Chapter 12 - A Prince of a Man

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Turning her head to see who was calling for her, Nesta removed one of her AirPods and cast a glance down the corridor.


The choreographer was calling her name from across the company lobby, motioning her to join him and a handsome companion. Offering the pair a nod, she headed toward them, her eyes scanning the gorgeous man standing beside Cassian as recognition flooded her senses.

"This is Varian Adriata." Cassian grinned as he formed the introduction, offering a jovial clap on Nesta's back as she came within distance. "He's a principal dancer for–"

"The American Ballet Theatre." Nesta finished Cassian's sentence, her eyes widening with surprise as an electric current of adrenaline spiked across her fingers. She held out her hand. "I'm very fond of your work."

Varian ducked his head toward her, taking her hand as he shook his head, a humble smile showcasing his perfect teeth as he grinned at Cassian.

"How do you–?" Nesta began, her eyes darting between the men, but Varian interrupted with a chuckle.

"Know this fool?" Punching Cassian gently on the shoulder, he tossed her a devilish grin. "We go waaaaay back. This guy used to dance circles around me when we were kids."

Nesta's eyes shifted between the pair again, her eyebrows raising against her will. "This guy? Are you sure you're talking about Cassian?"

"Circles." Varian wound his finger in a spiral as Cassian punched him back on the shoulder. "And ever since I moved to New York I've been begging him to come choreograph for us but he's too much of a damn free spirit."

"Maybe I just don't want to live in that hellhole." Cassian chuckled as Nesta dragged her eyes to his, a smirk breaking her lips against her will. "And besides. If you've got a thing against free spirits, Nesta's the one you want dancing with you."

It was Nesta's turn to feign offense as she scowled at Cassian, opening her mouth to offer a rebuttal, but the choreographer ignored her, raising his brows toward Varian as he continued his speech.

"Ms. Archeron is our star. Precision, professionalism, and pure talent." He was practically glowing as he angled jauntily toward Varian, tossing his enormous arm across Nesta's shoulders. "She's my white swan." He finished with glee, squeezing her on the shoulder and offering a lash-batting grin to Nesta.

"Ah." Varian appraised Nesta with a knowing smile. "Well if you're starring in a dance choreographed by Cassian, you must be made of iron. Maybe I will have to snatch you up for the ABC after all."

He wiggled his brows playfully as Nesta blinked, swallowing an embarrassed chuckle as she tried to ignore Cassian's warm arm on her shoulders. "He's just being nice."

"Cassian being nice? Out of character!" Varian laughed at his own joke before his eyes flashed over Nesta's shoulder, his tone changing to one of acute urgency. "Oh, I think I just saw Amren."

Mumbling a quick farewell, the handsome danseur exited the conversation, practically skipping down the hallway after the petite retreating figure of Amren.


"So..." Nesta began, shrugging off Cassian's arm and looking up into his warm brown eyes. "Trying to pawn me off to the American Ballet Company huh?"

"Is everything I do for you interpreted as sinister?" Cassian narrowed his lashes and appraised her, sending a ripple of tension across her skin.

She mirrored his expression, narrowing her gaze for a moment before she felt a wave of spontaneity power through her.

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