Die Prüfung

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About two months since beginning the second semester, Dakota and his class was scheduled to have their preliminary examinations. Since Dakota had friends from the university who were a bit older than he was, he had an idea how proctorship during examinations works. So, he told everyone in their class group chat over Messenger that since Roman does not teach a class of their degree's major, he would serve as the Ethics examination's proctor on their schedule.

On the day of the examination, Dakota went over his notes while on his way to the university. When he arrived, Dakota checked the designated examination room if anyone was inside yet. He did not see anyone, so Dakota quickly looked for a seat.

He then brought out his laptop.

After plugging in his headphones, he opened Spotify and played songs from a playlist he made that helps him focus on studying. Then, Dakota looked for and opened PDF files of all the lessons from Roman's class during the previous weeks.

Dakota then started reading his notes.

About half an hour passes, and Dakota soon noticed that the room was filling up. His classmates started arriving and decided to also use the vacant time to go over their notes. While reading his notes, Dakota thought to himself, "Oh, how I wish Mr. Todd gives out easy exams. But then again, ethics is more than just memorizing concepts from philosophers."

Dakota sighed softly afterwards.

15 minutes later, Roman arrived. Dakota and his classmates quickly put away their devices and kept their hard copies of notes from Roman's lessons. Roman remarked, "How nice that all of you put away your notes the moment I went inside."

Dakota and his classmates smiled awkwardly.

Roman then said, "Alright, now let's go over some rules for this exam, which, if you still don't know by now... get out of that rock you're living under." The class laughed alongside Roman. A few moments later, Roman explained, "So, going back... This is an essay-type exam, and---" He was cut off by groaning from everyone in the room except Dakota. As the class went silent a few moments later, Roman asked, "Are all of you done whining about the way I give exams yet?"

Dakota's class refused to answer.

A few seconds after that, Roman continued speaking, telling them further, "You're given an hour and a half to write essays to answer any two of the essay prompts that I have created myself, which will be flashed on the TV in a couple of moments."

Dakota and his class breathed out slowly.

Then, Roman reminded, "Anyone caught bringing out notes and devices for whatever reason... and, yes, this includes even emergency calls... will have their papers marked zero and will be facing administrative sanctions regarding cheating. Is this understood, class?" The class gulped nervously and nodded slowly. Shortly after that, Roman said, "Alright... Get a piece of yellow writing pad, and write your name on which side you'll answer your chosen first question."

Dakota and his class nodded.

Afterwards, Roman said further, "You are not expected to use the entirety of the front and back pages of your papers to write your essays. Like I said, the side of your pad with your names on it will be where your chosen first question should be answered, and the back shall be allotted for the second question you'll choose to answer." Then, he cleared his throat and said, "Oh, and one last thing... Copy both of the questions you've decided to choose to write essays on, alright?"

Dakota sighed.

He then said quietly himself, "Gott verdammt... I cannot, for the life of me, write fast enough to save my ass with a pen and a piece of paper. Verdammte scheiẞe..." He then thought, "Well, thank God I know how to write a mean-ass essay."

A few moments afterwards, Roman connected his phone to the smart TV inside the classroom. Then, he opened the Word file of the exam questions.

After reading the questions, Dakota thought to himself, "Hmmm... Which questions seem easy enough to write an essay about?" When he eventually decided on the questions he wanted to answer, Dakota proceeded to copy those questions.

Dakota and his class soon began writing essays.

While writing, Dakota noticed that most of his classmates were using pencils to create drafts of their answers, which left him feeling puzzled. He thought to himself, "Do people actually make draft essays before they write their actual answers? I didn't know this shit was a thing... When I write essays, I usually come up with these on a damn whim."

Dakota then shrugged his shoulders.

30 minutes later, Dakota noticed Darron picking his paper up and going over his answers, which gave him a sign that Darron was confident enough to finish the exams sooner than usual. He smiled and thought to himself, "Yes... be the sacrificial goat of this pussy of a class." As Darron submitted his paper, the class noticed that Roman read Darron's answers before saying, "OK, Mr. Bluu. You may leave this room, and please avoid telling my other classes how I give out exams."

Darron nodded and left the room shortly after that.

Meanwhile, Dakota and his class started sweating. Dakota thought to himself, "Scheiẞdreck. Why didn't Mr. Todd tell us that he reads essays in front of the class taking the exam? Now he's seriously pressuring us to give all we've got with these."

When half of the 90 minutes have passed, some of Dakota's classmates also began passing their essays to Roman one-by-one, and also left the room one-by-one. Dakota eventually finished writing on the 50th minute of the examination.

After passing his paper, Dakota sighed softly to himself and suddenly cracked a joke to the class, telling them, "And just like that, welcome to a new episode of How Many Words Can I Vomit Out During an Essay-Type Examination." Roman and the class laughed as Dakota grabbed his belongings and left the examination room shortly after that.

The rest of Dakota's class eventually finished writing their essays with only 15 minutes to spare. Roman left the examination room as soon as he was finished double-checking how many papers were submitted to him, and went to the faculty room.

To be continued in Part 14...

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