Escaped the classroom Part 5

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Same POV:

It was now lunch break. I heard the lights turn on in the other room, I entered. There were three basketballs with sunglasses on and they said,"We're the cool kids and we chew gum. Get us gum for money." And so I did, the first piece was on the wall. I collected the rest of the pieces. I gave the gum to the cool kids and grabbed the money. "You want to save this twerp? Give us your lunch money!" Yet again it said on the wall. I them the money and saved the kid(definitely not just an object).

I gave the kid back to the unpopular children. By doing all that it unlocked a door. I picked up the sunglasses that was inside and put them on. ~dingdong~
"Oh no.." I said under my breath."Attention everyone! This announcement concludes your lunch break. Please return to your classes."

'Of course its him, BanBan, the one who f*cking hit me behind my head!' I yell in my head."Also, teachers please keep in mind that we're on a lookout for very very naughty student~," I blush a dark shade of red, he continued to talk."believe to be accompanied by a drone." I was still blushing,'W-Why did you say like that?! Also I'm not student I'm a full grown adult.' He spoke again."if you catch him, call Principal Banban's office immediately." "So he's the principal huh?" I said."Hey, you didn't see that person they're talking about did you?" Banbanleena said.

"Oh, what am I saying, you're one of the cool kids, of course you don't talk to ugly unpopular kids like them," I'm nodded uncontrollably."Take a seat with the cool kids where you belong," I sat down at the cool kids table, I will labeled as "Sealife Lover." "Okay kids the next lesson is Science. Like we did for math and since this is the first signs lesson of the semester, it will only be a review lesson." That's good,"But first let me introduce you to our classroom rules." She went over the rules, at first they were normal, then they got a bit weird, and they got normal again."Remember, I will have to punish you very very harshly if you break any of those rules." Afraid of what she meant by punishing me very very harshly, I wonder what she would do."Back to the review let's start with something easy. How hot is the Sun?"

I looked at the recording devices and labels that were on the table. I went for the "Popular kid." "Nothing's as hot as me!" Welp I'm dead. But apparently Banbanleena laughed?! "I'll allow it, but the only because it made me laugh AND because you are a cool kid. I can tell by your very cool glasses."

Of course cool kids get away with everything."Next question: How many hearts does an octopus have?" I went for my recording device and got it correct some how.."Next question was simple, I press the recording device that said loud kid. It just screamed at the teacher. Again I got correct.

"Unfortunately does all the time we have for science for the day," Banbanleena said. I was relieved for the second break. I got up and went back to the other room,"You want to join us, punk? Give me some lunch money!" It says on the wall near the bowling pin. Their was money everywhere. I collected the money. I gave all the money to the kid. It unlocked the other door and it has a bowling pin inside.

I grabbed it and went back to the classroom."oh wow, three new kids in one day!" Said the teacher. I sat down at the mean kids table,"Okay kids the next lesson is health and kindness. It will only be a review lesson. Can anyone here give me an example of an unkind person?" I pressed the unkind money taker. And I got it correct. The other question I got right."wait, what was that?" She questioned,"I wonder if it's a new student nobody move while I check out." This is my chance to escape. I waited for her to leave the classroom, when she did I got up and teleport my drone here too open a door. I activate the sensor pad of my drone and it opened the door.

I entered. Right as I was going to go up some stairs,"NO! Not again! I actually tried to be a good teacher this time!"

I started to run...

Banban x ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon