Burnt Dinner

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a/n: so, to preface, i've been an england kinnie since like middle school (*shudders* yes i know). anyways, today i very nearly burnt my kitchen down and, i have to say, i have never felt more like england than i do right now. so, in honor of me surviving, here is this lmao

i still smell a bit like smoke, despite my shower, and so does my entire house but im being very brave about it



England hums to himself, gathering the ingredients to make dinner for himself and France. Yes, he knew the risks involved, but this was a simple recipe. Surely, surely, he couldn't mess this up, right?

France had been staying over frequently, so he wanted to cook for him, too. He wasn't actually there at the moment, however, giving England the perfect opportunity to surprise him.

England places the vegetables in a pan, putting it on heat on his stove. He abandoned this to prepare the other pieces and parts of their dinner. He preheats the oven, returning to the pan to stir the vegetables.

Everything was going smoothly so far.

He smiles a little, placing the dish he had just prepared in the oven when it beeps, letting him know it was time. He picks up a book he had been reading earlier, flipping to the page he left off on. He continued reading it, not noticing when the vegetables somewhat suddenly begin to burn.

After quite some time, he sniffed a little. "Smoke..." He says, dropping his book and whipping around to look at his stove and oven. It was definitely smoking and the vegetables were quite crisp.

"Aw, fuck," England frowns, turning the stove off quickly and moving the pan off of the heat. He covers his nose and mouth, opening the windows nearby quickly. "Not again," He whines a little, imagining France making fun of him for this.

He fans the area the best he can with his book, coughing into his other arm. His smoke detector begins to alarm as he realizes the oven was, indeed, also smoking. "Fuck!" He exclaims, opening the oven door to release a massive cloud of smoke. He coughs more, moving away in a panic. He places the book down on his counter, grabbing his oven mitts, and pulling the burnt dish out.

England sets the dish down on his stove, turning off the oven and leaving it open to air it out.

"Bloody hell," He huffs, moving to open more windows. At that exact moment, France opens the front door, entering England's home.

"I'm ho-!" France cuts himself off, "England? Is everything okay?!" France walks into the kitchen quickly, stumbling into the mess that was in action.

England looks at him with wide eyes, "Um... Hey, France..." He gives an awkward wave, leaning on the counter as if the whole kitchen wasn't up in smoke and the detector wasn't blaring in the background.

"Yes, hi," France nods a little, looking around the kitchen. "Cher, were you cooking?" France asks, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the smoke gently. It was beginning to clear, but was still visible throughout the room.

"Ugh, yes," England says, deflating into France's arms. "I thought it'd be easy," He frowns, "I guess I just attract misfortune in the kitchen."

France pecks his cheek, "Alright, mon amour, I will take care of this and make us a proper dinner. It's alright." 

England smiles a little, "Thank you, Francis. I'm sorry I nearly burnt our kitchen down, again... I don't even know how that happens so often."

France caresses his cheek gently, "Amour, I think it's just a part of you." He laughs a little, "But, don't worry, you have plenty of things you are good at."

England nods a little, hugging France gently before leaving the room. He slumps himself on the couch, still feeling bad.

France cleans up the kitchen, clearing out the smoke, and cooking up a better dinner for them. He calls England back into the kitchen for them to get their food and sit at the table to eat together.

"How about, next time, you can surprise me in a different way?" France suggests, smiling at him a little.

England nods, poking at his food with his fork. "I can definitely do that," England hums, "I swear that that was the last  time." It was most definitely not  the last time, but France loved the enthusiasm.


a/n: just a short little thing to get back into writing for them. they r sweeties and the cutest ;w; ty for reading !

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