Agora eu entendo...

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As Dakota was taken to the nearest hospital, Rafael continued crying as he stood up. Afterwards, he dusted off his knees and walked back to his house.

The moment Rafael went inside, he quickly approached the box on his doorstep. He grabbed it and placed it on top of his dining table. After that, Rafael opened the box and saw all of the packed foods that Dakota gave him. He asked himself, "How... How did... whoever gave this to me... know I'm from Brazil? It couldn't have been that kid... right?"

Rafael soon checked out the contents of each container.

The first container he opened was full of sequilhos. Rafael said to himself, "I used to love these as a kid." He then grabbed a cookie and took a bite. Rafael was quickly taken aback after eating, telling himself, "This is exactly how I remembered these cookies tasted. God, whoever made these truly knew what they were doing." After closing the container with sequilhos, Rafael loudly gasped when he saw another container filled with brigadeiros placed on mini cupcake liners.

Little did Dakota know before making the brigadeiros for Rafael was that the older man enjoyed eating them as a snack while growing up in Brazil.

Rafael excitedly grabbed a piece and shoved the entire truffle in his mouth. He shed a tear while chewing and thought to himself, "Oh, how I missed eating brigadeiros. I don't see them as often in the United States, though I have eaten truffles here."

Rafael sighed in pleasure.

Afterwards, Rafael saw another container filled with coxinhas. Rafael grabbed one, took a bite, and was quickly taken aback by how flavorful it was. He said, "This.. is one hell of a coxinha. Whoever made this does not fuck around with spice."

Rafael nodded slowly.

When only the containers of the Dutch pie and the chicken wings were left in the box, Rafael noticed an envelope. He took the envelope out of the box and said to himself, "Ooh... I didn't see this when I first opened this box. I'll read it in a while."

Rafael quickly placed the Dutch pie in his freezer.

Then, he opened the container with chicken wings and grabbed a piece. When Rafael started eating the wing, Rafael nodded slowly and said, "Not a single food from this box was a miss. This person truly put lots of love with the cooking process."

Afterwards, Rafael washed his hands.

Once his hands were dry, Rafael opened the envelope. He unfolded the paper and soon found out that it was Dakota's letter. So, Rafael began reading.

The letter said:

"Olá, Senhor Rafael. Como você está? Meu nome é Dakota, and I am hoping that you enjoyed these foods I cooked for you since yesterday.

I made this gift box for you because I didn't have enough courage to talk to you on social media since I asked your ex, Roman, to help me know a bit about you. I know that it sounds bad, but I found out about your address from him in the first place. I am sorry for invading your privacy like this, but I wanted to make things right.

But really, I wrote this letter to tell you one thing: Sinto muito por tudo isso. I sincerely apologize for making you and Roman break up because of me. Had I gotten to know more about Roman, I would have strictly respected my boundaries to him as my professor being a student of his, and that was something I failed to do.

I am also sorry for causing every ounce of hurt and resentment in your heart for me since you caught Roman cheating on you that night. I am sorry, too, for being the reason that you called off your engagement with Roman. I know I used brute force on you after you called me those hurtful names, and I am sorry for that as well.

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