10: Mia (18+).

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It had been a while since Riley and I had been anywhere near being intimate and I was quite honestly a nervous wreck. For weeks my only thoughts centered around keeping two tiny humans (or half-humans?) alive and well, and the thought of relaxing with my mate was a welcomed, yet terrifying prospect. Clearly Pierre and Lucas found this situation deeply amusing, and from the evident heavy breathing coming from my mate, she was just waiting for the green light.

My breathing sped up, beginning to match hers in pace and my eyes slowly lifted from her heaving chest to her rosy cheeks and dark eyes, an expression that told me she was already mentally undressing me. My nerves began to dissipate as my eyes bore into hers and soon the butterflies in my stomach were replaced with the heat of desire burning through my lower abdomen and between my legs.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and approached my mate in silence, until our toes were touching and my neck bent to keep eye contact. "So are you gonna stand there, or are you gonna fuck me?"

Without giving me a moment to breathe, strong, warm hands grabbed greedily at my waist and I was softly pushed into the mattress. I craved her soft lips, and as if she had read my mind, Riley's mouth crashed into mine causing me to melt into her, and my thoughts slipped away leaving only the pulsing need for more of her touch coursing through my body.

I let my hands tangle in the hair on the nape of her neck, pulling her impossibly closer as my lips began to plump and redden from her kisses, and she soon pulled away leaving me flushed and breathless.

"I missed this", she whispered, taking in my out of breath state. "I almost forgot how sensitive you are".

I remained lost for words as her lips found their way back to mine, her arms gently pulling my back off the bed just enough to slide my clothes off. With a golden opportunity presented, I pushed myself off the bed. Riley frowned in confusion, her lips now reddened and swollen like mine.

"Can't let you have all the fun".

With no protest, I pushed her to sit on the bed, stripping her of her crisp shirt and pants, seeing a wet patch on her underwear from her already dripping core.

Her hands reached out to me almost instinctively, and I caved, crawling forward to sit in her lap. Wolves always ran warmer than humans, but I was practically burning up in her hold as her hands wandered my body, pulling my chest into her as she sucked at the pale skin, leaving purple and red bruises all over. I moaned, gripping her shoulders and lightly bucking my hips. She always loved leaving marks all over me, some obvious and some not so obvious.

"Babe I'm going to lose it if I don't fuck you now", she groaned against my skin. Tears burned in my eyes as the painful desire grew inside me. My right hand released her shoulder and quickly slid to her chin, pulling her head up so I could connect our lips once more.

Riley moaned into the kiss, and as we slowly pulled apart I could see the dominant instincts inside her take over. She hadn't even suggested sex since I was pregnant, and was so patient with me despite her wolf instincts telling her to claim me whenever the situation presented itself. It was finally time.

"It's okay, take me".

With only a deep breath in response, I became disoriented momentarily as I was flipped on my back, my head landing on the soft pillows. I was dizzy with need and aching for her touch, in a love drunk haze as she swiftly pulled my bra and underwear from my body. If I felt in any way self-conscious, those feelings were instantly dispelled as her kisses restarted on my chest. My breath caught in my throat as her tongue flicked my nipple, her rough fingers giving the other equal attention as I held her long hair away from her face.

I let my eyes flicker close as her kisses got lower and lower, and soon I felt my legs hooked over her shoulders, my thighs held open either side of her.

"My heart is beating so damn hard I think I'm going to die", I confessed, my hand still holding on to her for dear life.

My mate lifted her head for just a second, so close to my core. She laughed deeply. "Then let me help you relax babe".

I almost moaned at just her voice, feeling her breath on my clit and while I tried to slow my own breaths, her tongue began its work and I fell apart under her.

I had forgotten how good she was at this. With a strong hold on my already shaking thighs, I combed through her hair with one hand, and gripped the sheets with the other, already so close to the edge. I squirmed and shook, feeling myself clenching and dripping as a warm pleasure grew inside me. My eyes opened to look down at my mate between my trembling thighs. Her eyes were burning into me as my brow scrunched in pleasure. She knew I was close.

Without breaking eye contact, or removing her tongue from my clit, her right hand released my thigh, coming to slide up and down my wet folds as I clenched needily. I could tell she was enjoying watching me come undone as she slid one finger inside me, causing my head to fall back against the pillows once more as I moaned.

"Babe you're gonna make me come", I whined breathlessly as she slid a second finger in, curling them in and out. My moans continued, growing louder and louder as her fingers sped up and I couldn't help but tremble and squeezed my legs around her head.

The building sensation was now a pleasurable pressure, that tightened and brought me closer with every flick of her tongue and pulse of her fingers and when her hold and movements became slightly rough, my moans became screams. All of her desire, possessiveness and instinct was now manifesting as she pounded her fingers in and out of me, sucking on my clit as she watched me come, clenching around her fingers and shaking from sensitivity. I was glad there was no neighbors to hear my screams.

Riley ensured to ride out my high, her fingers eventually slowing down and pulling out as I whimpered quietly, trying to catch my breath. When I opened my eyes, she was leaning over me, her brown hair cascading around her and her eyes still darkened with desire.

"Don't tell me you're already tired babe", she uttered. "We're just getting started".

While I was nothing but excited to see what my mate had in store for me, I knew it was going to be a long night.


First of allllll, sorry for disappearing. My bad. I haven't been doing well so I was just chilling, but I present you with some smut to make up for my disappearance! It's probably not the best, as I haven't written in a whileee, but I hope you still enjoy it. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next maybe. As always stay safe and well friends.


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