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Time skip

Niki was feeling better now so she's able to come to dreams party

The 3 of us head to school and do our work and all that boring stuff

Finally school was over, I go home and pack, minx, Niki and I decided we would stay the night cause why not, it sounds fun and I have nothing planned for Sunday

I could just tell tonight is going to be long

I shower and put my bathing suit on, I grab a pear of jean shorts and a tank top and put it on myself

I dry my hair and brush it out

Then I grab a small bag and put some comfortable clothes in aswell as some other stuff

When I was finished packing and done getting ready it was time to leave well not really there's still 2 hours until it's starts, it was 5:14pm and the party starts at 7 but it was time to leave to go to minx's house
I also have to be careful because of my wrist
But it's not as bad as it was at the start when I first sprained it, soon enough I'll be able to take the cast off

I double check if I have everything I need, I put my shoes on, I grab my bag and phone and leave the house maing sure to lock it behind me

I arrive at minx's house and Niki wasn't there yet

Time skip
They are 5 minutes away

We are about 5 minutes away from dreams house, minx mother offered if she can drive us to dreams house, we said yes

Eventually we arrive and we can already hear the music, it gonna be a long night for sure

We get out the car and thanked minx's mother, she drove off and we went instead

There's already people everywhere

It's 6:09 and people are already dancing, singing, some are drinking, playing games and just talking to each other

The 3 of us go outside to the backyard where I think dream is

His house is massive you could literally get lost in here

It was dreams sweet 16th birthday

I give him his birthday card that has money in it and so did Niki and minx, he thanks us and talks to other people who are also still arriving

Around 15 people are swimming in his giant ass pool

Niki went to the bathroom and minx went... Uh minx went god knows where
Probably flirting with some guy

Now I'm alone

I look around and see there's snacks everywhere, led lights everywhere aswell flashing all different types of colours, people jumping in the pool and there's very loud music
Its gonna be some mess to clean up

"Hey y/n!" I hear someone shout but not that loud

I get confused for a second until I realize it was karl, I only realized because he was walking up to me

"Oh hi"

"Enjoying the party so far?" He asks

"Uh yeah"

I notice Niki is talking with a few people

Karl and I find a place to sit and we coutine talking for awhile

"Hey y/n, karl! Come where going swimming!!" Minx shouts walking outside

We follow her and see a good few people in there swims suits/bathing suits

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now