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Y/n's View

Hailee hasn't said a word to me in 3 days. She took her ring off and it's just been sitting on the kitchen counter. We can't keep sleeping back to back.

"I'm sorry I lied." I say.

Hailee glances at me and looks back at her laptop.

"Max kept pushing me to drink with them." I say.

"Y/n, you're 26. You're old enough to know not to give into peer pressure. You did it because you wanted to." Hailee says.

That's a start, not a good one but a start.

"Why can't you just listen to me or try to? How do you expect us to have a successful marriage if you don't listen to me?" Hailee asks.

"I can't go cold turkey when it comes to alcohol. I've been drinking it for too long." I say.

"Well tell me that. It's all about communication." Hailee says.

"Okay." I say.

"You wanna tell me about that woman you kissed?" Hailee asks shutting her laptop.

"All I remember is that she offered to buy me a drink because it was my birthday. Then I woke up and Tony and Rouge were carrying me back to the hotel. I think her name was Skye." I say.

"So that's as the first time every meeting her?" She asks.

"The first and only time." I say.

"Y/n, it really hurt seeing those pictures." She says.

"I know. I'm sorry, it was a stupid mistake. It won't happen again." I say.

"Well, how about I supervise you whenever you drink?" She asks.

"Okay." I say laughing.

She smiles and hugs me.

"I love you." Hailee says.

"I love you too." I say.

She kisses me and I smile.

Time Skip

"Y/n, are you the one making these charges?" Hailee asks showing her laptop to me.

"20k, 50k, 125k." Hailee says pointing.

"Yeah." I say.

"What the hell are you buying?" Hailee asks.

"You can't do a tour without staff and venues and a team." I say.

"Tour? What are you talking about?" Hailee asks.

Shit, I forgot to tell her.

"I'm going on a world tour. I forgot to tell you." I say quickly.

"Y/n!" Hailee says.

"If you're mad about the money, it's fine. I have a lot left over." I say.

"You just told me to start planning a wedding and now you're going on a tour?" She asks.

"I'll only be gone for like 6 months." I say.

"Only?" She asks.

"Let me do this tour and when I come back, I will marry you the next day." I say.

"I'm already setting everything up. I've got dates in Canada, Mexico, UK, Finland - I can't let down the people." I say.

"You're obviously really excited and happy about this. I'd hate myself if I took that away from you." Hailee says.

I smile and hug her.

"What are your dates?" Hailee asks sitting beside me.

"July 1st to January 12th. Starting in New York." I say.

WITH YOU // Hailee Steinfeld ✓Where stories live. Discover now