal. "Don't worry, I'm running from it too." He said.

"I- okay." Zach stuttered. "How do we escape it?" He quickly made his way to his feet.

"You just have to stand still." The young adult said. "And it will walk away." In his panic, the old man obeyed and stood completely still. Nothing is moving around him. Until he felt a sudden pain in his head, then felt himself falling.

He fell to the ground unconscious. Sam chuckled to himself. Idiots. He grabbed the collar of the old man and began dragging him, leading him towards the other man he had knocked out a few minutes before him. He grabbed him by the collar and dragged both of them through a forest. The sound of jingling cuffs around his hands filled the silence and grunts from lifting the men over logs. This forest usually did not have anybody inside of it. He was lucky when he saw a few victims.

He pulled them back to the camp they had. Yes, it was a waste of time to let the other guy run his ass off. But Sam found it amusing. So he let it happen. He looked through all the things the men had. Found some rope and tied them up. Their arms were tight and their legs tighter. He took the things they had. A lighter, rope, cloth, a few books, food, and water. He used a pocket knife that one of the men had to break off the handcuffs. Then, I took the backpack with all the stuff. And dragged the men.

After about an hour of dragging, he came up to a cave. It's not too big, not too small. He dragged the bodies in and let them fall onto the ground.

He pulled out the pocket knife, lighter, cloth, and book. He went over to one of the men, Jack. And used the blade to cut open his arm. It was a deep cut. But he needed the blood. He grabbed an empty water bottle he took and let the blood flow into it.

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