Chapter 14 - Melt My Heart

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"The next item on our list is a dinner cooked by the Sous Chef of the Michelin Star Restaurant, Amarantha."

The auctioneer's voice boomed across the tables as Nesta wound her way through the patrons and donors, swishing the silvery skirt around her slender calves as she walked. Her heels were strappy and metallic, glinting in the low light of the chandeliers, her steps quiet and graceful as she focused on the bar across the room.

Rhysand's fundraising team had somehow transformed the lobby of the Rainbow Performing Arts' Theatre into a spectacular ode to Solstice, fit for the high-rolling patrons biting into steak and cheesecake all around her.

The gala was arranged to fundraise for the Performing Arts in Velaris, but a portion of the proceeds were also going to needy children for Solstice gifts and art, music, and dance scholarships. Artists, musicians, and dancers all across the city had volunteered their services for the event, auctioning off dance classes, pottery, and signed instruments.

Nesta knew she was more of an ornament at such an event, her wallet not quite allowing her the capital to throw in a bid on silent auction items titled "Signed Violin from Itzhak Perlman."

She reached the bar, ordering a gin and tonic before flipping around, resting her hands at the small of her back, and gripping the edge of the bar as she scanned the crowds.

"Ravishing. As per usual."

Nesta startled slightly, turning to the side to realize Eris had appeared.

She felt a strange roil of irritation swell through her lungs as she offered him a half-smile.

She was more than used to being in his presence, due to the rigorous dance practice haunting her every waking moment, but ever since Morrigan had revealed more of their shared history... Nesta felt conflicted about the famous danseur.

"You too." She offered, hopefully drawing out some of the tension.

"Bidding on anything?" He queried, his eyes scanning the items still on stage, including two covered paintings, an enormous sculpture of Aphrodite, and a signed piano.

She scoffed. "As if I could afford it on the VBC paycheck."

Eris' smile flashed darker, his amber eyes glinting as he lowered his lids.

"My father tells me that he will have some interesting associates with him at our performance. Perhaps you won't have to live on that VBC paycheck forever." He purred the words, leaning closer as Nesta felt her skin prickle. "Maybe you'll be the proud owner of a signed violin next year."

She opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, the danseur disappeared, leaving only the uncomfortable words in his wake.

She had not forgotten the proposition.

Not for a second since Beron had brought it up.

The idea of gracing the stage in Abu Dhabi or Moscow had never been within her reach: not before the VBC... not before the pas-de-trois with Eris Vanserra.

And she had been thrilled. Delighted even! Until she had come back down to earth, looking up into those warm brown eyes, her heart suddenly flipped over in confused anxiety.

And it made no sense.

Because Nesta had never once let her personal life invade her career. Not when she found herself competing with Elain, and not even when the VBC offered her the opportunity. She could stomp her sister out in a competition and abandon her position in London for a principal spot in Velaris, all without blinking a robotic eye.

All of it was calculated, perfect, and designed to make her career one of legends.

And now she had the offer... potential interest from new ballet companies establishing themselves amongst the richest billionaires and tycoons of the world... Dubai... Singapore... she could be a household name AND have the financials to back it up.

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