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My heart leapt into my throat as I saw the green balloons floating in the sky

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My heart leapt into my throat as I saw the green balloons floating in the sky. It couldn't be, could it? I turned to Maggie, my eyes wide with disbelief. "That's Glenn!" she exclaimed, her voice shaking with emotion. We both rushed down to tell Rick, our hearts pounding As we ran, I couldn't help but think of all the times we had thought Glenn was gone for good, But here he was, though I couldn't help but think of how we were going to get to him with all the walkers outside the gates

Maggie's voice was filled with disbelief as she exclaimed, "That's Glenn! That's Glenn!" Rick, who was standing nearby, He nodded in agreement, acknowledging that we had finally found a sign that Glenn was still alive

I heard a loud cracking noise and quickly turned my head to see the watch tower collapsing. The fences were about to break, and I knew that if they did, all the walkers outside would come flooding in. Without hesitation, we all started running, my heart was pounding with fear and adrenaline

A group of walkers, the undead creatures that were once human, appeared suddenly and started pouring in through the fence that had been broken. I stopped for a moment and watched in horror as the group grew larger and larger. My heart raced with anxiety and fear as I realized that my safety was in jeopardy. Rick, who was nearby, barked orders at the top of his lungs, "Everyone get back! Get into your houses now!"

As I stood frozen, my eyes locked onto the group of walkers that were closing in on us. Carl, sensing my fear, grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me towards him. The warmth of his hand on mine gave me the courage to move, and we ran together with Ron and the others beside us. Our breaths came in short gasps as we sprinted, our hearts beating rapidly in our chests as we tried to escape the danger that lurked behind us

As we were running, we spotted Rick and Deanna in the distance. Deanna appeared to be injured, and Rick was supporting her with his arm. I wondered if she had been bitten, but there was no way to know for sure. We had to keep moving, so we didn't have time to find out.

As we were running, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I tried to focus on the sound of my own breathing as I ran alongside Rick, Deanna, Michonne, Gabriel, Ron, and Carl. Deanna was pointing out where the walkers were coming from, and Rick was shooting them down. Michonne was slicing through them with her katana, making it look effortless.

But then, we heard a loud growl, and suddenly, the walkers started closing in on us. I could see their faces, their eyes, and their teeth. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized that we were outnumbered.

Just then, I heard gunshots, and I turned my head to see Jessie. She was shooting the walkers with fierce determination, "Come on, I have Judith!" she yelled at us.

We followed Jessie into her home without hesitation. I could feel my heart racing as we made our way inside. My mind was racing too, and I couldn't help but think about the danger we were in. There were just as many walkers outside as there were moments ago, and I knew that we were trapped inside.

The weight of the situation was crushing me. I couldn't stop thinking about how this was how it always happens. Every time we think we have found a safe place, the world ruins it. It felt like we were always running, always fighting, always trying to stay alive.

I tried to push those dark thoughts aside and focus on the present, but it was hard. I could see the fear in everyone's eyes, and I knew that we were all feeling the same way. We were trapped inside, and there was no way out unless some kind of miracle happened.

As I looked around the room, I couldn't help but feel like this was it. This was how everything ends. It happens all the time, every time we think we have a safe place, the world just ruins it. I knew that I had to stay strong, but it was hard. The weight of the situation was crushing me, and I didn't know how much longer I could take it

Rick, Michonne, and Jessie went upstairs to place Deanna on a bed. I could hear Sam playing "Tiptoe Through the Window" loudly, which was definitely going to draw more walkers. I was worried that we were already in a bad situation, and Sam's noise was only going to make it worse.

I hoped that Jessie would tell him to turn it off. We needed to be as quiet as possible if we wanted to stay alive. The weight of the situation was crushing me, and I didn't know how much longer I could take it. I tried to stay strong, but it was hard. 


We found out Deanna was bitten, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. She had been through so much, and now she was lying on a bed, bitten by a walker, Deanna had been the leader of Alexandria, she kept all these people alive before us, but now, she was vulnerable, and we had to protect her

Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but wonder where Ron had gone. I decided to go downstairs to look for him, hoping that he could help us come up with a plan.

As I called out his name, my voice echoed through the empty house. I searched the living room and the garage, but he was nowhere to be found.

Just as I was about to give up, I heard a faint sound coming from the kitchen. I walked towards it, my heart pounding in my chest. When I entered the kitchen, I found Ron standing by the counter, He looked up when he heard me enter. "Hey," I murmured, relieved to have found him.

We stood there in silence for a moment, both lost in our own thoughts. I could see the worry etched on his face, and I knew that he was just as scared as the rest of us]

Ron walked over to me, his eyes locked onto mine. "Hey Nyla," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. I could feel my heart racing as he leaned in and gently connected our lips. Our kiss was tender and full of emotion. We hugged tightly, savoring the moment, I knew that it was going to be our last. I could feel his arms wrapped around me, holding me close, as we pulled away from each other 

"We need to talk," I start, "I can't keep pretending that everything's okay. I know it's hard," I say, my voice gentle. "But I don't think we should keep doing this." I said

He looks at you, his eyes filled with confusion. "What do you mean?" he asks. "I mean," I say, taking a deep breath. "I don't think we're right for each other. I'm just not feeling it anymore."

He stares at me, "What you saying?" he asks.

"I'm saying that I think we should break up," I say, my voice firm. "I'm sorry, Ron. I just don't think this is working out"

He looks at me, his eyes filled with anger. "Is this because of Carl?" Ron questioned, his voice laced with jealousy. I knew that Ron had been suspicious of you and Carl for a while, but you had never cheated on him. I took a deep breath and tried to explain my feelings to Ron. "It's not because of Carl," you said softly. "I just don't think we're right for each other."

Ron's face twisted in anger as he listened to you "I know you've been seeing Carl behind my back," he said, his voice rising. "Don't lie" I could see the frustration in his eyes as he tried to process what you were saying. "I thought things were going fine" he muttered

I knew that this was the right decision though it still hurt. I took Ron's hand and squeezed it gently "I'm sorry, Ron." I murmured I let go of Ron's hand and walked away, feeling the weight of his pain on my shoulders. I knew that this was the right decision, but it still hurt to see someone you cared about in so much pain. I took a deep breath and tried to push the pain aside, knowing that I needed to focus on moving forward.


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