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"This is it boys." Mysta declared, earning a cough from Luca. "And Y/n." He rolled his eyes. "Today's the day we get our results!" It was currently early in the morning of the last week and the last day of school before the summer holidays.

The group of six gathered at the cafeteria seated at an unoccupied table, sharing their feelings about it in mixed emotions about the said topic of results incoming.

"Yay?" Shu questionally cheered, unsure if he was supposed to be cheering in enthusiasm or to simply cry.

On the other hand, Ike sighed, one of his hand placed on his chest. "I'm scared." Y/n nodded in agreement to his words.

Luca was quiet for a moment as his lips seem to be quivering, his eyes threatening to release his salty tears. Everyone braced theirselves for the blonde's cries "...WAAAAA-" and there it was.

Vox scolded Mysta for bringing the topic up. "He had to know one way or another! Ow, stop abusing me!" Whilst Ike and Shu looked over to Y/n waiting for her to do something.

"Luca-" She was cut off by the blonde himbo engulfing her into a bear hug as the blonde continued bawling his eyes dry. Y/n tried her best to comforting her just to end the embarrassment since everyone was staring.

"Oh, you passed." Shu stated with his mouth full.

Luca stopped crying in an instant, hands still wrapped around Y/n. "What."

The nerd of the group smiled at the popular extrovert. "I saw, don't worry about it."

"And you saw this where?" Ike raised an eyebrow. Everyone else in the group was curious too, not a single one of them has seen the results board in the hallways so it was quite valid of them to be suspicious.

"Did you have to bend for the tea-"

"Mysta, complete your sentence and I will shove this chopstick up your throat." Ike glared at the loud brit.

Vox widened his eyes at Ike's violent threat. "Why is that kinda hot, Ike?" He blushed, earning an eyeroll from the annoyed swede and a glare from Mysta.

"I help the teachers mark the papers. They claimed I was already too smart, they needed an extra hand." The sanest member of the friend group answered.

Luca didn't care about how, why or when Shu did it but he was joyous at the news that he passed. "Y/n, I passed!" He hugged his girlfriend lovingly, thanking her for all the help she has given him the past few weeks for the midterms.

Y/n had to endure all his speech, occasional sweet talking and apologies for his behaviour. "But I'm not sorry for what happened in the shower that day."

The sudden breath of whisper from the blonde made the girl jolt in surprise. Luca on the other hand smiled innocently and went back talking with his friends.

Since there was no subjects to be taught today, Y/n laid in her arms on the table wanting to drift to sleep but it's so loud in the cafeteria. It's not just her group of friends here, there were other people too.

She rose her body straight up but tiredly. "I'm going to the nurse's office, does anyone want to accompany me in case I pass out..?"

Surprisingly, Vox and Shu wanted to but was beaten to it by someone else. "I'll go with you," Luca instantly volunteered himself.

"N-No! I don't want to run in your other group of friends-"

"Hey senpai!" Colours from Y/n drained. She looked behind her, it was the other blonde aussie who wouldn't stop talking to her whenever she's with Luca.

The senior boys looked at Y/n and Sonny in surprise. "You both know each other?" Surprised Sonny greeted Y/n instead of Luca who is the closest to him out of the six friends.


"Of course, we do!"

Sonny looked at Y/n in his usual happy smile whilst Y/n looked at Sonny in terror. "He doesn't know me!"

"Yeah, I don't know her." The junior played along, sneakily handing her a letter which goes unnoticed by Luca. "What's that?" He pointed at it.

"Psh, you're overseeing things Luca-senpai! What's what?"

"It's from your cousin," Sonny whispered to the girl. "I'll be off now!" The blonde junior waved at the group and quickly left.

"Second years.." Vox shook his head.

"What did he give you, Y/n?"

"Your mom-" Y/n panicked at the mention of her name. "I mean, he gave me uhh.. nurse slip haha bye." She stood up and walked away in embarassement.

The others were quick to shrug it off but Luca got suspicious of it. Excusing himself, he followed his girlfriend without being noticed.

When she reached her destination, Luca hid behind a tree near the entrance and peaked. Y/n looked around and saw no one although she had the feeling of being watched, she assumed it was from her cousin.

"Reimu!" The white haired girl yawned, almost collapsing before reaching the girl. "You're so loud.." The girl complained.

The two girls were talking and from Luca's perspective, it seemed like Y/n was being scolded hence her nervous and guilty expression.

Reimu handed her something but due to Luca's blocked vision by the tree, he couldn't see what it was. And to his understanding and all thanks to his popularity, Reimu was an ex-student of this school.

Earning a pat on the head, Y/n waved goodbye to her cousin and sighed in relief when she was out of view. "Luca, I know you're there."

"No, I'm not!"

Y/n turned around and smiled at his poorly hidden self. His body was too big to be hidden by a shrubby tree. "Good effort, Lu." She complimented him as the two sat on a bench under a tree.

"Reimu pointed out you hiding, that's how I know." Luca huffed in embarassement, he's turning red from shame. Laying her head on his arm, Y/n closed her eyes at the peaceful sounds of wind and leaves. "Stay still, I'm sleeping."

However, Luca fixed the position with his hand on top of her head. He patted her for comfort. "Sleep well, honey. I love you,"

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A/n: I-I took two days with what Luca wants to call the reader with a love name. I was abusing myself because I didn't have any ideas so being classic I used honey because haha honey booboo I love you

I was stuck with darling, honey or sweetie but bro Sonny took everything I hate him so much (satire) I hate my life (I don't)

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