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Before we started I'll tell you about Wither X Skelly in my AU.

Wither and Skelly are the cutest couple in my AU they never fight because they know each other for years since they first met when they're kids.

They both have different childhoods.

Wither has a good childhood but, his parents got killed by the Piglins and the Wither bosses so he ran into the Overworld to fine Skelly.

Skelly got abused by his parents because he is the hated child in the family so he ran away from home to fine Wither.

Fun Fact: Wither and Skelly met during Skelly's abuse and before Wither's parent's death.

This will have fluffy, spicy, and it will be very smutty please be so very careful.

You can request anything but, I'll tell you things about Wither and Skelly.

They never fight and they never will.

They really love each other.

Wither is very overprotective.

Skelly is weak and a little shy but, love Wither bring overprotective of him.

Skelly gets tease for being gay.

Wither won't let anything hurt Skelly.

Wither is the top.

Skelly is the bottom.

Wither will always make Skelly feel very good.

Wither's best friend is Enderman.

Skelly's best friend is Florence Kingsley.

Wither and Skelly live together.

Skelly hates thunderstorms.

Wither is very good at comforting Skelly.

Skelly loves Wither's warm body.

Skelly doesn't like being cold.

Wither and Skelly snuggle and cuddle each other everyday.

Wither and Skelly always kiss and kiss everyday they never stop. 

One thing I'm gonna say is some of the chapters Wither and Skelly both might have abusive parents just like in the fallen kings but a little different.  

Also, I'll be using some of the Minecraft Monster School channels to help me make ideas for the stories I'll be writing.

This is all I have about Wither and Skelly the story may start tomorrow if you have any request.

See you guys soon.🏳️‍🌈

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