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Note: f/c - favourite colour

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It was some time after school, Y/n and Luca were hanging out behind the school. The school was still open because some students were needed for extra classes and there was also practice for the sports team.

"Y/n, are you free any day next month?" Luca scooted closer to his lover and laid his head on her shoulder.

Eyes still stuck to her book, Y/n hummed. "I don't have that many friends. So I guess I am."

Luca beamed, hugging his girlfriend.  "Great, I want to take you somewhere during school break!"

"That's nice, Luca. Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked. Her hand slowly yet gently patting his head.

Luca didn't reply, Y/n figured out that he wanted to keep it a secret. Shrugging it off, she continued to read her book in peace while the blonde plays with her hair.

Two students approached Luca and Y/n. Luca sat himself up and sat in a more chill position, he also scooted a bit away from Y/n.

Not everyone in school knows about their relationship yet.

"Luca-senpai! The sports team needs you!"

Luca cursed internally, standing up from the ground to talk with his juniors. "What's wrong? Is it very urgent-"

"You have to come with us!" The two dragged Luca away probably to the sports hall.

"Waa- I'll be back Y/n!"

Y/n sighed, she was about to get up from her seat but someone sat on the ground next to her which prevents her leaving.

"I heard he wants to introduce you to his extended family."

Hearing the familiar voice, Y/n turned her head to the direction of the source. "And where did you hear that?"

Shoto smirked, leaning comfortably against the tree. "From a little sly fox." There was a small trinket between his fingers, he tossed it to Y/n which she caught.

There laying on her palm was an orange fox pin. "Isn't this Mysta's?"

Shoto raised his hands to place behind his head. "Yup,"

There was silence between the two but it wasn't the same comfortable silence she was used to like between her and Luca. This silence was eerie, threatening.

"Your parents wanted me to give it you," Shoto spoke. "Doesn't your family have company rivalries with Luca's family?"

Y/n glared at the student council president. "Shoto."

"What? I'm right, aren't I?" Shoto smirked. Y/n had known him for life and it was annoying he would give bits of information about her to her parents.

"I'm not going back." Y/n crossed her arms. "I left that family for a reason, plus you're not my bodyguard anymore."

"Did you know the reason why I gave you the news in a form of a love letter?" Y/n sighed but allowed him to continue. "I knew Luca would respect boundaries. He's a great guy,"

Rubbing her left eye from tiredness, Y/n looked down on her lap. "I know. That's what I'm afraid of."

° • ~

"Y/n?" Luca called out. "I'm so sorry, I got too caught up with the team and I-" He stopped his sentence after seeing the sight in front of him.

Shoto looked up from Y/n's book. "Oh hey," He greeted the blonde but he noticed his eyes was stuck looking at Y/n. "She passed out. Also, have you read this book? It's about the protagonist's husband-"

"How long was she asleep on your lap for?"

Shoto shrugged. "I don't have a watch and I was busy reading this book by.." he turned to check the author's name. "Huh, that's not right.."

Luca was in a middle of a crisis. He doesn't want to seem rude to take Y/n out from the comfort of her sleep, he's afraid of waking her up.

So the blonde decided to sit besides Shoto. Shoto's face turned red when Luca sat besides him.

"How long have you known Y/n for?" Luca asked the purple haired male.

Shoto hid his lower face behind the book he was reading. "More than two years. I guess you can say I've known her for my whole life."

While Shoto was fanboying, Luca was panicking.

"What do you mean you've known her for your whole life?" Luca inquired.

Shoto slowly lowered the book down. "I've known her since childhood. I've even met her family. Extended ones too."

Waaaa????!??!?!?! What the hellll???? How do they know each other but Y/n have never once mentioned about it? Is he joking? He must be joking! Y/n repeatedly told me she doesn't have friends. Well if you minus the gang then there's no one else!

Luca nervously laughed. "You're joking with me right? Haha.."

"No, I'm not. Also have you noticed this is the longest conversation we've ever had just between the two of us?"

"W-What? No-"

"What is that shiny thing?" Y/n groaned. Luca sighed on relief while Shoto huffed in annoyance. "It's so bright, shut it off." She blocked her eyes using her arms.

Shoto hit her head in response. "That's the sun, dumbass. Wake up, your boyfriend's here." He turned to Luca and smiled. "I'll be going now, it's nice talking with you, Luca."

Shoto shoved Y/n away from him harshly, stood up and walked away as if nothing between the three happened.

"Ow, my head.."

"Y-Y/n! Do you want me massage your head? Do you want me to carry you to your dormroom?" Luca asked in worry.

Y/n groaned. "No, not yet. Let me lay here for another five minutes, the grass is kinda comfy."


° • ~

"After we graduate.." Luca trailed off, speaking to no one in particular. Y/n was besides him peacefully sleeping on his chest.

He looked at her, a small smile plastered onto his face. "Every time you spend with me, I keep wanting more of your time." Placing a kiss onto her head, Luca took out a small f/c butterfly ring and inserted it into her ring finger.

"This is a promise Y/n." Holding her closely, Luca closed his eyes engulfing himself into her warmth. "We should get married one day,"

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