Sunday Cartoons

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2p!FrUk this time ^^


"Why do you like to watch those stupid ass shows?" François asks, earning a pout from Oliver.

"They're cute! I don't really care for the content, but the characters are cute so how could I not?" Oliver replies, shrugging.

François watches as the sickeningly bright characters bounded across the screen, on their way to fight some silly monster. He shakes his head a little, stiffening slightly as the smaller male places his head on his shoulder.

Oliver had his eyes glued to the show, smiling as the protagonists prevailed in their quest. François, on the other hand, took to watching the freckled man. There was something entrancingly sweet about him that took François out of his typical life-hating thoughts.

François didn't seem to notice Oliver looking back right away until the Brit giggled.

"Something on your mind, dearest?" Oliver asks, scanning François' face.

"You," he responded simply, placing a hand on Oliver's cheek. Oliver blushed slightly, looking into his eyes.

"What about me?" Oliver asks, quirking a brow.

"How I..." François trailed off for a moment, averting his eyes. "Love... you..." He finishes, feeling awkward.

Oliver smiles widely, guiding François by his chin to make eye contact again. "Oh, I love you, too, poppet," Oliver hums, pulling him into a kiss.

François reciprocates, knowing Oliver would love nothing more. Not to mention, the Frenchman deserved some affection every now and then. Though, to be fair, he was the only one preventing that affection.

When they pulled back, Oliver played with his hair adoringly. "I know you're not one for affection, really, but," Oliver pecks his cheek, "Thank you for trying anyways."

François nods, closing his eyes as Oliver gently detangled François' hair with his fingers. Oliver knew François actually really liked it when he played with his hair. It was calming for the Frenchman, who was usually so opposed to touch.

He supposed he did have a soft spot for Oliver. After all, they've spent so many years together, raising Allen and Matt.

François could be himself around Oliver, without worrying about how he was perceived because Oliver seemed to love him regardless. And, truth be told, he really did love Oliver the same.

They spent the rest of the day relaxing together in quiet bliss, watching silly little cartoons.


Tysm for reading! I hope it was alright. I kind of rushed the ending rip
Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes !!

Next few might be a little angsty, but you didn't hear that from me lol.

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