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Lemme get ready first

Hurry tho

No I'll take my time





Don't karl me

I'll karl u as much as I want

Ur the worst

Thank u



I hate u

I hate u more

I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep



I laugh at karl and i's stupid texts
Obviously we don't mean them its just how we speak

I go upstairs to my room and take some comfy clothes from my closet and I go take a shower

I take a quick shower so karl doesnt have to have to long

I go to my mirror and make sure I look at least half decent
Considering the fact I'll most likely meet karls parents and siblings I need to look some what good

I do light make up and i brush my hair

Time skip

I knock on karls door, not knowing if I can just come in or not

"You can just come in you know" karl says opening the door and letting me in

"Yeah well I didn't know that"

I appreciate the fact it's not awkward or anything between karl and I, we literally maked out last night.
Are we going to talk about it or just ignore it? God knows

I see karls mom.. mum? Mother? Whatever I see karls mother in the kitchen cleaning the counters

She looks up at me and smiles
"Aww Karl she looks even prettier in person!" She says sweetly

What the hell does that mean? In person? Has she seen me before?

I smile at her and she walks up to karl and I

"Y/n.. right?" She says again

"Mhmm" I nod my head up and down lightly

How does she know that?

"Would you like some water?" She asks

"No no it's okay" I say

"Are you sure? We have other options aswell"
She responds and walks to the fridge opening it

"You like orange juice?" She asks

"Yeah I guess" I act kind, i make sure what ever I say doesn't sound rude or mean, I don't want karls mother thinking I'm a 'bad' person or a bad influence

"Perfect!" She pulls of the orange juice cartan and pours it into a glass cup
I walk up closer to her as she hands me the glass
"Thank you" I say before taking a sip

Karls mother asks a few simple questions about myself, starting a small conversation

I won't lie she's very kind and thoughtful

"Okay mommm leave the girl alone" karls says, he wraps his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder

I felt my cheeks burning

I giggle a little as he's brings me to his room, it's weird how I've known karl for awhile now but never been to his house

He shows me his room and surprisingly it's clean and neat no offense

Karls sister walks past karl room but stops walking, stands there for a second and walks back wards to look into his room looking at karl and I

"Your y/n correct?" She asks me
Her soft voice is relaxing and soft, not in a weird creepy way

Karls sister is very pretty, karl and her look very alike well no shit they're siblings, she has brown long wavy hair, similar eye colour as karls and around the same height as me

"Karl never stops talking you" she says, she smirks and leans against the door frame

"Oh-" is all I could reply with

She giggles and says "I'm Corry, karls sister by the way"

She smiles and leaves karls room

I look at karl in confusion "so you talk about me huh?" I tease him

"Yeah all the time" he says and smiles, sitting on his bed, his back leaned against the wall

I sit down next to him and giggle a little, I stare up at his ceiling (a/n god I hate the word 'giggle' sm omfg)



"Remember what happened last night" he replies

"What part of last night?"

"The part when we were in minx's bathroom"

"Yeah I remember" I respond, not taking my eyes off the ceiling

"Did that mean anything to you?" He asks me

I look at him
"Why are you asking me this?" I ask back, a little grin forms onto my face

He looks back at me
It looks like he's thinking before speaking

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα