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Luca glared at nothing in particular. Y/n noticed her boyfriend - surprise promised future fiancé now - would occasionally do so when he's thinking very hard. At first she thought he was mad at her but upon seeing the facial expression multiple times, she got used to it.

"What are you thinking about, Luca?"

"How many kids do you want?"

Y/n's face turned red hearing the question. "W-What?" She probably misheard that, right? There was no way the Luca Kaneshiro would be asking her a question like that.

Luca looked at her with the cute innocent face he would always have when asking her questions. "Was that too sudden?" If he was a dog, his ears would droop down.

"W-Well yeah.. it was sudden but to answer it, I don't have an answer to that yet."

Luca hummed and pulled her close, laying his head on her shoulder in comfort. "Okay,"

The blonde picked up her hand, tracing her veins just to admire it. "Do you like my family?"

"Of course I do. Now I know where you get your personality from, especially when you're big, mean and scary!"

Luca smiled proudly at himself, not knowing what his girlfriend said was fully satire.

"Did you know we have a pet lion?"

Y/n turned to him in shock. A pet lion? That's crazy and kind of cool at the same time, she's heard of people having turtles, cats, dogs and fishes for pets but a pet lion?

"Well he's all we have for now, minus my brother's cat. I'll get a dog soon but as for my lion, I named him Augustus! He's just a cub," Luca then made claw-like gestures with his hands. "But don't be fooled! He is an absolutely-"

Y/n raised her hand to stop him. "Big, mean and scary..?"

"..cub" Luca blinked twice then grinned, hugging her with so much affection. "I knew we were meant to be together! Look at you go! You knew what I was about to say!"

He placed both his hands on either sides of her face. Y/n could see how much he loved her just from the look in his eyes.

"I." He placed a kiss on her forehead. "Love." Then a kiss on her nose. "You." A kiss on her left cheek. "So." On her right cheek. "Much!" He placed a final long kiss on her lips, smiling as he does so.

Y/n chuckled at his actions. It was adorable. "I love you too, Luca." She relaxed herself in his touch, wanting to fall asleep from the heat of his hands.

"Words cannot express how much I love you Y/n!" Luca exclaimed. "But actions can," He whispered in her ear.

Y/n's eyes were fully opened hearing his words. "Wait, what do you mean by that? L-Luca!? Ah- wait!! That tickles!!"

~ • °

"And when I tell you it was embarrassing when we had to go down for dinner with his family.. oh the looks I received from his parents." Y/n covers her face with both her hands, remembering the scene.

Ike and Mysta were fully invested in her story, they just received news from their homeroom teacher they were leaving for a few weeks for family problems.

Mysta crossed his arms and pouted. "Ugh, I'm so jealous. You get to have a boyfriend who's not afraid to mark you in visible places. Oh the dream to be you, bestie.."

Ike furrowed his eyebrows. "For all we know, you and Vox are the more exterme-"

"We don't talk about that."

"Speaking of Mysta and Vox, what about you and Shu, Ike?"

Ike casually turned to her. "We broke up."

"What?!" Both Y/n and Mysta exclaimed. If their juniors Fulgur and Uki were known as the power couple, Ike and Shu were known as the smart love pair. Everyone in school knew about the two, they were inseperable. Their dates were known to be in quiet cafés or the library.

Mysta grabbed both Ike's shoulders and rocked him back and fourth. "Is my brother not good enough for you?! What did he do? Tell me, Ike Eveland! Tell meeeee!!!!"

"Mysta, you're going to make his brain fall out!"

"He's not answering!"

"Maybe it's because you're.. I don't know? Shaking him?!"

Mysta stopped what he was doing. "Oh." He pursed his lips and raised his shoulders as an apology only to be earning a glare from Ike.

"Anyway, Shu and I ended on a neutral note. There was no bad intentions and we never liked each other in the first place."

"Bro, I swear I hear him talk a lot about you. Are you sure he doesn't like like you?"

Ike sighed. "I'm sure of it. He was the one who proposed the idea to date in the first place. He said by a few months before school ends and we don't like each other, we can part nicely."

Mysta raised a brow. "Oookkaayyyy... believe what you believe, Eveland." Ike shook his head at his dramatic response.

"Where is Shu anyways?" Mysta looked around the class and outside the window. "He's supposed to be here with the other two by now,"

"There they are." Ike pointed to where the three were. They were talking with Shoto and some other people near the school gates. "Who is that?" He squinted his eyes to see who the other two people next to Shoto were.

Y/n followed the two to peak outside, her eyes widened. "Oh no.." She checked the class but there seem to be nothing what she needed. "What's the date today?"

"Hm? Why do you ask?"

"Gah! Forget it!" Y/n suddenly ran out of the class.

"Hey- Y/n!" Mysta called out.

"No, no, no! They're not supposed to be here!" Y/n ran past students on her way out, she slowed down and gasped for air when she reached the school gates.

There in front of her, Shu, Luca and Vox were having a glaring showdown with the three people on their opposite side. However, Shoto and the two other people with him appeared rather calm.

Shoto smiled when he sees Y/n. "Nice for you to join us." He gestures the two people on his left. "You remember them, don't you?"

Y/n clenched her hand into a fist when she looked to the tall semi-pruple haired man. "Beel."

"Is that how we treat our blood relatives? Oh Y/n, how much I miss when you called me big brother.."

Vox looked at the two in confusion. Shu was about to ask a question but seeing as how tense it was, he signalled to Vox to leave with him.

Y/n then turned to the shorter person next to Bubi. "Lucius." She nodded at him, earning a wave and a smile back. "What are you two doing here?"

"You know them?" Luca whispered when she stood by his side.

Y/n frowned. "I do."

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A/n: I'm pretty sure they're not related but hey, I'm the one with power to control the plot 😋

Everything escalated quickly.

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