Banbanleena Part 4

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Cameron's POV still:

I entered the testing sector. In the middle of the room there was some reception table, it had a keycard scanner, it was deactivated. And I saw more sensor pads, but they weren't red except for one. I activated it with my drone and did the same to the other one that was on the wall. I did the same to the other two on the other side of the room.

And by doing that it activated the keycard scanner that was on the table. I went upstairs to where the door opened. On the way up I saw some giant container of the same liquid we saw earlier. It said 'GV'. I entered the room it was a long hallway very colorful and a bunch of doors on each side. I cannot enter the doors.

I kept walking down the long hallway, I had to stop and see some sign that said "how to survive a giant snail attack" and showed want to stop and want to go.'so it's basically a game of red light green light.' I thought. I continue walking I saw a door at the end of the hallway and three sensor pads. I activated them, answer the door and saw pink glowing eyes. Then I saw it..... The bird from the beginning pretty sure her name is Oplia bird. She ran at me,"Quick! In here," a lady said behind me. I ran towards the room she entered. I used the keycard to close the door. It was pitch black in the room and then the lights turned on. It looked like a classroom, there were three sets of tables and chairs a whiteboard where a tall woman was standing next to. She had white hair with a pink bow, a set of white horns, a white suit jacket with a black button down shirt with a pink tie, beige leggings, and black Mary Janes.

'She looks like BanBan...' I thought in my mind."Everyone, I want you all to welcome our newest student!" She said. I'm not a student."You're late to class. I'll let it slide this time since it's your first day, but be late again and I'll rip you to pieces." That's not creepy at all. She continued to talk,"you're a new and unpopular student so you will have to sit with the unpopular table in the middle," she said.

Sit down at unpopular table. The seat with labeled as "weird kid" and saw the rest of the seats also labeled."Okay class so the first lesson of the day is math." She said." Over the course of the semester, you will learn how to annihilate others, how to safely extract a human brain for eating and..." She paused,"Oh wait, I made a mistake, I think that's lesson four of the day. For math, over the semester you learn to add, subtract, divide, multiply, and so much more!" "I feel like I'm back in school again" I whispered to myself."I'm so excited!" 'I'm not I just want to look for my daughter...' She asked the 'class'."What is 6874123612 + 981939912?" Is she crazy!?!?!

I just realized the recording devices on every seat. There was this one labeled "REALLY smart kid" I pressed the red button and the recording replied back," 7856063524," "Correct!" I was relieved. She asked another question this time very simple. I went for the "smart kid." And got the answer correct. And I got the last question right as well.

Now it was lunch break.....

595 words

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