The Storm

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Hello~ Hope u enjoy ^^ Somehow, this is longer than the first one LMAO. I apparently CANNOT write a short chapter


England opens the door, seeing France on his doorstep. "Oh, it's you," England says, "What do you want, frog?"

"Nothing in particular, Angleterre," France grins, "Just wanting to visit my favorite little island."

"Pff, little?" England rolls his eyes, "Fine, come in." He steps aside and France walks in, shedding his shoes upon entering.

"Still smells of tea in here," France nods, looking around the place.

"You shouldn't be surprised at that," England replies, shutting and locking the door. France shrugs in response, knowing well enough by now that he was welcome to make himself at home. He wanders into the Brit's living room, looking at his bookshelves absent-mindedly.

"Is there something on your mind, frog?" England asks, following him and sitting on the couch.

"Oh? Non, not really," France says, glancing over his shoulder at England. "Just bored, really."

"Hm... Okay, well, if you're truly bored, we could watch a movie or something?" England suggests, sitting and leaving an open space for France on the couch. France makes his way over, sitting beside England.

France grins, leaning into the couch. "How about a nice romance?" He suggests, looking to the Brit for a reaction.

"Hm... Likely better than any horror movies America forces me to watch... Fine," England nods curtly, grabbing his remote and beginning to search for a romantic film.

"I cannot believe you agreed to that, Angleterre," France chuckles, "Has the pirate finally gone soft?"

"Shut up, frog," England, not bothering to look at France, flips him off and continues his search with the other hand. This earns a laugh out of France.

He finally lands on a movie they could both agree on and they begin to watch. It was mostly boring at the beginning, but England slowly became more engrossed in the storyline. He even became teary-eyed at the heartbreaking climax of the movie, where the love interests had become separate for some reason or another.

France eyed him from time to time, enjoying how entertained England was more than the actual movie. 'He's so cute when he's not shouting at me," France thinks, switching his attention back to the movie.

The movie ends and England is practically crying, much to France's delight. France turns to him, wanting to tease him. "Seems like someone enjoyed the romance movie, for someone who seems adverse to romance himself," France says, moving to wipe the tears from England's eyes.

England reactively blushes, flinching slightly at the touch. "Oh, stop it. So what if I like a few movies outside of my usual genre choice?" England says, though his voice came out considerably softer than he had meant it to. He pushed France's hands away, moving himself backward and out of reach.

'Ah, there go his walls again,' France frowns, 'Back up and away from me.'

"Anyways, um, anything else you wish to do? Do you need dinner? I can cook-" England gets cut off by a frantic France. A Franctic, if you will.

"Non! Um, actually, since I'm the guest, why don't I cook for you, Angleterre?" France gets up, "Oui, c'est une bonne idée!" He makes his way to the kitchen before England can protest.

England gets up, following him into the kitchen. He sits at the kitchen island, watching France cook their dinner with elegance despite England's general lack of supplies.

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