Early Bird

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The following week, Dakota woke up early.

He got up from bed, ate breakfast, and took a shower. After going upstairs back to his room to dress up, Dakota sighed softly and said, "I can't believe I'm already a week in this semester." Once he picked out some clothes, Dakota dressed up, stared at himself in front of a mirror, and thought to himself, "Today's the day that I finally meet Mr. Todd."

After saying his goodbyes to his father once he received his allowance for the day, Dakota started walking to his university, as he lives only a couple of minutes away from the area. Because Dakota does not sweat easily, he arrived looking fresh.

Then, Dakota proceeded to find the room where Roman teaches his Ethics class. Once he noticed that nobody was inside yet, Dakota looked for a vacant seat and quickly sat down on a chair. He then brought out his laptop from his backpack.

Dakota then plugged his headphones in.

Soon enough, Dakota logged into his Spotify account. When If Jesus Was a Rockstar by Kim Petras started playing, he thought to himself, "God, I love this song so much. Oh, if only such a trans icon didn't decide to work with Dr. Luke... But hey, at least this song has no trace of that faux medical practitioner in this song's production whatsoever."

Dakota soon found himself singing to himself.

Unbeknownst to Dakota, Malik entered the room after he followed Dakota's voice singing inside. Malik watched Dakota singing for a while and thought, "I never would thought this guy had pipes." When Dakota still failed to notice Malik, Malik decided to quietly make his way to where Dakota was sitting. Afterwards, Malik tapped Dakota's shoulder.

This caused Dakota to be startled.

As he turned to look at who tapped him, he playfully slapped Malik and said to him, "Don't you ever do that again! This scaredy bitch could've had a heart attack." Malik laughed softly and replied, "Je suis désolé. I... didn't mean to scare you like that."

Dakota playfully rolled his eyes.

Then, Malik suddenly gave Dakota a hug and said, "Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. You're... uh... Dakota, right?" Dakota pulled away from the hug for a while, smiled at Malik, nodded, and replied, "Nice to finally meet you, Malik. Yes, my name's Dakota." Malik then asked, "What were you singing?" Dakota told him, "Oh, it's... uh... If Jesus Was a Rockstar by Kim Petras." Malik asked further, "I never heard of who that Kim Petras is, but you're a good singer."

Dakota blushed slightly.

He then told Malik, "Oh... um... Merci beaucoup, I guess." Malik then asked, "So, what's the song about?" Dakota replied, "Well, it's a song about wishing Jesus to have been more relatable to the queer perspective, considering Kim Petras is trans."

Malik was taken aback.

Because he did not know about the word 'trans', Malik asked Dakota, "Trans? What's that? Sorry if I offend, but I never heard of that word before until my parents flew here to America." Dakota then proceeded to explain what being transgender meant.

While Dakota was talking, Malik kept eyeing Dakota.

Dakota noticed this and continued talking despite Malik glancing at him. Meanwhile, Malik thought to himself, "This Dakota guy makes me feel things. Is it bad that I wanna fuck this guy?" The moment Dakota stopped talking, Malik grew an erection. Dakota suddenly said to him, "Sorry my French isn't that good quite yet. Did you understand what I said, though?" Malik quickly looked at Dakota, nodded, and replied, "Uh... No worries. I did get what you told me."

Then, Dakota taught the song's lyrics to Malik.

Afterwards, Dakota asked, "Do you wanna try singing it with me?" Malik said, "I'm not really good at singing, but, uh... I'll try." So, Dakota started singing the song's chorus. After a short while, Malik sung the line, "Maybe all I really need is something to believe..." As Dakota sang "Hell, yeah.", Malik proceeded to sing the line, "I need someone who can teach me to get on my knees..." Meanwhile, Dakota looked sensually towards Malik's direction while he was singing.

All of a sudden, Dakota faced Malik.

Then, he sang the line, "But if he looked like Kurt Cobain, I might..." Malik sang the line, "If he drank the pain away, I might..." in response. After that, Dakota and Malik, while keeping eye contact with each other, duetted the line, "And if you think, I can't be saved, that's right." Then, Dakota sang alone to the line, "I really really want you to know---"

Malik suddenly cut Dakota off by kissing his lips.

Dakota pulled away for a while and asked, "Were you wanting to do that since I was explaining to you earlier?" Malik blushed profusely and started stuttering his responses. Dakota caressed his cheek and replied, "Let's talk later after classes, alright?"

Malik simply nodded.

To be continued in Part 9...

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