Familial Ties (Part One)

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A/N: Angst ahead! I hope this chapter does what I hoped for readers but we'll see lmao


They could admit that their family was a bit of a mess. Dysfunctionally functional.

Nothing was perfect, of course. Perfection didn't matter to them, though. It felt like home, so why shouldn't they consider it one?

Canada and America were still young and they had so much to learn about being nations. Though they fought, France and England stepped in to show them the ropes and to raise the two.

The two older nations really cared for them, putting aside their differences and providing for the younger nations to the best of their abilities while also dealing with the responsibilities they held as nations. This meant leaving them to the care of a nanny on the occasion.

France and England even cared for each other, most of the time, sharing a bedroom in their big house. They had their ups and downs, but they made it work.

"Iggy!" America called from his and Canada's shared room. A certain English nation was late to put the two to bed.

Suddenly, said man appeared in the doorway. "Apologies, America and Canada. I had business to attend to," England says, shedding his formality-driven brain to smile warmly at his children. The line between work England and caregiver England was beginning to draw thin but he refused to let it get the better of him.

"Even though it's late?" Canada asks, frowning.

England nods, "Unfortunately, but it's alright, loves. I got it all done and now I can finally help you to bed. Did you two finish getting ready already?" They nod in return, smiling as England fetches their favorite bedtime story.

"Alright, lay down and I'll read to you," England says, pulling up the rocking chair to sit between their beds. He slides on his reading glasses, crossing his legs, and opening the book. He smiles at them, beginning to read.

By the time he was finished, they had already been long asleep. England got up, quickly fixing up their room before gently kissing their heads, turning off their light, and quietly slipping out of the room.

This had been their routine for so long, and continued to be, until America and Canada had grown up a bit more. As teenagers, they wanted for England and France's affections much less, which pained the two older nations but they accepted this as part of growing up.

It was only a matter of time before they would want their freedom, the two older nations could almost feel it.


"How could you, America?" England sobbed, kneeling in the mud as rain poured over them. "I thought we were happy together!" He exclaims, unable to bear looking at his former child.

"We were, England," America replies, his voice cold and steady. "I'm bigger now and the way your people are treating mine is unacceptable. I need my freedom," He says, lowering his musket.

"Please, don't leave me, America," England pleads, finally daring to look up. He covers his mouth, seeing how straight America's face was.

"I don't like doing this, England," America says, pity flooding his face as he observed England's tears, which rarely made an appearance in all the years they had known each other. "I just need to become my own nation now. I wish you could understand how it feels," America says, turning his back to England.

He and his troops leave England and his own in the mud. The British nation sobs, watching his former colony and the young nation he cared for leave him behind.


"Yo, England, check it!" America shouts, running up to him. "I have this totally awesome plan on how to stop global warming! We just need to create this super big, totally cool hero!" He shouts, causing England to cover his ears.

"Bloody hell, America," England snaps, "Do you have to shout?! I am right in front of you."

"Woah, sorry, dude," America laughs, "Someone's grouchy today."

France notices them standing together from across the room and approaches them.

"Bonjour, Amérique! Angleterre," France says, smiling at America then winking at England.

"Frog," England greets with a small nod.

"Hey, France! Look at my foolproof plan to stop global warming! I made a diagram and everything!" America says, waving a piece of paper at them. France takes it from him gently, examining the drawing.

It was just a big man blowing air on a small Earth.

"So, this is going to stop global warming?" France asks, trying not to laugh at the picture.

"Yea! We make that guy and put him in space and he'll blow cold air on our planet to combat the heat!" America says excitedly, stars practically forming in his eyes.

"Ah, I see. Well, why don't you go show Germany or something," France says, handing the paper back to America and patting his head.

"Good idea!" America grins, bounding off to go find Germany.

"Now that he's gone, we can finally talk in peace, Angleterre," France hums, turning to the shorter nation.

"What is there to talk about?" England crosses his arms, quirking a brow.

"How about how you've been avoiding me for the past decade or so, mon amour?" France suggests, poking England's nose.

"Don't call me that," England huffs, though his cheeks betrayed him with a light dusting of pink.

"Okay," France says, "Mon amour." He smirks, watching England's face heat up more.

England clears his throat, desperate to move on. "Anyways, if there is nothing else to discuss, I'll be exiting now, since the meeting is over," England says, turning on his heel and walking away quickly.

France pursues him, of course. "Hey, you can't keep avoiding me for much longer!" France calls out, putting a hand on England's shoulder.

England spins around, looking around before leaning in. "Listen. There's no longer any reason we have to be together. America and Canada have grown up and we've got our own fully grown countries to worry about. I don't know why you insist on bringing up the past again and again. It's over," England hisses, his brows furrowing.

France sighs, "Alright, fine. I just thought you might be a little lonely, that's all. You loved me once, what happened to that?"

"We changed," England says sternly, turning away. France stares down at his shoes, feeling quite defeated. All of those long days and nights they spent looking out for each other and bonding had obviously come to a close.

France's heart ached at the thought as he watched England storm away.


To be continued...

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