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"i promise you this, i'll always look out for you"—SPARKS, coldplay

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"i promise you this, i'll always look out for you"
—SPARKS, coldplay

    AN UNWRITTEN RULE OF LIFE, IS THAT ONLY A PERSONS SIBLING, is allowed to inflict any physical or mental pain upon the person in question. and when complaining about your sibling to your friends, it's practically a law, that they must remain silent, and not agree to the persons dislike. st the end of the day, it's their friends sibling, not theirs.

    so when pedri gonzález listened as his own sister figure admitted that the tears she had cried on the previous night was entirely based upon his own best friend, he was nothing short of enraged.

    his bushy, yet precisely shaped eyebrows furrowed, adding to the blank stare upon his soon-to-be stern face.

     "what..?" he questioned, utterly confused by the blondes words. "what do you mean it was gavi?"

rosie's breathing rapidly increased, as if the words she just blurted out were a replica of playing extra time upon the pitch. she had only just started the explanation of what really happened that night on the balcony, and she was already beginning to realise how she wished she never said anything.

"on the balcony." she began, her hands clasped together, trapping the sweat of her palms. "he didn't just walk away after we argued a little bit."

    pedri and lucia looked at one another, puzzled expressions on their faces.

    "carry on." pedri spoke.

     "he just well, lost it i suppose." the blonde shrugged. "started saying how.." rosie began to lightly tap her foot against the floor. "i don't deserve to be in barcelona and how i don't deserve the admiration i revive."

the kitchen fell silent, just the heavy breaths from the trio could only be heard. but if expressions were to speak — pedri would be howling.

the once confused look was now entirely wiped off his face, he most definitely understood the words of his cousin. his jawline had sharpened in some way, his teeth pushing against one another as they gritted together.

     it was a well known trait of the gonzález brunette, that in no way, did he enjoy interfering with conflicts. and in this situation, he was well aware there was two very reasonable sides. but he half expected gavi to have some maturity and not insult a person like that. at the end of the day, family comes first.

𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒, pablo gavi Where stories live. Discover now