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We arrive at a cute little restaurant, it had fairy lights outside of it and vines plus fairy lights inside

It wasn't massive but it wasn't tiny, it was a bit dark but not much

We head inside.
Karls talking to the uhh what are they called like the front desk people I don't know, the people you talk to when you have a reservation
I just look around while standing behind

We're only 15, is this much for a date? Well I mean what else could you for a date at 15 years old... Get McDonald's and milkshakes I guess? that actually sounds fun not gonna lie

Karl grabs my hand and brings me over to the table
It's near a big window with a nice view, the sun was setting so it was pretty

We sit down, me on 1 side of the table and him on the other
The waitress gives us menus and we look at them
They also gave us water

"Well what are you going to get?" I ask him, having no idea what I'll get for myself

"Uhhh I might get the pizza"


He chuckles at my response and countines looking at the menu

Hmm should I get the pasta or burger
I think

"Should I get the pasta or burger?" I ask karl again

"Get what you want"

"Thanks that helps alot with my decision" I reply sarcasticly

"Oh heh.. if I were youuu... I would probably get the burger"

"Alright burger it is"

"Are you guys ready to order?" The kind waitress asks us

I look at karl signaling for him to go first

"Yeah I'll get the pizza please" he says

The waitress nods and looks at me

"I'll get the burger thanks"

"No promblem" she walks away

"Soo how often does Niki and minx barg into your house?" Karl says to me, trying to start a conversation

I giggle a little before answering "well umm I guess very often, it's either that they're bored or they need help"

"How long have you guys knew each other?"

"Oh ages literally years, I trust them with my life"

"That's nice" he replies

"Yeah.. I guess it is" I say nodding my heading
Almost every trio doesnt work but us? We never leave eachother out, we always include eachother no matter what, there's no way I'd be able to pick between Niki or minx
Its nice being able to trust some people with your life, trusting people is hard and having atleast 1 person is awesome, you always have someone to talk to when your not okay, we help eachother with everything

"How long have you been playing football for?" I ask him

"Uhh a few good years, I've played since I was a kid, I also like basketball alot" (idk if he played basketball as a kid I just made that up for the story)

We kept talking and I finally get to admire I mean look at his facial features, his nose probably being the most perfect nose I've ever seen, his pink lips and his freckles, his grey eyes are beautifulll and his brown fluffy hair, the way it just i dont know like rests on his forehead is adorable

Our food arrives and we start eating

It takes us awhile to eat besides we kept laughing and then choking from laughing which made it even funnier
We did get some dirty looks but who gives a fuck
I'm having fun and I'm with Karl that's all I really care about right now

We finally ate our food and stayed at the restaurant for a little while

Karl goes in his phone to check the time for a second and I notice his rings, I've noticed them many times but I never got a proper look

"Can I see your rings?" I ask him

"Yeah su-.. re" before he finished talking I was already holding his hand looking at them, I was very focused on them for some reason, I don't know they just look cool

"I like them" I say letting go of his hand
"Thanks you want one?"He puts his hand back to his side taking 1 of his rings off

I fake gasp "are you asking me to marry you?" I ask dramatically


"I'm messing don't worry"

"Well jokester, do you still want it?" He says

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've got loads"

"Thank you" I reply as he gives me the ring he took off

I put it on and it was only a tiny tiny bit big, it wouldn't fall off though so that's good

We decided to leave after a little while of chatting

He basically demands me to not pay for my own food

"You gotta stop paying for me karl"

"I wouldn't be a good date then would I?" He replies and smirks, putting his wallet back in his pocket

We leave the restaurant and the sky was almost about to be dark, like another hour or so then it would be dark

I notice there's a few stalls selling stuff on the street, but 1 stall caught me eye, they were selling bracelets in all different designs

I grab karls hand and drag him to the stall

I love bracelets for some reason, especially the (y/f/c) ones

I bend down a little looking at all the bracelets

It was only a 1 dollar for 1 bracelet which I think is a good deal

I was still holding karls hand I didn't even notice karl interwinding our fingers (interwind? Is that the word for it, I genuinely don't know, if I'm wrong pls tell me)

I look at him and hes smiling brightly already looking at me

"Which one should I get" I ask him, smiling back at him, I probably turned red, his smile always makes me blush

He steps closer to me glancing at the bracelets, "what's your favorite color" he asks


"Ehh.. this one" he replies pointing at one

"Okay" I grab it and pay for it

Karl grabs the same design but in a different colour and buys it aswell

"Were matching now" he says smiling proudly

I smile back at him and we put our bracelets on

It was almost 9pm and the date had to come to an end

We interwind our hands/fingers again and he walks me home

Time skip
At y/ns front door

"Thanks again karl, I had fun" I smile brightly at him and give him a little peck on the cheek, staring into his grey eyes still smiling

I could tell he started blushing
"Of course, gald you enjoyed it" he hugs me and we say our goodbyes

I felt myself blushing again as I walk into my house

To my fucking suprise Niki and minx were sitting on my couch waiting for me to tell them what happened

"Well well well look who's home" minx says sarcasticly

I take off my shoes and sit down near them

"Sooo what happened?!" Niki asks so curiously


I told them what happened or else they would keep asking me

I was exhausted so I told them they can stay or leave but I'm going to bed

I take a shower and change into comfortable clothes

I lay down on my bed and I scroll on my phone for a few hours, I'd didnt mean to stay up but I got distracted after texting karl, I soon after drifted off to sleep

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now