5: Riley

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After a long day of working, I was finally able to cuddle up with my pregnant mate and enjoy the evening with her. We decided to watch some of her favorite movies for the night, however we had to pause every twenty minutes to retrieve more snacks from the kitchen for her to eat. As the evening progressed, I found it harder and harder to stay awake, eventually allowing myself to succumb to sleep after Mia's insisting. My sleep was long and restful, and I groaned as I opened my eyes, unwilling to leave the bed so soon.

I had heard the news that my mother was throwing an elaborate baby shower, which meant my mate and I would be temporarily booted from the pack house so that she could set up some of the surprises for the following morning. It was bound to be utter chaos. I had a scheduled meeting with other pack leaders anyways, so I would only be returning in the evening.

As I stirred in the bed, stretching my arms, I became aware of the empty spot beside me and looked up. Mia woke before me to my surprise, seemingly full of energy in comparison to her usual. I smiled, seeing her waddle around our room getting ready as she hummed to herself. She looked utterly breathtaking in a long silk skirt and a warm sweater over it, keeping her warm but accentuating her rapidly growing bump.

"Good morning cutie", I rasped, pulling myself out of the warm covers. She looked in my direction smiling as she fixed her hair into a low bun, allowing some strands to fall around her face.

"Good morning lazy bones".

I ensured I got my good-morning kiss before I began to get myself ready for the day too, pulling my dark hair up into a sleek ponytail.

"How are you feeling today?" I looked at my mate through the mirror as I adjusted my hair.

She remained cheery, putting on some light gold jewellery. "No nausea, no pain and a shit ton of energy, so pretty good".

I couldn't help but feel relieved hearing that the worst of the symptoms were finally subsiding, for now. Mia had really struggled in the first few months and although she tried to be strong, I could tell she was really saddened by her experience. Now, the good times seemed to be incoming.

"I'm so glad to hear that my love. What's your plan for the day?"

She shuffled in place, spirited and excited. "Hm, I think I'm going to look at some cute baby clothes Heidi knitted, and then cook for your parents".

I pouted. "I won't be here to taste your cooking".

She grinned. "Don't you worry, I'll keep some for you my darling".

I smiled at her response and watched as she began to waddle to the door. "I'll be gone all afternoon, so please be careful and call me if you need anything, okay?"

Mia hummed in affirmation. "I hope the meeting isn't too boring, don't overwork yourself".

"I'll try my best babe".

Her frame disappeared through the door, leaving me to finish pulling on some semi-formal business attire. I settled on a light cotton button up and some black pants and shoes, deciding against a jacket. Although my mate was definitely feeling the October breeze, born wolves like me were naturally warmer creatures and typically could handle weather better.

Once I was finished, I rushed down the stairs, fixing a watch on my wrist as I hastily made my way outside, to see my Beta Mike waiting for me in the passenger seat of my SUV. He knew I preferred to drive.

Mike was in charge of the music as I drove, and soon the car was booming with a random playlist of rock music, and I remained fixated on the road. It wasn't long before we pulled up to Red Dawn's land, the new electric gate swiftly letting us in. We made our way up the short gravel driveway and I realised we were the last to arrive. Don stood on the porch, leaning against one of the granite pillars, dressed similarly to myself.

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