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Sasha walked back into the church after about ten minutes, She walked up to Gabriel "Stop

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Sasha walked back into the church after about ten minutes, She walked up to Gabriel "Stop. What are you doing?" She walked closer to him, "What are you doing? This is all connected, You show up we're being watched and now three of us are gone" Sasha told him, I watched as Gabriel stuttered "I...I don't- I don't have anything to do with this" Gabriel stammered, Sasha pulled out her knife from her holster, "Don't!" Rosita yelled at her, "Sasha put it away" Tyreese warned, "Who's out there?" Sasha questioned going closer to Gabriel, "I don't have anything to do with this" Gabriel repeated himself "Where are our people?"

"I don't have anything to--

"Where are our people!?" Sasha yelled, "Please I don't have anything to do with this." Gabriel repeated himself for the fourth time, "Why'd you bring us here?" Rick questions "You working with someone?" He adds, "I'm alone, I'm alone I've always been alone" Gabriel answered shakingly, "What about the woman in the food bank Gabriel, What did you do to her? 'You'll burn for this' That was for you why? What are you gonna burn for Gabriel?" Rick asked before grabbing his collar, My eyes widen at the scene, "What? What did you do? What did you do!" Rick yelled at Gabriel

"I lock the doors at night, I always lock the doors at night, I always lock the doors at night, I always" He stuttered, Gabriel whimpered "They started coming, my congregation, Atlanta was bombed the night before and they were scared, They were- they were looking for a safe place, a place where they felt safe and it was so early, so early and the doors were still locked, You see...it was my choice there were so many of them and they were trying to pry the shutters and banging on the sidings screaming at me and so the dead came for them, women, children, entire families calling my name as they were torn apart begging me for mercy, begging me for mercy, damning me to hell" He sobbed

I was shocked staring at Gabriel whilst he told us all, "I buried their bones, I buried it all, the lord sent you here to finally punish me" He sat down on the floor still crying "I'm damned, I was damned before, I always lock the doors! I always lock the doors" He sobbed and broke down in even more tears, I couldn't help feeling somewhat sorry for the man for how guilty he felt, "There's something- there's someone outside lying in the grass" Glenn told us as he looked out the window, Sasha instantly was heading out Rick tried to stop her but failed, everyone except me Carl, Max and Gabriel Eugene and Mark ran out behind her

I got up from the pews when I heard Bob's name, I went to the window to see the others fighting the walkers, Rick fires his gun a few times at the walkers, I shoot my head at the door where Tara and Sasha was bringing Bob in, his leg was chopped off and wrapped in a bandage, They place Bob down on the carpet, Rick walks in and shuts the door tightly, I quickly go back to the others "I was in the graveyard, somebody knocked me out, I woke up outside this place it looked like a school, It was that guy Gareth, and five others they were eating my leg right in front of me, Like it was nothing" Bob told us all, My stomach turned at the words

"All proud like they had it all figured out" Bob huffed "Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked him, "Gareth said they drove off" Bob answered Rick, Bob grunted in pain "He's in pain, Do we have anything?" Sasha asked Rosita, "I think there are pill packets in the first aid kit," Rosita said about to get up to go grab them "Save em" Bob moaned, "No," Sasha said, "Really!" Bob argued, before getting up slowly he put down his shirt a little at the front to reveal a bite mark on his shoulder, bits of flesh were sticking out of it my eyes fixated on the bite

"It happened at the food bank." Bob told Sasha, She faked a smile for him "It's okay" She told Bob before letting him lay down, "There's a sofa in my office, I know it's not much but..." Gabriel offered, "Thank you." Sasha said to Gabriel, "I got him" Tyreese said standing up to help Bob, Rick stood up to talk to Gabriel, I got up from the floor "Jim lasted almost two days before we left him" Glenn told Rick, "Time for a reality check, we all need to leave for DC right now." Abraham said I turn my head to him thinking of Daryl and Carol, "Daryl and Carol are gonna come back, We're not going anywhere without them." Rick argued

"I respect that but there's a clear threat here to Eugene I need to extract his ass before things get any uglier so if yall won't come, Good luck to you we'll go our separate ways" Abraham turned around to leave, "You leaving on foot?" Rick asked, Abraham turned around "We fixed that damn bus ourselves." Abraham stated, Rick walked towards Abraham "There are a lot more of us." Rick argued, "You want to keep it that way? You should come!" Abraham offered, "Carol saved your life, We saved your life." Rick snapped

"Well, I am trying to save yours, Save everyone's!" Abraham shouted, "We're not going anywhere without our people!" Rick argued, "Your people took off" Abraham scoffed "They're coming back" Rick hissed. "To what picked over bones?" Abraham shouted, Rick tried to push him but was quickly stopped, "Do not lay hands!" Abraham screamed, "Abraham!" Rosita huffed, Glenn broke them apart "Hey, hey, stop! Now!" He yelled, Glenn turned to Abraham "Do you really think you would be any safer leaving right now in the middle of the night?" Glenn questioned

"Yeah. Yeah" Abraham breathed, "What about tomorrow? We need each other for this, We need each other to get to DC! We can get through all of it together!" Glenn shrieked, "I have an idea, If you stay just one more day and help I'll go with you to DC no matter what. Okay?" Tara suggested, "Glenn Mark and Maggie too" Abraham told, "No, good luck then" Rick said "I'm not interested in breaking up what you have here, Rosita grab your gear." Abraham said


"Now, Eugene lets go, Eugene. Move it." Abraham hissed, It took a while for him to get up "I don't want to." Eugene argued, "Now." Abraham insisted, Eugene agreed and got up with hesitation, "You're not taking the bus" Rick told him, "Try to stop me" Abraham breathed, Rick walked up to Abraham before Glenn quickly broke them apart, Glenn turned to Abraham "You stay- You stay and help us and we will go with you" Glenn said, "No-

"It's not your call" Glenn told Rick, "You stay, help us" Glenn insisted, "Half a day, come high noon we're taillights I'm not waiting for the other damn shoe to drop" Abraham offered, "And we will leave with you." Maggie confirmed, "12 hours then we go" Abraham walked past Rick, I sigh, It took Abraham a lot of convincing to stay but Glenn and Rick finally did


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