7: Riley

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I had been home for less than ten minutes before I was panic walking back out the door, my mate gripping on to my arm, hysterically laughing as fluid dripped down her legs. My mom and yelled incoherently behind us as we began to make our way to the infirmary. I chose to inform my pack ahead of time, so that preparations would be made swiftly upon our arrival.

"Dan, Mia's water just broke we're on our way". Within seconds he responded through the mind link.

"Got it Alpha. Has she started experiencing any contractions?"

I frowned as I ushered Mia across the grounds, crossing the gravel to the pavements directing us to where we need to go.

"Babe, have you had any contractions?"

She paused her laughter for a second, inhaling and looking directly into my eyes.

"Hm, I think so?"

My eyes widened. "And you didn't tell me?"

She laughed again, although I couldn't understand what was causing her to burst into giggles.

"In fairness to me, cramps happen a lot  when you're mega preggo, it's hard to tell what is bad Braxton hicks and what is real contractions".

We started walking again, and I could see the infirmary doors wide open awaiting us in the distance.

"Nevermind. How far apart are they?"

"Probably four to five minutes apart, right now they only last thirty seconds, they're pretty manageable right now".

My mom chuckled a little behind us, her arms carrying duffel bags full of necessities.

"Oh, sweetie, just wait".

Mia's face dropped in horror for a split second, before returning to a mildly entertained expression.

I rolled my eyes. Apparently I was the only one freaking out in this situation.

"Yes, Dan, every four to five minutes, thirty seconds long approximately".

"Okay, that's all good, I'll meet you in the infirmary Alpha".

I turned my attention back to Mia, who fussed with her red hair as I helped her waddle down the pavement. We soon reached the infirmary where doctors, nurses and assistants stood with big grins plastering their faces. Dan darted around the corner to meet us, already dressed in his neat green scrubs. He directed his attention to my mate.

"Mia, how are you feeling? Come with me".

Without hesitating, she followed him around the corner to a large hospital room, the one reserved for the Alpha and Luna.

I felt like I was being choked in my shirt and pants, and tugged my hand through my hair anxiously, unsure as to what I should do.

Dan presented Mia with a pink hospital gown and without saying a word she shuffled to the bathroom to change. I watched her back until she disappeared behind the shut door before slumping down on one of the bedside chairs.

My dad engaged in enthusiastic chatter with two of the doctor's assistants at the entry. My mom dropped the bags at the end of the room, just by the window and sat next to me with a sympathetic smile.

"You're nervous".

I chuckled dryly. "Is it that obvious?"

Her hand came to sit on my shoulder, giving me a small shake. "I know this is all scary, you're unsure, confused and this is all unfamiliar, but you'll handle it just fine. Imagine how Mia feels, poor thing is about to push out two babies. And I thought just trying to get you out was tough".

I dropped my head as I laughed, the tension slipping out of my body as my mom nudged me.

"Yeah you're right mom".

With a knowing smile, she stood and drifted over to my dad as Mia exited the bathroom. I rushed to her side as her face contorted in discomfort. She quickly clutched the wall and screwed her eyes shut.

"What is it baby? A contraction?"

Her loose hair fell around her as she nodded. I held her by the waist with one hand, her fingers gripping my other hand with an almost painful hold. Gently directing her to the bed, I helped her sit down and put her legs up. Eventually she let out a long exhale and I could see her face was almost beet red.

"Woah, that fucking hurt".

My mate flopped back on to the bed, and I sat on the edge beside her, my fingers still interlaced with hers.

Dan's short figure reappeared beside the bed. He smiled down at Mia, his energy radiating around the room.

"Okay Mia, we're just going to put a monitor on you to keep track of the twins heartbeats while you progress".

Mia nodded understandingly.

"You do your thing doc".

He looked at my face, then back to Mia.

"Now, I need to tell you that we cannot provide you with an epidural, since you aren't fully human we don't know if it would work or harm you while you labor".

Mia sighed. "I guess I was expecting that".

Dan nodded, turning his attention to the nurses. They swiftly began to wrap a monitor strap around her large belly as she sat up.

I squeezed her hand, and once the nurses were finished with the monitor, she looked at me with a grin.

"Why were you laughing so hard earlier?"

"Half nerves, half genuine amusement".

I pushed her hair out of her face, scrunching my brow in confusion.

"What was so amusing?"

She let out another little giggle.

"My water broke as soon as you got back. It's like the babies were waiting for their mama to be home before making their dramatic entrance into the world".

I smiled at her sweet observation, and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on my mate's lips. I sat on the edge of the bed as she cuddled into me sleepily, gripping on to my shirt and hand every few minutes as the contractions grew stronger and stronger. I hated seeing her in pain, it shattered me, but every time a contraction ended, she reassured me that she was okay. She was strong and it made me love her even more.

We had only been in the infirmary for close to an hour, and although we were given some privacy for a few minutes, the room almost always had nurses, midwives and doctors engaged in excited conversation with my parents and sometimes with Mia and myself, although Mia understandably wasn't in her chattiest form.

My mom and dad took a seat in a secluded corner of the room, their smiled hadn't shifted. I looked at them with a smile of my own.

Before I could say anything to them, a midwife in pink scrubs stopped at the foot of the bed, pushing down the railing and pulling on latex gloves.

"Luna Mia, is it okay with you if I check if your cervix has dilated?"

Mia nodded nonchalantly, and without much more discussion, the midwife checked Mia's cervix, before pulling away with a satisfied expression. My mate stayed calm, not expressing any feelings about the invasive check up.

"Well, it looks like those babies are more than ready to meet you two. You're about eight to nine centimeters dilated right now, I guess you'll be pushing any minute now".

I choked as I inhaled. These babies were certainly coming, and they were coming right now.

Heyyy as promised I'm back with another chapter you guys! Thank you for all your patience, love and support! Let me know what you think of this chapter and the story so far. I'll be back soon with another chapter, until then stay safe and well!


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