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I changed into a black turtleneck, which practically fully covered the hickeys from Ron, I put on my black hoodie and went out of my bedroom, I looked around the hallway and it was empty, I walked into the living room and saw Max and Rio sitting d...

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changed into a black turtleneck, which practically fully covered the hickeys from Ron, I put on my black hoodie and went out of my bedroom, I looked around the hallway and it was empty, I walked into the living room and saw Max and Rio sitting down on the couch, "Are they still not back?" I asked, "No, we don't know when they're coming back" Rio answered

I nodded slowly, I had a feeling when Mark came back he would've found out that I told Rick or Rick told him about it and he would get mad at me, there has been a pit in my stomach ever since I told Carl, I knew I wouldn't have even thought about telling anyone if Jayce hadn't written that letter, I walked out of the living room and opened the front door and went out

I walked down the steps and opened the door that led outside, the sun was out but it was still a bit cold, luckily I had my hoodie on

I walked for a bit outside until I saw Ron sitting down alone, I looked around and decided to just go sit down next to him, I walked over to him and sat down next to him, Ron looked up at me, "Hey" He spoke, "Hi." I said back, "I'm sorry" I blurted, "No I should be the one sorry, I got carried away" Ron stated, "Ron-

"I don't wanna hear it, I am sorry I tried to tell you that last night but you weren't home, where did you go?" Ron questioned, my eyes widened and then blinked, "I was probably in the bathroom?" I answered, "Really?" 

"Yes!" I said a little too loudly, "Bathroom, I was" I mumbled, "Come on, you don't have to lie I won't even care" Ron tried to convince me, "Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not lying" I lied, Ron then  gave up, if I actually told Ron I went over the walls I think he'd think I was crazy, he has only been out there once since it all happened, he has never been out there he wouldn't get it

"Okay, but do you forgive me?" Ron asked, I nodded slowly, His eyes flickered down to my lips and then back to my eyes, I looked to my right and saw Carl walking past with Judith, just as he was about to lean in I turned my head away from Ron so he wouldn't kiss me in front of Carl, Ron looked at me with a confused look until he saw Carl walking by, he sighed 

"I knew it" He mumbled under his breath, I panicked "Knew what?" I asked, "You and Carl, you've always had a thing for each other haven't you?" Ron remarked, just because I didn't want to kiss him in front of someone doesn't mean I like them! We haven't even told anyone about us yet, not even his mom


"I should've seen this one coming" Ron scoffed, "Last night you were at Carl's weren't you" 

"No, I wasn't!" I exclaimed, Ron looked at me and I felt like I had to tell him otherwise he would just think that I was over Carl's, "I went over the walls, not with Carl on my own" I confessed, "Why would you do that? It's dangerous out there!" He exclaimed, "Ron, you wouldn't get it really" I replied

"Why wouldn't I?"

"No, why would you? You haven't been out there you don't know what it's like outside the walls, You've never had to kill one of them, and you've never had to see your Mom get eaten alive, you have never-

"I fucking get it" Ron scoffed and then got up, He started to walk away "Ron where are you going?" I hollered, "Why do you care?" He exclaimed, I rolled my eyes in frustration and got up and walked away in the opposite direction of him


I had walked for a few minutes pissed off at Ron I was planning to leave Alexandria last night it felt better like I forgot the shell I was in at Alexandria, I didn't know if I actually had the guts to but now I know for sure that no matter what I leave behind like being safe, unlimited water, food, and the group I had to leave, I was gonna become weak if I didn't.

I hear screaming coming from afar I furrowed my eyebrows and stop walking for a second, I look into the distance and see a man with a machete stabbing a woman, my eyes widened, what was going on?!

I was near Rick and Carl's house so the only thing I think I can do is go in there plus I get to say goodbye to Carl before I go, I rushed over to there my eyes still fixated on the man, I saw how he was finished with her, He slashed her head and stopped that's when I knew she was dead and he was probably going to find someone else, and that person could've been me so I quickly unlocked the door with the extra set of keys and opened the door

I was met by Carl behind a gun, He lowered it as soon as he saw me and sighed in relief, "Hi?" I spoke, "Why didn't you just knock?" He asked whilst shutting the door, "I have these" I showed him my keys, "I came to say goodbye" I told him, "Okay, watch the back door and tell me if you see them coming" Carl instructed, "I'm not staying!" 

"You're not going anywhere I care about you and it's dangerous, so sit down you're helping me protect Judith, they're not getting inside this house" Carl sat down on the floor and I sat down in the opposite direction so we could both keep a look out on both sides, "We're not gonna let them, Did you see them?" He asked

"I saw one of them, You know this place is too big to protect, there are too many blind spots" I stated, "They got in the walls, but they're going to die, all of them, don't tell me goodbye"

That had almost convinced me, "Okay, I won't" I murmured with glossy eyes, I'm glad we weren't facing each other

We were both silent for a few moments, "What is actually going on with you and Ron?" Carl broke the silence, "Oh uhh" I considered not telling him, "I'm kind of mad at him" I avoided the question with something else so he will forget that he asked about mine and Ron's 'relationship'

"Why?" Carl asked, "He's so dramatic, he thinks everything wrong" I stated, "Like what?" He asked, I sighed "Doesn't matter" I said thinking back to the reason why we argued

"When do you think your dad and the others are gonna be back?" I asked him, "Maybe tomorrow? I don't know, I hope my dad you know deals with Mark, I seen how he acts like sometimes he's an asshole" Carl said, I agreed with him


AN: Sorry for the late chapter I've been busy recently and I had a concussion so I couldn't go on my computer until that wore off, make sure to vote! thanks for reading<3

i tried to edit the picture at the start to make it look like what nyla is wearing, but obviously it wouldn't be that dark of a black lol, hope you enjoyed

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