Bye Bye Baby

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We walked into pyramid and Abby was nowhere to be seen. I looked at Mackenzie confused as we stand in our normal spots for pyramid. Everyone kept repeating the question, 'where's Abby?'

"Isn't there something that says, like, if a teacher doesn't come within so many minutes, you can leave?" Christi asked Holly, who snickered.

"Hey, girls. Okay, this is going to be a rough week for me. Broadway Baby passed away. She was lethargic, and I knew something was wrong, but I just thought that she had eaten something that didn't agree with her, and she was just kind of down and out, but, um, it ended up being kidney failure. I mean, I know she's sixteen, but... she's your kid; it's like your kid." Abby explained while being chocked up.

"That's hard. I mean, we... It's hard." Christi agreed.

"I'm here, we need to get ready. We are going to St. Louis to Dance Xpressions. It's a huge competition. On the bottom, we have Paige. Paige, the reason you're on the bottom is the duet. We need– all of us in this room– need to be confident in you, in your performance. Next on the pyramid... is Brooke. Brooke, for you to get in the top five was good. For you not to win was bad. And next... Mackenzie. I thought for you to be doing the same choreography as a fourteen year old was great. Moving up. Next on the pyramid... is Kendall. Kendall, I think you're good at evil. I thought you looked really good in the costume, and I thought you went out there and sold it. And next we have Nia. Nia, you're here because, again, your facial expressions– you told the story. Next on the pyramid... Maddie. You went out on that stage, you danced for your life, and you won. Now on the top of the pyramid, Melody. I thought your solo was wonderful, you placed first in your age division, which is great. Like Mackenzie, you handled the choreography for the group dance well, and that is why you are up here." Abby explained.


"I am very happy that I am at the top of the pyramid because that doesn't happen a lot where I'm off of the bottom... What it's the truth!" I say giggling.


Maddie Nia Kendall

Mackenzie Brooke Paige

"Chloe, just to make things perfectly clear– you are still on suspension. Understood? Moving on. The group routine– which Melody and Mackenzie are not in– is is called, 'My Dream Will Be Your Dream'. It has a ton of ballet technique in it. So, this story is going to be an epic love story. It's going to be beautiful, and it's going to be entertaining. Now, moms, I haven taken care of the costumes, the head pieces are being made. Everything is ready to go. Now, we have some solos. Nia, you're going to be doing a solo. The name of your music is, 'Breaking My Heart'. Maddie, you're also gonna have a solo. The name of your routine is, 'Showing You My Heart'. Just one more thing I want to remind you of: St. Louis is the home of Black Patsy. So, Maddie and Nia, you're going to be going up head-to-head with Nicaya. Moms, I am begging you– no chao. I have been through... the ringer and back with this whole dog situation. I want a simple, easy weekend. Okeydoke? All right. I'm going to dismiss you now. Girls, spread apart, and let's start our warm up, please?" Abby rambled.


Since I don't have a solo, duet, trio, group dance or anything, I just rehearsed my trio with Hannah and Olivia. I also watched the girls rehearse from Dance Jail. We only have one more week to prefect it.

"Hey, Melody!" Noah said taking off his tap shoes.

"Hey, Noah." I waved before sitting down next to the boy.

"I heard you got on the top of the pyramid, good job!" Noah congratulated.

"Thanks, Noah. I've been really busy with the show, school, and classes. You know how it is." I said.

Melody Ziegler ➼ Dance MomsWhere stories live. Discover now