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I get ready for school, I lock the door and leave
Like always I meet Niki and minx along the way but Niki was still sick so it's still only minx and I

While minx and I are walking to school she won't stop talking about me and karl, you know the fact I ditched school with him just so we can hang out

"Y/n and karl. Sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G-"

"Minx if you don't shut the hell up I swear to god I'll slit your fucking throat in half"


She looks at me as if I was crazy but to her it's normal when I say those type of things but yet she's still surprised

"Oh my god- I'm sorry" I say before I burst out laughing

"Girl you okay? Do you need a therapist?" She says

"Uh probably but no, I don't want one"

She laughs a little with me and we arrive at school

We go to our classes and do work blah blah blah

The last thing we have is PE
I don't hate it but sometimes it's boring

Even though we don't have uniform in this school we have uniform for PE

Minx and I go to the girls locker room and change to our PE gear

We put our other clothes in the lockers and go outside where were supposed to be


"Ugh" I groan

"What do you mean 'ugh' your good at football?!" Minx says to me while the coach is putting people on 2 teams

"Not really" I reply

"Well compared to me you are?!" She says back

I just shrug and get put on team 2 from the coach and so does minx

"Ehh our teams okay I guess" I say looking at everyone

"We have dream, george and punz, they're pretty good aren't they?"

"Yeah think so"

There's 2 teams obviously
10 people on each team

After about 10 minutes of playing our team is winning by 2 points

3-5 to team 2

And I've scored once
Proud of myself heh

I run for the ball and kick it, the next thing I know I'm on the ground and so is David

David is just a random guy, talked to him like twice

"Shit I'm sorry you okay?" He says standing up rubbing the dirt off him

"Yeah I'm good don't worry about"

He runs off trying to get the ball again

Minx runs up to me and asks if I'm okay
"Jeez y/n you good?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I say standing up

I didnt realize the pain in my wrist

When David ran into me I landed on my wrist, putting all the pressure on it trying to catch myself, I haven't realized I twisted it a bit and then landing on it

I didn't really think much off it

We countined playing football for another 10 minutes and my wrist has been killing me

When I try move it, it hurts like hell

PE was over so minx and I walked back inside the school and made our way back to the girls locker room

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now